SweatBox – Kinetically Designed Fitness Exercise Training Platform?


SWEATBOX is a workout device that helps consumers lose weight while building up muscle, rather than damaging the muscle tone they already have. The device is available through the Indiegogo website, allowing consumers to make a pledge to get exclusive pricing before the item is released in May 2018.


Getting in shape is a priority for many people, but few people understand what they need to do to achieve the physique they hope for. Most people take on their fitness routine by jumping into gym membership and pushing themselves beyond what they should.

Even if they are trying to lose weight, they end up in multiple cardio routines, losing their muscle tone in the process. However, with the SWEATBOX set up in the home, consumers can transform their daily routine.

The SWEATBOX is presently just a prototype, but it is eventual completion is what consumers want to know about right now. In fact, just adding the box to the user’s routine helps to:

This box is easy to move from place to place, which means that the user can get a workout wherever they want, even if they want to take it outside. Rather than spending thousands of dollars on cardio equipment, take advantage of the SWEATBOX for any fitness goals.

How It Works

To make this product effective, the goal of the company is to help consumers burn the most fat while increasing muscle tone effectively. When someone engages in an exercise routine that only involves cardio, their body has to use muscle as part of the nutrients to keep up energy levels. The SWEATBOX introduces a routine that helps consumers build up the muscle in their body, which burns more calories than just cardio exercises.

The SWEATBOX uses resistance bands at different strengths and levels for consumers to train their muscle in a new way. This routine is much safer than engaging in a routine that involves free weights, since the user will not have to worry about the potential injury with handling those accessories.

With a simple design and a full list of exercises, consumers can finally take control of their physique in a new way.


The best part about the SWEATBOX is that it is meant for all types of fitness levels. Right now, there is no direction listed on the website, but consumers can use the resistance bands for a number of different positions that they can usually do at the gym. It is important to involve cardio in the routine, but consumers can improve their muscle tone with different angles for various exercises.

As the devices become available, consumers will have access to an exercise poster that shows all the different movements that the user can do to improve their body. To get the desired results, consumers are encouraged to follow their regimen four times a week for about 6-8 weeks.


Right now, the SWEATBOX machine and accessories are not available for immediate purchase. The company is in the process of gaining funds to distribute the products. Right now, consumers can pledge different amounts to secure a variety of awards:

  • $169, for a SWEATBOX carrying case with wheels
  • $399, for the SWEATBOX FP-1
  • $549, for the SWEATBOX FP-3
  • $599, for the SWEATBOX FP-5
  • $699, for the SWEATBOX FP-8
  • $1098, for two SWEATBOXES FP-5

Right now, the products are due to be sent out in May 2018.

Contacting the Creators of SWEATBOX

Right now, there is no separate website offered for the SWEATBOX machine. However, if the user has concerns about the way that the machine works, or about the Indiegogo campaign, they can comment on the website that features their campaign publicly.

SWEATBOX Review Summary

SWEATBOX helps anyone to change the way that they approach their physical fitness, even if they only have a little bit of time each day. With the ability to improve the body within four sessions a week, consumers can work a little closer to their health daily.

Even though there are many options for workout machines, the use of the SWEATBOX minimizes the need for others.

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