Beachbody Performance Make Me an Ironman Fitness Challenge


Ironman is a series of long distance triathlon races held around the world. Beachbody recently partnered with Ironman as the official supplement provider.

The partnership was announced this past month. Beachbody’s supplement lineup, called Beachbody Performance, is now the official sports nutritional supplement of the Ironman North American series.

In 2016, Ironman held 13 races in the United States, 2 in Canada, and several more around the world. As part of the partnership, Beachbody distributors – called Coaches – will be allowed to make certain references to Ironman while promoting the products.

An Ironman triathlon, by the way, involves a 2.4 mile swim followed by a 112 mile bike ride. After doing all of that, you still need to run a 26.2 mile marathon. Typically, it takes elite triathletes 12 to 17 hours to complete the triathlon. Beachbody decided the spirit of endurance aligned with their corporate philosophy of pushing people to be their very best.

As part of the sponsorship, Beachbody also announced its “Make Me An Ironman” participants, which includes average people who wish to undergo training to complete an Ironman triathlon. 6 people were chosen as part of the contest.

What Does Beachbody Get From This Sponsorship?

Beachbody will receive certain bonuses as part of its partnership with Ironman. As the official sports nutritional supplement of the Ironman North America series, Beachbody Performance will have a presence at most Ironman events. You’ll see a branded Beachbody Performance booth at these events.

Before an Ironman triathlon, there’s an Expo that takes 2 to 3 days before the actual race. You’ll see a Beachbody Performance booth at these Expos. Then, on race day, Beachbody Performance will stage a branded “Recover Zone” where triathletes can hang out after the race, and where they can access Beachbody Performance supplements to recharge and recover.

What Does this Mean for Coaches?

Beachbody posted a new page on their website addressing the partnership, and featured a specific section for Coaches. Some of the most important thing Coaches need to know about the partnership include:

Beachbody will release new advertising and promotional materials through their Coach Online Office and social media pages. All of these materials have been approved by Beachbody and Ironman, and you’re encouraged to use them in your marketing campaigns on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest accounts as well as your official Team Beachbody Coach website.

There are strict rules about how you refer to the partnership. You can only refer to the partnership by saying that “Beachbody Performance is the Official Sports Nutritional Supplement of the IRONMAN® North America Series”. You can also replace North America Series with “Canada Series” or “U.S. Series”.

You cannot make claims about Beachbody offering the “official sports drink” or “official energy drink” of Ironman. You also cannot call Beachbody the “official sports nutrition sponsor”.

Overall, Beachbody is happy with the partnership because “Coaches can have the confidence that Beachbody Performance is the best sports nutrition supplement out there”. If you stay within the rules listed, you can use the Ironman partnership to expand your Beachbody business.

Beachbody Performance Make Me an Ironman Fitness Challenge Contestants Announced

In February 2017, Beachbody announced the results of a contest called Make Me An Ironman. That contest drew 2,000 entries. Beachbody Performance eventually selected 6 participants who will begin their journey towards becoming an Ironman.

The contest involves personalized coaching through an Ironman U Certified Coach. Participants will also take Beachbody Performance supplements.

The six lucky contestants are all set on transforming their lives: there’s a man who once weighed 330 pounds before watching his first Ironman triathlon and deciding to lose 130 pounds, for example. And, there’s a 63 year old woman who wishes to complete her first Ironman race.

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