Sirtuins – Best Anti-Aging Health Benefits & Top Food Sources?


Anti-aging and extended life expectancy is something almost all of us desire. Some of us turn to meticulous diets and nonstop exercise, while others looks for the best and newest trends to help them achieve a longer and better life.

All of these are good ways to get your body healthy and performing at its peak, which will certainly decrease your risk of disease and make sure that your body runs for a long time.

But how does one slow down or even stop aging all together?

You see, most exercises and diets target your health and your body’s well being, but they don’t do anything for the biological function of your cells.

What exactly does this mean for you? Essentially, no matter how healthy of a life you live, your cells inside your body will die.

Sure, you will reduce the chance of catching a virus or a serious disease, but even then your life expectancy is still only capable of reaching a certain max number and nothing can change that.

Well, this isn’t exactly true. There are proteins which are responsible for regulating certain biological functions of the body linked to cell aging. We call them sirtuins.

These proteins have been discovered to exist in living things and control important biological functions, such as those responsible for ageing, cellular death, inflammation, and metabolism.

What are Sirtuins?

Sirtuins are a class of proteins which regulate vital biological paths in bacteria, archaea, and eukaryotes.

It is implicated that sirtuins influence a wide range of biological activities, such as aging, programmed cell death, the first step of gene expression, stress resistance, and inflammation.

If a living organism is exposed to low levels of calorie intake, sirtuins also promote energy efficiency and alertness.

There are seven different types of sirtuins, and they all reside in different sub-cellular areas, such as the nucleus, cytoplasm, and mitochondria. SIRT1 through SIRT7 are the names give to all seven types of sirtuins.

How exactly do Sirtuins function?

One of the biggest functions that sirtuins are speculated to have a huge role in is in metabolic regulation. Sirtuins can turn on and off specific types of genes as your body needs them, while maintaining and repairing any damage that might have been done to your DNA.

As we age, our DNA becomes more susceptible to damage, so sirtuins make DNA repair more of a focal point of their function.

This is why they are associated with ageing. However, as the focus on DNA repair heightens, sirtuins may become confused and activate the wrong genes.

There are speculations by many scientists that as our body ages it can “forget” which genes need to be activated and end up activating the wrong genes, which can lead to further damage to our DNA instead of repairing it.

What does Resveratrol have to do with Sirtuins?

Just like many other protein types or enzymes, you can increase the intake of sirtuins through various methods. The most common way is by changing your diet slightly.

Likewise, there are also certain compounds which also influence sirtuins and their functionality. One of these wonderful compounds is resveratrol.

This compound is found in many different plants and seems to activate sirtuins. Because of this, it is often mislabeled as the “anti-aging compound.” In reality, it only activates the functions of sirtuins, which are the proteins that have a direct influence on anti-aging.

However, this doesn’t mean resveratrol is useless. If the theories are right, then consuming extra resveratrol will activate sirtuins and in turn could slow down the aging process.

There have even been studies done by researchers which support this theory. Introduction of increased sirtuin activating compounds into mice has shown decreased systematic damage caused by the aging process.

There is a little bit of a concern with this research though, as it was done on mice in very controlled environments and with very high levels of said compounds.

This means that replicating the effects in humans out in the real world might not be as easy. By no means does this mean that it’s impossible, but it might not be a simple task.

What are some of the foods containing sirtuin activators?

More commonly referred to as “sirtfoods,” these types of food contain many activators which function with sirtuin and make it kick into gear, thus slowing down the aging process.

There are many different foods that contain these activators but most of them can be found in Mediterranean and Asian style cuisine.

However, some of these foods are independent and can be found all over the world, such as dark chocolate.

To give you a better picture of which foods out there have the most sirtuin activating components in them, we gathered a list of top sirtfoods for you and a few recipes you can incorporate them in.


This summer berry is most common to regions with humid summers and chilling winters. Although native to northern Europe and Siberia, they can be acquired all over the world.

Besides the ingredients which activate sirtuins in your body, blackcurrants also carry many other highly beneficial nutrients which are a good addition for the body.

You can find many anti-oxidants in blackcurrants. In fact, the oxygen radical absorbance capacity of these berries is extremely high, and the only other fruits that have a higher ORAC value are cranberries, elderberries, and chokeberries.

Furthermore, 100g of blackcurrants have enough Vitamin C in them to provide more than 300% of the daily-recommended intake value.

There are many different recipes out there to get your blackcurrant game up to par, but our favorite has to be Simple Blackcurrant Jam.

It is very easy to make and can be used in many different way, such as spreading it on toast, adding it to your favorite ice cream, or even using it as a jam for your favorite poultry dish. Here are the simple instructions:

Simple Blackcurrant Jam
Ingredients – 300g of fresh blackcurrants, 300g of granulated sugar, 1 small lemon (juice only)

Step 1: Make sure the berries are free of leaves and stalks, add them to a saucepan, add 250ml of water, and bring to a full boil.

