AMPitropin – Lecheek Nutrition’s Safe Nootropic Mood Enhancer?


AMPitropin is a supplement made by LeCheek Nutrition, which is supposed to work as a cognitive enhancer for those looking for a brain boost. To learn more about this supplement read the review below.

What is AMPitropin?

This supplement is a nootropic stack that is designed with the purposes of effecting the consumers cognition.

It uses a combination of ingredients in order to produce this effect rather than a singular substance.

Importantly, the Food and Drug Administration in the United States has banned access to the main ingredient in this supplement, as it is closely related to amphetamine, which is illegal in the United States.

How Does AMPitropin Work?

The product works primarily through a compound known as AMP Citrate. The product works as a stimulant, while using a GABA based drug to remove some of the perceived negative effects.

What are the Ingredients in AMPitropin?

AMP Citrate, otherwise known as DMBA, is a stimulant, which is chemically similar to another chemical banned by the FDA known as DMAA.

As there is little to no research on this substance it is hard to know its exact mode of action within the brain.

DMAA worked as a sympathomimetic drug, which means that it mimics the effects of a neurotransmitter in the brain such as adrenaline, or dopamine, to name a few.

The dosage for this compound seems to be around 200-400mg, although the product sold here falls squarely in the middle at 300mg.

It is important to note that there is little to no existing research on this substance in human clinical trials. Those interested in purchasing should be highly cautious with their doses.

The second ingredient Pikatropin is again best found under the name picamilon. This ingredient is made by combining GABA with Niacin (Vitamin B3), and seems to work as a prodrug for both.

A prodrug is a substance that when consumed breaks down into another drug. In this case Pikatropin is thought to turn back into GABA and possibly niacin.

GABA is the substance affected by various drugs like benzodiazepines, GHB, and alcohol. This supplement may activate these receptors for the purposes of counteracting some of the negative effects of the stimulants included in this product.

The combining of stimulants with a depressant can lead to negative health effects, and therefore a doctor should be consulted before this product is used. This substance has also been banned by the Food and Drug Administration.

The final ingredient caffeine is dosed at 150 milligrams, and is the only ingredient found in this substance to create the effects desired.

Caffeine is known to help with focus, and also keep an individual alert by blocking adenosine neurotransmitters, which are responsible for sleep.

A cup of coffee, however, is approximately 100 milligrams of caffeine. Those who already drink coffee should note that this will increase the amount of caffeine they use, which may only increase the negative effects of caffeine.

AMPitropin Pricing

As this product has been taken off the market in the United States information about its pricing is limited.

The price seems to be around $50, although seeing a two of the three substances found in it are no longer approved for consumption, it will most likely be difficult to access.

AMPitropin Review Summary

It is hard to gauge the efficacy and safety of this product, and for those reasons it would be hard to recommend Ampitropin to anyone.

This supplement seems to have very little information about its use available, and while some have tried it and have been fine, whether it works as intended is difficult to gauge.

There are several big health concerns that seem to come with this product that could be dangerous to those looking to purchase it.

The Food and Drug Administration has been attempting to limit access to as many compounds that are similar to AMP Citrate as possible. Therefore any use should be done cautiously.

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