Smart Water – Yummy Electrolytes Added Vapor-Distilled Water?


Water is a fundamental component to our existence. Our body alone is 75% water. Unfortunately, there is a gap in water distribution. There are many countries that have no choice but to consume unclean water. Approximately, one billion people don’t have access to water. Those in third world countries who do, have to walk several miles to get their hands on their water supply.

So many people who have access to water, either doesn’t take advantage of it or they abuse it. The recommended amount of water each individual should be consuming is approximately 1.5 to 2 liters (with the exception of those who have a much more active lifestyle, in which you may need to consume more). There are many companies that produce bottled water such as: Naya, Eska, Dasini, Nestle, etc. Although there are many competitors in the bottled water industry, there’s one company that stands out of the bunch, and that is none other than Smart Water.

About Smart Water

You might be wondering why you should consider Smart Water compared to its’ competitors. What makes them different? Aren’t they all just water? Well the major difference amongst competing bottled water companies is the way in which the water is processed. There are multiple ways to get water at its cleanest and purest forms such as: boiling, distilled, survival straws, filters, solar water disinfection, etc. Which one of these methods is used for Smart Water? Well…

Smart Water is produced by the organization known as Glaceau, who are also the creators of Vitamin Water. Are you not familiar with Glaceau? Glaceau is a privately owned subsidiary of Coca Cola, in other words, Glaceau is controlled by Coca Cola. As a soft drink company, Coca Cola took a great stand on enhancing the way we drink our water by bringing various flavors.

Smart Water undergoes a water purifying process called vapor distillation. Vapor distilled water is the process in which the water is boiled (removing any existing contaminants), evaporated (this is when water is at its purest form) and turned to vapor (once vapored, water is captured). The reason as to why Glaceau uses this water purification method is because it helps to completely eliminate any bad substances that can be found in water. Then they add electrolytes as a finishing touch to tickle our taste buds.

Smart Water, Is It Affordable?

It is obvious that the price of Smart Water varies in terms of where you live. If you live in a place where the cost of living is high, there’s no doubt that it will cost more compared to that of lower cost of living. It is much cheaper to purchase these bottled waters at grocery stores rather than purchasing at, for example, the airport. Any businesses that sell individual bottled water will charge at most $5 with tax per bottled water.

Target sells a pack of six 1-liter Smart water bottles for $6.75 (different locations and currency may alter prices). This is definitely expensive compared to a pack of 24 Nestle water bottles, which costs at least $10 (in terms of liters, it is 12 bottled water for $10). The purification process and the addition of electrolytes explain the difference in prices.

Why Add Electrolytes To Water?

Electrolytes are electrically charged substances found in our body’s fluids. Electrolytes are needed to maintain a balance in our bodies in terms of the acidity levels in our bloods, works on giving a boost to our muscles and nerves, helps maintain blood pressure, aids in cell growth, etc. Calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium and phosphate are all sources of electrolytes (R. Rockwell 2014).

The main issue that arises with distillation is the fact that besides the hydrogen and oxygen components of water, everything else (including contaminants) is removed. As mentioned earlier, electrolytes are needed to bring balance to our systems; therefore it is required on behalf of Smart Water to add it in the water. Why? As we urine, sweat or excrete any form of water from out system, electrolytes are also flushed away. We need to make sure that the removal of electrolytes is replaced through consumption.

Benefits Of Consuming Water

There are multiple benefits in consuming water. The following is a list of benefits for a much smarter and healthier lifestyle:

This is just a sample of the many benefits of consuming water. It is very important that you consume water on a regular basis to keep yourself energized and hydrated. Just because drinking water is beneficial, it does not mean you should over consume, as it can lead to unwanted results. There was a case in which a woman repetitively consumed water, resulting in her death. Therefore, drink under consideration and responsibly.

Smart Water Review Summary

Overall, Smart Water ensures you consume your water the smart way. As fluids leave our bodies, it is essential to consume both electrolytes and water. Some companies that add electrolytes make the mistake of adding too much and that is not good for us because we will experience certain side effects (nausea, dizziness, etc.). Smart Water consists of the right amount electrolytes our body needs in order to recover what’s essentially remove. Although it is one of many expensive bottled waters available to us, it uses an impeccable water processing method for purest of pure water that way you don’t have anything to worry about. Smart Water, helping you lead a smart lifestyle.



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