SkinnyFit Detox Tea – Herbal Weight Loss Flushing Superfoods?


It is a well known fact that toxins can affect our body's natural ability to burn fat. This is often the case with people who eat a lot of meat and thus have been found to suffer from bouts of untimely weight gain. For example, studies have shown that people who do not perform a regular detox of their bodies are prone to issues like diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure.

Not only that, a regular detox can also allow for regulated weight levels. Detoxing rids the body of unwanted antibodies, toxins that might be stored in our fat cells and increases our innate metabolism.

About SkinnyFit Detox Tea

SkinnyFit Detox Tea is an all new detox/weight loss blend that contains a host of tea extracts that allow us to burn of unwanted fat deposits quickly and efficiently. Other than that, there are also many studies that have been done in relation the 13 superfoods ingredients that have been added to the mix.

Some of the other core benefits of SkinnyFit Detox Tea include:

Fat Loss:

The active agents contained within the blend have been clinically found to help increase the rate of fat burn within our systems. When used on a regular basis, SkinnyFit Detox Tea eliminated lipid accumulations which might be present within our bellies.

Reduced Bloating:

Due to the presence of certain waste combatants, the product restricts the buildup of gas and therefore is able to prevent issues such as bloating, heartburn.


Through the regular release of toxins from within our bodies, Skinny Fit is able to help clear out any lipid and triglyceride accumulation form within our small and large intestines.

Other Key Aspects Of SkinnyFit Detox Tea

Stress Alleviation:

The core blend contain a wide variety of powerful, fast acting amino acids and nutrients like polyphenols and L-theanine. Thus, with just 1 of the solution we can stop stress in it’s tracks and keep our mind at ease.

Immunity Enhancement:

Due to the presence of so many potent compounds, Skinny Fit is able to keep our immunity levels up. Also, the supplement helps deliver 28 essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients to our metabolic centres.

Fat Loss:

Though the burning of extra calories, the supplement allows for us to slim down at a faster rate. The core signature blend contains natural metabolism boosters which help our body get rid of those extra pounds without the need of any other special supplements.

Compositional Information

The main ingredients which make SkinnyFit Detox Tea so efficacious include:

Matcha Green Tea:

This popular tea extract is widely used in Japan and Korea for its medicinal properties. When used regularly, it boosts our metabolism and calorie burning power. In addition to this, Matcha is intrinsically loaded with amino acids, minerals, and cancer-fighting antioxidants.

Yerba Mate:

These leaves naturally provide a smooth energy boost, enhance mental focus, alertness, and concentration. They also contain 24 vitamins and minerals, 15 amino acids, and antioxidants.

Sencha Green Tea:

This amazing herbal extract has been clinically proven to help speed up our metabolism, boost our immunity, flush out toxins, and ease inflammation. Not only that, recent research has indicated that Sencha contains a rare amino acid called theanine that naturally gives a boost to our overall energy levels.

Oolong Tea:

A highly popular tea blend in the east, Oolong has been shown to lower stress and reduce bad cholesterol levels. Apart from this, it also helps keep our skin fresh and radiant.

Goji Berries:

When taken on a regular basis as part of a supplement program, Goji berries can help in improving our athletic performance, aid in weight loss, and increase circulation. Users will also be interested to learn that Goji berries contain more iron than spinach, contain every essential amino acid, and over 21 trace minerals.

Milk Thistle:

While not well known in the west, this herb has been shown to help maintain liver health and protect the digestive organs from any adverse effects of toxins. Lastly, Milk Thistle also contains high levels of a flavonoid called silymarin.


This is a potent herb that has been shown to really help in reducing stress and improving concentration levels of its users.


Apart from being a highly fragrant natural herb, Lemongrass is also known to help soothe our stomach and keeps our digestive functions in check. Not only that, studies reveal that this herb also helps ease bloating, constipation, and indigestion.


These seeds have been widely researched and have been found to give our body a boost of energy. Apart from this, this natural extract also signals our body to release fat and use it as energy.

What Are People Saying About SkinnyFit Detox Tea?

The reviews in relation to this supplement have been highly praiseful.

Satisfied customers include Latoya P who says ‘”SkinnyFit helps keep my tummy flat by boosting my metabolism and decreasing bloating! It’s no longer about being skinny it’s about being healthy! Staying focused and trusting the process. I’m working on me all day everyday 294 to 155 motivation”’.

Similarly, Courtney B says “So I started drinking Skinny Fit 3 weeks ago, and I have lost a total of 5 pounds. That’s 13 pounds in two months!!! I’ve changed my diet and started working out 3 or 4 times a week. The first picture was taken the beginning of May and the last picture was taken this morning. Still a lot of progress!”.

Lastly, Savannah A says “I have had it about 10 days and I got through my plateau at 206.3, and am currently at 195.2, which means I’ve made my 50 lb weight loss mark! I hit the 100’s again with the help of this stuff and was never able to get below 205! Everyone has been able to tell that I’ve lost weight in the last month.”

Where Can I Buy SkinnyFit Detox Tea?

All orders for SkinnyFit Detox Tea can be placed on the manufacturer's official website. A single bag contains 28 servings of the powder and is priced at $47.95. However, upon purchases of 2 or 3 bags, an additional discount can be availed of.

Apart from this, a small handling fee also needs to be paid for. All payments can be made via safe means such as PayPal, MasterCard and Visa.

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