AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake – EAS Nutrition Shake Ingredients?


Looking for ways to get lean? Tired of meal supplements that contain unnecessary components? This is something experienced by many consumers looking to attain toned muscles. In order to achieve such weight management goals, consumers not only need to exercise, but they also need to avoid pointless calories consumption. This is where the AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake may help guide consumers towards their goal.

Every AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake may help consumers attain lean body mass, better control over hunger, a boost in metabolism and a convenient way to fuel the body of nutrients. The following review will analyze the Carb Control Shake with respect to its purpose, its nutritional values, the flavors offered, its uses and its affordability.

What Is The AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake?

The AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake, as the name implies is a low carb drink that has been created with the purpose of supporting lean and toned muscle goals. Each shake contains various types of antioxidants including vitamins C and E, which may maximize immune health, as well as eight types B vitamins that may promote protein and carbs metabolism for increased energy. Let’s take a closer look at its nutritional value.

What is its nutritional value?

Each shake contains 17 grams of protein, which comes from soy protein isolate and pea protein concentrate, less than 1.5 grams net of carbohydrates (total carbs minus dietary fiber) and no traces of sugar. Altogether, it contains 23 essential vitamins and minerals that make up the required daily intake as well, which is all comprised within a 330 ml drink of 100 calories.

What flavors can consumers choose from?

The AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake comes in four popular and enjoyable flavors and they are as follows: Strawberry Cream, Rich Dark Chocolate, French Vanilla and Chocolate Fudge.

How should consumers make use of the AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shakes?

To fully reap its benefits, the AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake can be enjoyed as a post-workout, or as a snack in between meals. It may also be beneficial as a pre-workout because it claims to convert protein, carbohydrates, and fat into energy needed to enhance athletic performance.

How much is its suggested price?

Prices may vary based on what the providers are offering, however the average suggested price for 12 counts and 24 counts may be $14.97 and $29.94 respectively. Both the French Vanilla and Chocolate Fudge flavors may be slightly more expensive, whereas the Strawberry Cream may be the least expensive out of them all.

The AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake Review Summary

Overall, the AdvantEDGE Carb Control Shake is a sugar-free and low carb alternative to protein shakes. What differentiates this shake from others is its ability to fuel the body with different types of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that may enhance certain bodily functions. Its low caloric aspect also allows consumers to use it as a substitute for snacks, which may induce better portion control. For more information on a multipurpose drink that may help achieve a lean and toned body, go to:

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