Ursa Major Fortifying Face Balm – Fast Absorbing Moisturizer?


Let’s cut to the chance, URSA Major Fortifying Face Balm, as the name implies, is an anti aging cream that works to bring maximum firmness, elasticity, hydration and smoothness to the skin. In addition, its aroma has the ability to calm one’s mind as it contains desirable herbal elixir infused with lavender, lime, spearmint and rosemary.

As one undergoes the aging process, more time is required in maintaining the skin, as it is at its most delicate of stages. URSA Major Fortifying Face Balm is infused with natural ingredients that are found within kitchen cabinets! Some of these special, but simple ingredients are: aloe vera, sunflower, witch hazel, willow bark, kendi seed, carrot, birch, and olives.

Ingredients That Reap Cleanliness From Within: Ursa Major Fortifying Face Balm

Seeing such natural ingredients is not a reoccurring matter, as many cosmetic firms try to minimize costs and maximize profits. URSA Major is a brand that comes with a natural counterpart to its competitors who use harmful ingredients.

For the purpose of this article, the benefits will evolve around the skin. Let’s take a quick look at some of the previously mentioned ingredients and their respective benefits:

  1. Aloe Vera: is a natural moisturizer that fights signs of aging and treats acne concerns.
  2. Sunflower: another moisturizer, but unique in its own way. Sunflower works to ensure that the skin absorbs as much moisture as possible that way it prevents daily conventions surroundings full of bacteria
  3. Witch Hazel: works to treat cracked or blistered skin, visible redness and is a great alternative to sunscreens.
  4. Willow Bark: works like an exfoliator that eliminates dead skin cells as well as an efficient mean in treating acne.
  5. Kendi Seed: this is another solution for those who experience dehydration.
  6. Carrot: this rich in Vitamin C ingredient works from within to repair skin tissues.
  7. Birch: helps to achieve balanced tone and eliminates redness of the skin.
  8. Olives: are full of antioxidants that are known to support the skin in terms of nourishing, protecting and keeping it hydrated at all times.

It is recommended only to use about ½ a pump of this product, onto clean dry skin. Make sure to massage the solution into the skin for at most 2 minutes that way the skin can absorb most of its rich components.

Is Ursa Major Fortifying Face Balm Affordable?

The URSA Major Fortifying Face Balm costs approximately $36 for 74ml of pure moisturizer, firmness and elasticity with a hint of a treat to the senses. This is on average the price of most anti aging products, however what makes URSA Major distinguishable is their ability to bring products that consist of natural ingredients.

Overall, URSA Major Fortifying Face Balm would be most appropriate for those with dry skin, as most of their ingredients work to bring maximum hydration. Those who have oily prone skin are better off using small quantities to avoid excess grease aftermath.

For an easy to use, maximum absorption, access to every detail within this product, and desirable results, URSA Major is a brand that needs exploring. For more information go to: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0080G9BY2/#customerReviews

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