Let simmer for about 20 minutes or until the skin of the berries is tender and the liquid has nearly evaporated.

Step 2: Add the lemon juice and the sugar to the mixture, then bring everything to a boil and cook until the temperature has reached 105OC/220OF on your thermometer.

Step 3: Let the mixture cool for a few minutes then pour into hot, clean jars and seal immediately.

 Green Tea

Green tea is more widely consumed than any other liquid in the world besides water. The benefits of green tea are plenty.

It contains high amounts of vitamin B as well as folate, potassium, magnesium, and caffeine. It also hosts a variety of different anti-oxidants which can help your body remove harmful and toxic chemicals.

It has been known to help with weight loss, reduce cardiovascular disease, and even help prevent Alzheimer’s disease.

This tea originated in China, but its production has rapidly spread throughout most of Asia and even a few other countries on the globe.

Green tea is made from camellia sinensis leaves, which are the same leaves that oolong and black tea are made from.

The only difference is that green tea is made from leaves which have not yet undergone the same oxidation and withering process which is used to make black tea.

If you are interested in some recipes that include green tea as the main ingredient, you can certainly find a few of them out there.

However, we suggest just drinking it the traditional way without turning it into anything extra. So get your green tea leaves, bags, or pearls and get ready to brew!

Brewing Green Tea

Ingredients – hot water, green tea leave, bags or pearls, lemon juice, honey, basil leaves

Step 1: Figure out exactly how much tea you are planning on making. One teaspoon of green tea leaves or peals will yield about a cup of green tea.

Step 2: Place the desired amount of tea leaves into your strainer or sieve.

Step 3: Use a non reactive pot or pan (glass or stainless steel) and fill it with water, then heat it to 80OC/180OF.

You can use a candy thermometer, also known as a sugar thermometer, to check the temperature. If you don’t have one then just try to get it close to boiling but do not let it boil.

Step 4: Place your tea filled strainer or sieve into an empty mug or cup.

Step 5: Pour the heated water into the mug. Make sure you pour the water over the tea leaves.

Step 6: Let the tea leaves steep for about 2 to 3 minutes but make sure not to leave them in there for too long, your tea might become slightly bitter if you do.

Step 7: Strain and remove your tea leave from the cup and add some lemon juice and honey to taste.

Step 8: Enjoy your delicious green tea!

Dark Chocolate

Those of you who love chocolate are in luck. This amazing and very delicious food is packed full of beneficial nutrients, as well as siruin activating compounds.

Be warned, a bar of regular milk chocolate is not even close to high cacao content of dark chocolate.

Consuming dark chocolate with at least 70% cacao in it has many health benefits which you can take advantage of.

The only limiting factor is the quantity of said dark chocolate. Unfortunately for all of us, dark chocolate also has a lot of sugar and fat in it, which in large quantities can have a very negative effect on our body. So you have to limit yourself to no more than three dark chocolate bars per week.

Dark chocolate is made from the cocoa beans which are harvested, usually by hand, fermented for a few days, and then dried naturally.

After they are dried, cocoa beans are shipped to chocolate makers who clean and roast them for anywhere from 30 minutes up to 2 hours, depending on their moisture levels, at around 250OF to 350OF. The shells of each bean are blown off in a winnower and the bean is then turned into nibs.

Later on, the nibs are ground and pressed under heat, which turns them into a dark paste which is then pressed to derive cocoa butter.

The leftover cocoa pancake is sometimes turned into cocoa powder, which can be used to make lower quality chocolate. The cocoa butter is what the chocolatiers use to make high quality dark chocolate.

Most of the cocoa beans are harvested in Central America. The earliest use of cocoa beans for consumption has been date to 1900 B.C. by cultures residing in the areas of present day Mexico.

However, their use of cocoa beans was in the form of a bitter brew rather than delicious dark chocolate.

Luckily, you don’t have to brew the bitter concoction that Central American ancestors relied on to get their dose of nutrients from cocoa.

Instead, you can opt in for snacking on simple dark chocolate bars or choose amongst hundreds, if not thousands, of dark chocolate recipes out there.

But we have a better option for you…instead of buying dark chocolate bars, why not make your own? Get your pans and pots ready, we are making chocolate!

Home Made Dark Chocolate Bars

Ingredients – half a cup of coconut oil, half a cup of cocoa powder, 3 tablespoons of honey, half a teaspoon of vanilla extract, your imagination (you can add chopped nuts, orange zest, peanut butter, cinnamon, bacon, or whatever else your heart desires)

Step 1: Over medium-low heat, gently melt the coconut oil in a saucepan.

Step 2: Add cocoa powder, vanilla extract, and honey into the well melted oil and stir until everything is blended well.

Optional Step: You can add your additional ingredients after everything has been blended, but make sure everything is cooked or roasted. Stay away from using raw ingredients.

Step 3: Pour everything into a pliable tray or a candy mold and let it cool off in your refrigerator for an hour until chilled.

