Top 20 Handy Home Uses For Essential Oils – Clean, Heal & Cook?


Essential oils are some of the most versatile substances known to man. They have countless uses that range from cleaning to healing to even cooking. These oils are obtained from various parts of plants such as leaves, fruits, flowers, seeds, and barks.

You will be surprised to learn just how immensely helpful they can be around the house.

Top 20 Handy Home Uses For Essential Oils:

1. Get Rid Of Acne

Acne is a rather devastating skin condition that often dogs teenagers, although it can also stalk adults, as well. It is also a very stubborn condition which defies creams and medicines alike.

If you have waged a long and unsuccessful war against acne, you ought to give essential oils a chance. Combine tea tree oil with raw honey and rub the mixture on your face. After a few minutes, wash the mixture away. If you repeat this regularly, you should see some improvement in your appearance.

2. Homemade Lip Balm

Essential oils are not only beneficial to your skin, but to your lips as well. It is normal to have chapped lips every now and then, but that doesn’t make them any less inconvenient.

Further, dry and cracked lips can cause you untold pain and discomfort too. Essential oils can help moisturize your lips. You will need to make a mixture of coconut oil, lavender oil, and beeswax, and rub it on your lips. With this lip balm, it will only be a matter of time before your lips start healing.

3. Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite might not be a painful skin condition, but it sure does detract from one’s appearance. You may often have wondered what magical substance could rid your skin of the effects of the condition.

If you had already given up on finding a cure, you ought to give these oils a chance. The recipe for this cure is five drops of grapefruit essential oil and two teaspoons of coconut oil. Rub the mixture on the affected area and watch the marks fade away.

4. Detox Bath

Over time, the human body accumulates a lot of toxins from countless sources such as food, medicines, and environmental pollutants. When these toxins accumulate to extremely high levels in the body, they can upset the whole system.

This is why it is exceedingly important to detoxify your body every once in a while. There are a number of ways to rid your body of these toxins, but one of the best ways is by taking a detox bath. The bath not only v but it is also rather relaxing. To detox, add sea salt and lavender oil to your warm bath and let the toxins leave your body.

5. Sun Screen

Essential oils also make great sun screens. Some even argue that they are better than conventional sun screens since they do not contain chemicals that could potentially harm your body. To protect your skin from harmful sun rays, make a mixture of Shea butter, zinc oxide, coconut oil, helichrysum oil, and lavender oil, and apply it on exposed areas before going outside.

6. Heal An Itchy Scalp

Do you find yourself constantly scratching your scalp? Or do you always feel as though your head is on fire? Few things are half as uncomfortable as walking around with an itchy scalp, not to mention how much your hair suffers because of it.

To relieve yourself from this discomfort, add Cedarwood, lavender, or basil oil to your shampoo. The itching should diminish with time. You could also add rosemary oil to your shampoo to increase your hair volume.

7. Soften Cracked Feet

If you are embarrassed to wear open shoes because of cracked feet, essential oils can come in real handy in helping soften your feet. The remedy for cracked feet it to apply a mixture of two tablespoons of coconut oil and three drops of lavender oil to your feet at night and then wear some socks. Let the mixture soften your feet all night and watch the cracks disappear.

8. Bug Repellant

Essential oils can also come in real handy as natural bug- repellants. Mix equal parts citronella oil, lemon gras oil, coconut oil, and eucalyptus oil, and rub on exposed parts of the body. This is without doubt one of the most pleasant smelling bug sprays, and also one of the most effective ones.

9. Cleaning Agents

Besides the many benefits that essential oils bear for your skin, they are also great cleaning agents. You can add tea tree and lemon oils to your cleaning water to rid your house of bacteria and all types of disease causing micro-organisms.

Besides disinfecting surfaces, the oils will leave behind a pleasant smell, which is something that cannot be said of many chemical disinfectants.

10. Clean Your Carpet

Carpets can accumulate a lot of dirt. They get stained easily, and food particles can remain lodged in the carpet fabric for ages. This provides a perfect breeding ground for bacteria, not to mention that an unpleasant smell could start emanating from your carpet.

To clean your carpet thoroughly, sprinkle 20 drops of tea tree oil into borax dust, and dust your carpet with the mixture. Let it stay for about 20 minutes, then vacuum your carpet. Your carpet will be as clean as can be.

11. Clean Yoga Mats

If you like working out on yoga mats, then you probably know that copious amounts of sweat trickle onto those mats. They could end up being smelly and extremely dirty. To cleanse them properly, make a mixture of clove and citrus oils, and wipe your mat with it. It will smell much better and you will also get rid of any bacteria or pathogens on it.

12. Clean Shower Curtains

Many people are usually concerned with the cleanliness of their showers, but forget to clean the shower curtains. Over time, bacteria and mold find a home in these curtains. This could lead to staining, scum accumulation, and a slimy appearance. To clean them, simply add four drops of tea tree and eucalyptus oil to a spray bottle full of warm water, and spray on your curtain.

13. Air Freshener

Did you know that you could make your own air freshener using essential oils? If you diffuse a mixture of tea tree oil, lemon oil, and lime oil in your house, a heavenly smell will pervade the entire house. You could place balls of cotton soaked with this mixture in particular areas such as the toilet or near the trashcan.

14. Remove Kitchen Smells

Mouth watering aromas and nasty smells can both emanate from kitchens. If the latter is particularly bothersome, you can add some citrus, cinnamon, and clove oil to a simmering pan of water. This will suppress the annoying smell of burnt or rotten food.

15. Remove Smoke

If for some reason your house reeks of smoke, say because of smoking cigarettes, you can find recourse in essential oils. Simply add four drops of eucalyptus, tea tree, and rosemary oils into a spray bottle with water and spray the mixture around your home. The odor of smoke will disappear.

16. Get Rid Of Odors In Shoes

Smelly shoes have to be anyone’s most embarrassing possession. Luckily, you do not have to put up with the mortification of having to remove your shoes in front of company forever. Simply sprinkle a few drops of lemon and tee tree oils in your shoes to not only rid them of the smell but also to kill the bacteria that cause the smell, hence freeing you completely from the humiliation of smelly shoes.

17. Baking

Essential oils can make cake taste even better. Add a few drops of lavender oil to your cake mixture to make it tastier.

18. Mint Tea

You could also add two drops of peppermint oil to your cup of tea to give both a minty taste and also to boost your focus and energy.

19. Relaxing Properties

Feeling too stressed out? Diffuse some lavender oil in your house and enjoy its calming effects. If you also suffer from insomnia, pouring a few drops of lavender on your pillow will help you fall asleep a lot easier.

20. Gifts

Essential oils also make great gifts since they are so useful. They are perfect for bridal showers, baby showers, or even birthday gifts.

Top 20 Handy Home Uses For Essential Oils Review Summary

If we tried to list all the uses and benefits of essential oils, it would indeed be a work in futility. These oils improve virtually every aspect of human life.

If you have yet to start using them, then you are truly missing out on a lot. Start using them today and prepare to be amazed at how useful these oils are.

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