Xtreme Fat Loss Diet


Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Review

The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet targets New Year's resolution people with an attractive plan: every 5 days you get to eat whatever you want. It also incorporates strategically timed workouts designed to maximize fat burning.

The Company

The creators of the Xtreme Fat Loss Diet are Shawn Hadsall and Dan Long. They've had a few versions of the diet in the past few years, all of which are said to leave dieters with an increased metabolism rather than a slow-down rate, which is often case with other diet plans.

Mr. Hadsall and Mr. Long claim to have read 878 pieces of research in order to formulate their plan. Not only that, but they've put their life's work into formulating the 3-step plan that leads to certain and permanent fat loss in just 25 days. They claim their method “tricks” your body into fat-burning mode.

Their credentials include:

— Dan Long trained NFL and MLB players, elite military, and professional fitness models.

— Dan Long has been featured on ABC and NBC plus radio shows.

— Hadsall won awards back in the 1990s in body transformation contests.

— Hadsall was voted America's “Most Fit” Health and Fitness Professional in 2008.

— Hadsall ran a personal training franchise.

— Hadsall owns the intellectual property containing a unique diet plan which has been featured in not one but two diet books which placed on the New York Times best sellers list.

The Product

Xtreme Fat Loss Diet comes with a very enticing promise: those who follow it to a “tee” will lose 25 pounds in 25 days. That sounds pretty good to anyone, no matter where they lie on the body mass index (BMI) scale. But is it possible?

The Science

Interestingly, the plan is designed to work better if the dieter understand the science behind its creation.

The diet also distinguishes between “weight loss” and ‘fat loss”. Losing weight, of course, requires a calorie deficit. According to them, a pound of fat is 3,500 calories, so you'll need to reduce your caloric intake by that much in order to lose a pound of fat.

Now, if you want to lose that quickly, you'll be triggering a metabolic reaction in your body which you don't want. The body, when “starved”, goes into starvation mode in order to preserve fat. That means the metabolism slows down (bad for burning calories!) and the body actually grabs onto the fat you do have and doesn't want to let it go.

But you want that fat gone, so up until now it's been a dilemma. The Xtreme Fat Loss Diet claims their diet plan allows dieters to drastically reduce calories without triggering the “starvation mode” in the body.

Plan Details

The plan uses strategically timed workouts, a short (5-day) cycle and frequent changes in the routine to achieve fast fat loss without harming or slowing down the metabolism. How? These steps sum it up:

— “Pre-cheat depletion” which gets your body to burn fat instead of carbs

— Allow the dieter to indulge every 5 days on Cheat Days. This actually helps because it triggers fat-burning hormones in the body.

— Timing the nutrition with the exercise to achieve optimal fat loss

Plan Cost

The plan costs $15 (“regular” price is $75). It comes with several components, each of which is claimed to have the following values:

— The Diet Manual ($197 value)
— Training Manual ($197 value)
— Workout Log Sheets ($47 value)
— Success Journal ($27 value)
— Supplementation Guide ($27 guide)
— XFLS Cliffs Notes ($47 value)
— Pre-program XFLD Quick-start Checklist
— Xtreme Fat Loss Diet Wall Calendar ($27 value)

Not sure about those “values” but these components are pretty handy given the nature of the diet plan. You see, it's not just a diet but also a workout regimen, one which requires organization, timing, and moderate record-keeping. If all this sounds overwhelming, the creators of the plan assure us that it's actually very easy to follow and understand.

The Verdict

This diet is based on sound nutritional concepts and it wisely incorporates an exercise regimen, although its' hard to tell what it is from their website. The cost is minimal: $15. It sure sounds like a winner to me.

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