Step 4: Eat the tasty chocolate in moderation.


One of the most enjoyable foods in the world, olives can do wonders for your body. Iodine, iron, magnesium, and many more are all minerals that can be found in olives or olive based products.

Olive oil is one of the most nutritional oils to use for cooking and can be an excellent substitute for other less valuable oils.

Many sirtuin activating compounds can be found in olives, and they can be an excellent source of these compounds.

Olive trees belong to a small tree family known as Oleaceae. These trees naturally can be found in the Mediterranean Basin, the Arabian Peninsula, and southern Asia as far east as China.

Over the years, this tree species has been cultivated in many different locations and has become naturalized in nearly all Mediterranean coast countries, as well as California, Java, and Argentina.

The origin of this plant is linked to ancient Persia and Mesopotamia approximately 6,000 to 7,000 years ago.

So what can you do with this seemingly ancient fruit? A better question would be, ‘What can’t you do with this plant?’ It has been used in a vast variety of recipes throughout the world. It even has its own oil.

Used as a garnish in alcoholic beverages, as a major ingredient in many salads, on sandwiches, on pizza, in pasta…you name it and chances are olives can be added to it.

But what is the best way to eat olives to absorb as many of its nutritional ingredients as possible? We think that marinated olives are the way to go. Put them on a table during any dinner and they will surely be munched on.

Marinated Olives

Ingredients – one quarter cup of extra virgin olive oil, two tablespoons of red wine vinegar, five bay leaves, two large peeled garlic cloves which have been sliced thinly, one tablespoon of coarsely chopped thyme leaves, one teaspoon of chopped fresh rosemary, half a teaspoon of fennel seeds, two cups of imported green olives, a few strips of rind from an organic lemon, juice from half a lemon

Step 1: Add the olive oil, vinegar, bay leaves, and garlic to a small saucepan and heat until warm over low heat.

Step 2: Remove from heat and stir in the lemon rind, thyme, rosemary, and fennel leaves.

Step 3: Place your olives into a wide mouthed jar and add the olive oil mixture into it, as well as the lemon juice. Shake well and refrigerate.

Step 4: Refrigerate up to two weeks and remember to shake the jar a few times per day to redistribute the seasoning inside before serving.

Step 5: Enjoy delicious olives with any meal.


They might make you tear up a bit when you slice them or dice them, but it’s a small price to pay considering what they can do for your body.

Onions have been used for centuries to reduce inflammations and heal infections. The same ingredients which are capable of doing this are also capable of activating your sirtuins.

A great benefit to onions is chromium, which helps regulate blood sugar levels. This tear educing vegetable contains more Polyphenols then nearly any other vegetable out there, which means that onions posses massive anti-oxidant capabilities.

Onions have been cultivated for centuries; they can be cooked, eaten raw, or pickled. There are many different species of onions which are used around the world.

The use of onions for food dates as far back as 5000 BC according to evidence found alongside date stones and figs.

The cultivation of onions has not been determined clearly but speculations are that the cultivation of onions began around 3000 BC in ancient Egypt.

Throughout history, onions made a huge impact on many civilizations. The Egyptians revered the spherical bulb of the onion and its internal rings as a symbol for eternal life.

The ancient Greek athletes consumed onions in great quantities, believing that it lightened the balance of blood.

Many doctors prescribed onions to relive headaches, hair loss, erectile dysfunction, and even snake bites.

Onions can be baked, boiled, fried, roasted, sautéed, or simply eaten raw in salads. They are generally used as an additional ingredient in most dishes but can also be the main ingredient in some dishes, such as onion soup.

Ideally, eating onion raw is the best way to get the most nutrients out of it, but some people don’t like the raw taste of onions. So instead we have another tasty recipe for you involving caramelized onions.

Caramelized Onion and Goat’s Butter Pasta

Ingredients – one finely sliced onion, a pinch of salt, 200g of dried spaghetti, a large scoop of goat’s butter, 50g or more of hard goat cheese

Step 1: Sprinkle your sliced onion with a pinch of salt, and then add it to a very gently heated pan. Cook the onions while stirring frequently until they are gold colored.

Step 2: When the onion is done, cook your pasta as directed on the box, but one minute less. Drain the pasta and return back to the pan, then add the butter, cooked onions, and half of the goat cheese. Mix everything very well.

Step 3: Warm the serving bowls and divide the paste between them. Scatter the rest of the cheese on top and serve!

Sirtuins Review Summary

There are many ways you can get sirtuin activating components into your body, but using your diet is the best method.

You can choose from a variety of different foods other than what we listed here and incorporate them in your daily life with relative ease.

Furthermore, you can utilize these same foods to increase your nutrient intake of other needed minerals and vitamins.

The above foods and recipes we listed aren’t the only ones out there, there are plenty more you can use in your diet. All you have to do is search for the ones you like the most. There are no limitations!


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