Tenacious Pre-XL – All In One Fat Burning Pre-Workout Formula?


Selecting an effective supplement to assist you in reaching your fitness goals can be a complicated and sometimes confusing process.

There are so many different products that use such a wide variety of ingredients simply finding out what the ingredients in the supplement you’ve chosen do can become difficult.

There are two primary types of supplements designed to assist with reaching physique and fitness goals respectively, generally divisible into pre-workout supplements that are designed to act as stimulants that allow the body to work harder for longer, and fat burning supplements that help boost the natural ability of the body to break down fat deposits.

Selecting the Right Pre-Workout Performance Booster

The first form of supplement popular in the fitness market, pre-workout supplements, generally use ingredients like caffeine to boost the metabolism and provide higher endurance.

There are many different ingredients that deliver pre-workout performance boosting effects, but some carry a risk of potentially damaging side effects or health complications.

When choosing a pre-workout supplement it’s important to find a product that provides a full breakdown of the ingredients that deliver the stimulant effect to ensure you’re not ingesting a product that can cause cardiovascular health complications or disorders.

Ingesting excessive amounts of caffeine or other stimulants before physical exercise is dangerous, so it’s important to check the formulation of your pre-workout to make sure these ingredients are present in safe amounts.

Some pre-workout supplements contain pharmaceutical stimulants such as ephedrine, which is a restricted substance in many places in the world, and can land you in trouble with customs laws if ordered online.

The safest and most effective pre-workout solutions use natural herbal or botanically derived compounds that work in balance with the metabolism to provide a competitive edge to your workouts without disrupting the homeostatic balance of your body, with ingredients such as creatine, amino acids, and nitric oxide boosters.

These formulations are both completely safe and highly effective, popular with athletes and bodybuilders all over the world.

Fat Burning Supplement Safety

Fat burning supplements carry similar risks, with the most important factor in selecting a fat burner being the list of active ingredients.

Some fat burning supplements, such as DNP, are derived from pesticides or other highly toxic chemicals and achieve their fat burning effect by interfering with the ability of the body to convert food into ATP.

ATP, or adenosine triphosphate, is the energy currency of the body that is used to transfer energy from food to the muscles.

By inhibiting the ability of the body to convert food into this critical resource, some fat burners carry a very real risk of causing tachycardia, runaway body temperatures or thermogenesis, and even death.

The safest fat burning supplements use similar herbal extracts or botanicals as pre-workout products to either naturally boost the metabolism, converting fat into energy, or organically inhibit enzymes in the digestive system that cause the formation of fat deposits.

These supplements often have an added helpful property of gently suppressing appetite and are usually found in green tea extracts, amino acids, or black pepper extract.

These two types of fitness supplement offer a helpful boost to fitness enthusiasts, allowing users to reach fitness goals in less time with less effort, and also contribute to better overall health.

Until recently, supplement products generally focused on delivering either fat burning effects or pre-workout stimulation, but very few products deliver both types of assistance simultaneously.

Recent technological developments in the delivery of nutritional supplements, however, have created a new breed of sports supplement that can offer the best of both worlds, offering enhanced metabolic function that offers higher fitness performance as well as faster fat burning.

Tenacious, a leading brand of sports supplements, is known throughout the fitness industry for straddling the cutting edge of nutrition technology to create highly effective and safe products at a competitive price.

Pre-XL is the latest product in the Tenacious range, a combination pre-workout performance booster and fat burning supplement that uses natural products to help users reach their fitness goals in half the time.

With a highly specialized balance of clinically proven ingredients, the Pre-XL formula is the most advanced dual-action supplement available on the market today.

About The Tenacious Pre-XL All in One Formula

Tenacious engages a highly qualified team of nutritionists, dietitians and health experts in the creation and formulation of their workout supplements.

The Pre-XL formula uses a series of ingredients that have been demonstrated in multiple clinical trials and meta-studies to deliver effective and fast acting results with no side effects or adverse reactions, safe for daily use.

The elements of the Pre-XL formula that offer performance enhancing effects are BCAA’s, creatine monohydrate, and Taurine.

These three ingredients work in a synergistic fashion to allow users to perform harder and faster for longer, maximizing workout results.

BCAA’s are essential amino acids that increase energy levels, reduce recovery time and prevent muscle loss by increasing the amount of nitric oxide in the blood stream.

Nitric oxide relaxes the blood vessels of the body, offering an increased pump and allowing the body to deliver more nutrients and oxygen to muscles under stress.

Creatine is a proven performance enhancer that has been shown to increase testosterone levels, the male hormone responsible for muscle development, up to 40%, and Taurine is an effective natural and safe stimulant.

Tenacious Pre-XL gains its fat burning properties primarily from an an extract of green tea leaf and Agmatine Sulfate.

Green tea leaf extract promotes a high state of thermogenesis in the body, which is the conversion of fat to body heat.

This potent natural extract also contains many antioxidants that help flush toxins released from the breakdown of fat from the body.

Agmatine Sulfate has a twofold effect- it simultaneously increases nitric oxide levels, acting as a preworkout, while at the same time offering better nutrient partitioning, meaning food consumed is converted directly to energy for movement instead of being stored as fat.

Tenacious Pre-XL Review Summary

Tenacious Pre-XL comes in Cherry Limeade flavour and is available for order from the Tenacious supplements website.

Priced at $44.99 USD, Pre-XL offers safe and effective dual action supplementation, ultimately halving your supplement expenses and delivering clinically proven results.

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