The Autoimmune Revolution is a package of downloadable materials that promise to help you break the cycle of autoimmune pain. Here’s our review of The Autoimmune Revolution.
What is The Autoimmune Revolution?
The average lifespan of someone with an autoimmune disease is 10 years shorter than a healthy person. The Autoimmune Revolution is a series of downloadable products that wants to change that stat.
The Autoimmune Revolution was created by Dr. Peter Osborn. Today, you can purchase a number of different packages online – including online or USB drive packages – containing downloadable materials. Those downloadable materials include audio files, video slideshow presentations, and interview transcripts from autoimmune disorder experts.
If you have an autoimmune disorder, then you can use these downloadable materials to become more educated about your disease. There are dozens of experts in total, ranging from Ayurvedic experts to meditation specialists and doctors. After paying the $100 to $150 fee, you have free access to all of these materials.
What Will You Learn in The Autoimmune Revolution?
Overall, The Autoimmune Revolution promises to give you greater insight into your disease, how to manage it, and how to control your symptoms. Some of the key goals of the presentations include teaching you about:
- Conquering chronic pain and autoimmune conditions
- The connection between autoimmune diseases, diet, and lifestyle choices
- 6 diet and behavior changes you need to make to radically improve health
- Breaking the cycle of medications and dependency on allopathic treatments
You’ll learn about these topics from multiple angles. The presentations are performed by dozens of experts across the medical field, so you get to learn about different opinions and strategies for dealing with autoimmune disorders.
Some of the expert speakers from the program include:
- John Immel: A specialist in Ayurvedic medicine who explains how you can use Ayurvedic medicine to treat autoimmune disorders.
- Michael Holick, PhD, MD: Explains the link between vitamin D deficiency and autoimmunity.
- Jill Carnahan, MD: Explains how mold toxicity affects your hormones and autoimmunity.
- Jonathan Landsman: Cheap ways to reduce autoimmune pain and inflammation.
- Peter Osborne, DC, DACBN, PScD: How to recover from autoimmune disorders in a step by step way.
- Pedram Shojai, OMD: How to obtain inner peace and tame your autoimmunity.
The Autoimmune Revolution website does a good job of explaining each speaker’s contribution upfront, including the specific lessons covered in each speech. The website goes into greater detail than what we listed above, including what each speaker can tell you about autoimmune disorders and their treatment.
What’s Included With the Autoimmune Revolution?
The Autoimmune Revolution includes all of the following downloadable materials:
- 35 video slideshow presentations in .mp4 format
- 35 audio discussions in .mp3 format
- 34 full interview transcripts in PDF format
- 34 slide presentation files in PDF format
There are a number of packages available, including an online access package that comes with some bonus features. You also get 10 bonus eBooks with every purchase (you can view those specific bonuses below).
Autoimmune Revolution Pricing
Here’s how pricing breaks down:
- Online Access Only: $99 USD
- Online Access + Flash Drive: $139
- Flash Drive Only: $139
If you purchase the flash drive packages, then an 8GB flash drive will be shipped to your address containing all of the materials listed above. And no, I can’t tell you why the flash drive only package is priced at the same rate as the second package.
Bonuses with Autoimmune Revolution
All purchases come with 10 “free” gifts, all of which are delivered in digital format with the other The Autoimmune Revolution materials. The bonuses include all of the following:
- Leaky Gut Solutions Guide by Dr. Peter Osborne
- The King’s Medicine Cabinet eBook by Dr. Josh Axe
- The Gluten Truth Discover Pack by Dr. Tom O’Bryan
- Membership to Dr. Z’s Essential Oils Club by Dr. Eric Zielinski
- Books from Dr. Jay Davidson (audio format)
- The Wisdom of Food eCourse by Sayer Ji
- 67 Recipes from The Adrenal Reset Diet eCookbook by Dr. Alan Christianson
- Vibrant Thyroid, Vibrant Health eBook by Dr. Raphael Kellman
- The Myers Way Guide to Candide eBook by Amy Myers, MD
- The Big Book of Exercise Movements by Dr. Dan Ritchie
Most of these bonuses are from speakers who took part in The Autoimmune Revolution. They expand on the speeches of these speakers and explain their thoughts on autoimmune disorders or human health in general.
Who is Dr. Peter Osborne?
The Autoimmune Revolution is hosted by Dr. Peter Osborne. Dr. Osborne is the clinical director of Origins Health Care in Sugar Land, Texas. He is a doctor of pastoral science and a board-certified member of the American Clinical Board of Nutrition.
The official Autoimmune Revolution website describes Dr. Osborne as “The Gluten Free Warrior” and claims he is “one of the most sought after functional medicine doctors in the world”.
Today, Dr. Osborne’s practice treats people with chronic degrative and autoimmune diseases. In the past, he has been featured on Fox News,, CBS, The Gluten Summit, and The People’s Pharmacy Radio. PBS stations across America also recently featured Dr. Osborne as part of the 90 minute special No Grain, No Pain.
Dr. Osborne created The Autoimmune Revolution in partnership with Health Talks Online. You can contact the creators of the program using the online contact form here. Or, email [email protected] to get in touch with the St. Augustine, Florida-based publisher.
Should You Buy Autoimmune Revolution?
The Autoimmune Revolution is a series of downloadable speeches, presentations, PDFs, and audio files that promise to teach you everything you need to know about treating your autoimmune disorder. The collection of downloadable materials features dozens of experts in various areas of the health world – including everyone from Ayurvedic specialists to naturopathic doctors or meditation specialists.
If you have an autoimmune disorder, then you may be frustrated by conventional medicine’s approach to the condition. The Autoimmune Revolution is being marketed as an investment in your health you can use to learn how to manage your condition from all different angles.
Priced at $99 to $150, The Autoimmune Revolution seems expensive for a collection of purely digital materials. However, all purchases come with a 30 day return policy – so you can download the materials, then request a refund within 30 days if you don’t feel The Autoimmune Revolution was worth the high price.