TerraMin Review
TerraMin is a new mega-mineral supplement and internal cleanser sold by American nutritional supplement company Spirit Detox. Here’s our TerraMin review.
What is TerraMin?
TerraMin is a nutritional supplement that comes in the form of a tablet. The tablet contains a patented ionic mineral formula known as ION-MIN that promises to mineralize and detoxify your body naturally.
Each serving of TerraMin includes “57 essential mineral elements” that your body needs “to sustain good health”.
At the same time, TerraMin contains cleansing compounds that help your body flush out heavy metals, toxins, and poisons from your body.
The supplement is made by a California-based nutritional supplement company named TerraMin. That company sells a wide range of clay-based supplements, including clay detox teas, clay toothpastes, and even clay deodorants.
How Does TerraMin Work?
TerraMin, like most other Spirit Detox products, relies on the power of clay. TerraMin uses the silica found in clay to heal the body. Here’s how Spirit Detox explains its use of clay:
“All things on earth essentially receive their nutrients from the minerals found in soil. Plants use those minerals to grow, and animals either consume those plants or other animals that consumed those plants. People consume the plants to incorporate many of those minerals into their own bodies. At this basic level, without clay and soil, life could not exist.”
The active ingredient in that clay is silica. Silica has a crystalline structure that “serves as a catalyst in chemical reactions”. Your body relies on these chemical reactions to heal itself.
Additionally, many of the major organs in your body are made of silica, including your lungs, muscles, liver, kidneys, brain, cardiovascular, and reproductive systems. By taking a silica supplement, you can support overall health and wellness throughout your entire body.
One final benefit of silica is that it boosts your body’s ability to absorb minerals. It works especially well with calcium. In fact, many people who take calcium supplements to support bone growth are also advised to take silica supplements to boost calcium absorption.
Ultimately, TerraMin contains a whopping 55% silica content in addition to its other ingredients.
Benefits of TerraMin
Spirit Detox claims that TerraMin comes with all of the following benefits:
— Boost Digestive Health: Silica plays a critical role in your digestive system by facilitating nutrient absorption.
— Weight Management: Losing weight is easier when your body is clean and filled with nutrients.
— Boost Liver Functionality: The silica content improves the liver’s natural ability to function.
— Balance pH Content: TerraMin reduces harmful bacteria throughout the body, which lets your body naturally balance pH levels.
— Boost Immune System Health: TerraMin contains the essential nutrients and vitamins your body needs to stay healthy on a daily basis.
— Eliminates Toxins: Silica cleanses toxins, heavy metals, and “even poison” from the body.
— Improve Skin Health: TerraMin claims to make your body more radiant by reducing breakouts and relieving skin rashes and hives.
— Boosts Cardiovascular Health: TerraMin cleanses your blood and boosts the health of your heart and major organs.
TerraMin Ingredients
TerraMin lists all of the following ingredients on its product packaging:
As you can see, the supplement contains high levels of a diverse range of minerals along with a large amount of the ION-MIN proprietary formula (55% content).
How to Buy TerraMin
TerraMin is available from SpiritDetox.com, where it’s priced at $39.95 (plus sales tax for California residents, which is where the company is based, as well as $4.95 shipping and handling).
Each package contains 250 tablets. You take 4 to 6 tablets per day depending on your body weight (see below for specific instructions).
You can buy TerraMin using the website’s secure online form. Or, you can call 1-800-699-1077 to order TerraMin over the phone.
There’s also a TerraMin powder available. However, many people prefer the TerraMin capsules because they’re tasteless and come with pre-measured doses. If you want to buy the powder, then the 1 pound container is available for $19.50.
Payments can be made by all major credit cards.
How to Use TerraMin
Here’s how Spirit Detox recommends taking TerraMin:
“TerraMin dosage depends on the weight of the consumer. It is recommended that TerraMin Tablets be consumed in the dosage of (one tablet per every 30 pounds of body weight). For example, a 130-pound person should consume 4 TerraMin Tablets per day, while an 180-pound individual would take 6 tablets.”
You should drink 6 to 8 ounces of purified water of juice with TerraMin to facilitate its cleansing and detoxification effects.
Take the tablets one hour prior to eating “to increase the ionic mineral’s ability to perform at peak efficacy.”
About Spirit Detox
Spirit Detox is located at the following address:
Spirit DetoxP.O. Box 9981
Bakersfield, CA 93389
You can reach the company by phone at 1-800-699-1077 or by email at [email protected].
The company was founded in 2012. Today, the company sells a diverse range of products that all rely on the power of silica clay and the ION-MIN formula. Other popular supplements include clay detox teas, clay deodorants, clay hair care, organic fertilizers, and water distillation systems.
Conclusion: Who Should Use TerraMin?
TerraMin is a unique nutritional supplement that relies on the power of silica clay to cleanse your body of toxins. Virtually every organ in your body relies on silica. Although you get more than enough silica from the food and water you drink, some people still choose to take a silica supplement to enhance their health benefits.