My UV Patch- Wearable Ultra Violet Exposure Monitor Patch?


Every year, people spend hundreds of dollars to protect and improve the health of their skin. From face washes and moisturizers to masques and acne medications, there are no lengths people won’t go to have beautiful, healthy skin.

However, what many people might find interesting is that one of the biggest factors about the health of their skin isn’t dependent on what products they use, but rather what elements they avoid.

Sun damage to the skin can cause spots, uneven textures, freckles, outbreaks, aging, and cancer. However, despite the danger of the sun, most people don’t take the right steps to protect themselves from damage.

La Roche-Posay is trying to make it easier for its customers to protect their skin from sun damage by releasing My UV Patch. With this innovative piece of technology, people across the world will have more control over their skin health than ever before.

What is My UV Patch?

My UV Patch is an innovative piece of technology that was designed to make users more aware of the dangers of UV and sun exposure.

By making this process as simple as possible, My UV Patch allows users to better protect their skin, using just the right products for protection that works best for them.

With My UV Patch, users won’t just take better care of their skin, they will guard the health, wellness, and vibrancy of their skin.

La Roche-Posay made My UV Patch shaped like a heart and made of a stretchable electronic. Combined with its transparent adhesive, My UV Patch is able to stick to the skin, stretching and moving with users like a second skin.

My UV Patch is extremely small and thin, taking up only one square inch of the skin and being half as thick as a strand of hair. The size and thickness of My UV Patch allows it to bend, move, and wrinkle just like skin, all while staying adhered to users.

My UV Patch was designed to be used with its corresponding app. With the app, users can track how long they’re exposed to the sun, how drastic their exposure, and what steps they can take to protect their skin in the long-term.

However, to make things easier, My UV Patch also contains photosensitive dyes. When exposed to the sun, these dyes change color, allowing users to know immediately that they are getting more sun than expected.

While the goal of My UV Patch was to make people more aware of their sun and UV exposure, the small device has been proving to be much more versatile.

Because sun damage is a huge contributing factor to the aging of skin as well as other skin damage, using My UV Patch to protect the skin isn’t just good for health, it also improves the appearance of the skin.

How My UV Patch Works

One great benefit of My UV Patch is how easy it is to use. Once users have their patches, they can download the My UV Patch app on their phones, which will provide them with more detailed support while they test their UV exposure.

My UV Patch can be applied to any part of the skin that is exposed to sun throughout the day. Most people apply it to their hands, arms, necks, or ankles.

When My UV Patch has been placed on the body, users can scan the patch with the product app. Once the patch has been scanned, users will get up to date information on their UV exposure.

The app will also inform users when to reapply their sunscreen, though the changes in the patch will offer this support.

Once users have worn their patch throughout the day, they will be given customized feedback and information on how they can improve their sun safety.

The app will also recommended specific La Roche-Posay sunscreen products which can be used in conjunction with My UV Patch.

Purchasing My UV Patch

There is currently a waiting list for those who wish to purchase My UV Patch. For those who want to get updates on the product, as well as get their name on the waiting list, the La Roche-Posay website ( has all the information necessary.

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