Running Beyond Baby – Shira’s 12 Week Training Plan For Moms?


Being a parent is more than a full time job, it is a lifetime responsibility that can take most of the time in a parent’s day. As a result, the only opportunities that parents have to take care of themselves are while the child is asleep, at daycare, school, or is being watched by another person. This limited amount of time means that parents who want to maintain a fit and healthy figure may want to consider a system that fits into those constraints.

With that, this review would like to introduce Running Beyond Baby. This is a 12-week comprehensive program that is specifically geared toward moms who want to lose weight and feel great.

What Is Running Beyond Baby?

Running Beyond Baby is a program that recognizes the time involved when it comes to parenting, but also the necessity of “down time” to clear a mom’s mind, reenergize her soul, and to boost her metabolism and health. With this system, moms can finally take advantage of a new outlet that enables them to receive all of the tools and resources necessary for a better and healthier lifestyle amid the career, kids, chores, and other responsibilities that accrue on the day to day.

Why A Program For Moms?

There are many interesting qualities about this program, but one of the most pertinent is that it is specifically designed for moms and many may be wondering why. Simply put, while there are many different running and fitness programs on the market that may be great for many people, they fail to touch upon the most important aspects for a mother – how to train and to run in light of a postpartum body and the hormones that come with it.

When it comes to moms, it is important to recognize that the body is in the process of healing and getting back into balance. Therefore, it can be extremely productive to work with those changes during the weight loss process. Those who adopt this system into their lifestyle can expect to experience far better results than with conventional programs out there.

A Program For Every Mom

To ensure that every woman has the opportunity to change her health and her body, this system is designed to be a comprehensive solution for women of all backgrounds and life circumstances. As the program explains, it is meant for women who:

  • Want to run amid the time constraints
  • Are looking to amp their fitness routine
  • Must “retrain” their body to run again
  • Are looking to lose weight
  • Are interested in a fit schedule and plan amid #momlife
  • Interested in a positive change to their lifestyle and health

Women who fit into any of the above categories and admittedly, many others revolving around mom life, will find this system to be a worthwhile and worthy endeavor. By choosing a program geared towards one’s time constraints, lifestyle, mom body, and the like, women can feel confident and certain that they are making the right decision for their health.

The Components Of The Program

Here are the main components that come with this system:

  • Membership to the Running Beyond Baby Site

    First, upon signing up for this system, members gain access to the Running Beyond Baby website. Access to this site comes with all of the necessary updates so that women can receive all of the latest information that they need to maintain a healthy fitness routine and running activities. Those who use the site will find that it is intuitive, user-friendly, and simple to manage.

  • Running Plans

    Second, the program comes with customized running plans. The plans are for 3 different levels and they span the course of three weeks. The weeks entail 2 days of running – just two. With this type of approach, women can finally enjoy from improved fitness, without feeling like it takes up all of their time. The running plans also come with a 5K Finish It Plan and a 5K Crush it Plan. These two plans give women the tools they need to learn how to make it to the finish line when a big race opportunity is available.

  • Strength and Core Workouts

    Third, the system also features strength and core workouts that can be performed at the gym or at home. The workouts come in the form of PDFs and video tutorials with coaching modifications. The workout schedule designates when these workouts should be performed and whether equipment is necessary.

In addition to the above components, the program also comes with running basics, a nutrition guide, and other goodies that women can use to stay on track and maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Running Beyond Baby Review Summary

Those who are interested in Running Beyond Baby can order the program for just $47. The class is available only until June 4th at 12 am EST. Therefore, moms who want to take control of their bodies, fitness routine, and health may want to visit the brand’s website today.

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