True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil – Tranquility Body/Hair Oil?


Men and women who are looking for an all-natural way to moisturize and protect their skin will want to consider trying this facial oil by True Moringa.

By using this purely organic product people with sensitive skin or aging skin alike can help improve their skin’s appearance while supporting small farmers living and working in Ghana.

Lavender facial oil is vegan friendly and offers consumers a product they can feel good about using. Please read below to learn more about True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil and how to purchase a bottle.

About True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil

Made from pure moringa oil blended with lavender oil that works together to naturally soften and protect skin while reducing redness and dryness.

People who are trying to reduce the signs of aging will appreciate that there is an all-natural option that is chemical free and suitable for both vegetarians and vegans. Lavender Facial Oil moisturizes and helps minimize visible skin damage.

How Does True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil Work?

True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil is rich in the cytokinin zeatin which stimulates cell regrowth and works to prevent signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. Since this product is rich in fatty acids it will work to keep skin hydrated helping reduce fine lines.

Users simply wash their face and apply a small amount on their neck, forehead, cheeks, and chin. With daily application Lavender Facial Oil will lock in moisture and help restore skin luster and vitality.


This product is completely natural only containing cold pressed moringa oleifera seed oil and organic lavender essential oil. Because the moringa oil is cold pressed the quality is retained as well as the healthy benefits.

Who Makes Lavender Facial Oil?

True Moringa was founded by two friends who during a trip to Ghana learned about a local tree that provides numerous health benefits.

The morning tree was a way for them to help increase the village’s income by producing moringa oil for use in cosmetics and health and beauty products. True Moringa is dedicated to not only offering consumers high quality products but also giving back to over 1,600 families.

Since starting True Moringa the farmers involved have increased their income by ten times. This company offers body and facial oils as well as balms, bath soaks, and a wide variety of other beauty products.

Pricing For True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil

Interested consumers can purchase this product online through the True Moringa website at

A 2ml sample size is bottle is available for $6.00 and a one ounce bottle is available for $26.00.

This product is also available for the company’s autoship program which saves consumers an extra twenty percent. Auto shipments can be scheduled every thirty to ninety days. Shipping is free within the United States and international shipping is available for a flat $20.00 fee.

Consumers can also purchase this product online through Amazon but the price is significantly higher at over $50.00 per one ounce bottle.

Should You Use True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil?

Many people who are trying to improve their skin’s appearance or reduce fine lines and wrinkles often turn to chemical laden anti-aging products.

True Moringa Lavender Facial Oil offers a healthy alternative that feels good and also smells amazing. In addition to using a high quality product consumers can also feel good knowing that they are making a difference for families in Ghana.

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