Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer – Complex Carbohydrates?


Many individuals face issues in regards to bulking up and putting on muscle mass, this could be due to a number of reasons including one’s natural body constitution, fast metabolism, low protein uptake capacity.

However, with the advancements made in the field of nutrition, people can now easily use protein supplements which not only enhance their energy production capacity, but also help them put on pure lean muscle mass easily and efficiently.

Most of the mass gainers available today contain an eclectic blend of whey derivatives, stimulants, amino acids, creatine, which work synergistically together and provide a host of health benefits to users.

About Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer

Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer is an all new fitness supplement which aims to help users put on weight and develop their muscle content quickly and naturally. The product contains a specialised carbohydrate to protein ratio of 16:13, which has been clinically found to help individuals gain serious muscle mass without any added fat deposits. Some of the key features of Iso Mass Xtreme include:

(i) Special Protein Blend: the supplement contains a highly unique protein blend, which consists of essential protein derivatives that have been extracted from multiple sources. Scientific studies have found this composite to possess properties that are superior to any single-protein source, including whey. Long term use has been shown to help in the sustained, timely-release of essential nutrients.

Recent studies have pointed to the fact that the proteins found in Isomass are of a wholesome nature, and can help users enjoy faster lean muscle gains and quicker recovery after workouts. Due to its release properties, Isomass provides nourishment for our muscles throughout the day and also before bedtime when one’s body works its hardest to recover.

(ii) Good Caloric Content: the supplement provides the body with all the calories that are needed for optimal muscle growth. The powder can be blended to prepare delicious shakes which contain all of the essential amino acids that are bodies require for optimal weight/muscle growth.

Carbohydrates have been clinically found to provide the body with much-needed help to restore the glycogen that has been utilised during the workout Lastly, Isomass Xtreme promotes faster recovery and growth to aid in faster fibre development, it also helps prevent dreaded insulin spikes in users who have a diabetic history.

(iii) All round Development: Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer contains a wide array of essential and vital nutrients which have been found to promote good health. There are also various antioxidants in the mix (vitamins C and E) and a number of minerals which are required for optimal body function. Regular use of the supplement has also shown to enhance support for the immune system and cardiovascular system.

Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer Nutritional Information

Some of the key components in Isomass include:

(i) Creatine: this is an important amino derivative that is best taken taken before and after a workout. It has been shown to help transport water, carbohydrates and amino acids into muscles for increased energy, aiding in recovery and increasing muscle growth capacity.

(ii) Glutamine: this compound is highly popular these days because of its ability to provide various benefits to our bodies. It plays a very important role in protein metabolism and enhances recovery after intense workout sessions. Glutamine supplementation may help bodybuilders limit any muscle deterioration that might have been caused due to glutamine depletion in skeletal muscle tissue.

(iii) EFA: Essential fatty acids help to preserve muscle mass and immune function during intense training. They also encourage the body to use stored fats as energy and often promote the burning of medium chain triglycerides so that we can get rid of our fat deposits.

Ultimate Nutrition IsoMass Xtreme Gainer Pricing And Availability

Isomass comes in huge purple plastic containers which contain over 4 kg’s of the powder. Each unit is priced at $155.99 and can be bought in a wide variety of flavour options including Chocolate Milkshake, Soft Vanilla Ice Cream, Strawberry Milkshake, Cookies and Cream, Chocolate Peanut Butter.

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