Ripped Muscle X


ripped muscle xtremeWe reviewed the Ripped Muscle X supplement website and had the same eye-opening questions and concerns as you.

Will X spark the sweet spot?

Witness as we collect the facts and connect the fitness fanatic's dots on the same thoughts – like – how does Xtreme work for getting ripped muscles? With safe and effective natural ingredients? How do I know?

Is the proof in the pudding or is this a pie in the sky fly by night muddy mess? We wanted to put it to the test once and for all.

See what shocked us at our core to hear and find amidst ample user reviews available..

Are main points of emphasis when illustrating the logical landscape and expected results of taking Ripped Muscle X supplementation come from asking will this be an ‘Xtreme Muscle Test' or is everything you read online exaggerated testimonials?

Does it deliver natural muscle building power and promote muscular growth and development .. or does the X stand for no-no-no go away?

ripped musclesListen, we know everyone wants ripped muscles like Incredible Hulk (my favorite superhero) and will go to the eXtreme to achieve and accompolish that ‘visible-feel-good' feat… but what we discovered may come as a shock to your core… do we have your permission and attention to savor our genuine flavor and continue, por favor?'s whole organic origins and overall ordeal derives from verifying the validity behind popular nutritional supplements… and due to the increased demand and customer feedback we have witnessed and received about Ripped Muscle X – it would be a good idea to see what they had to say here.

For the now-short-term, consider us your Free Online Personal Trainer for Natural, Pure Supplementation guidance and advice*… because by any additional supplemental means necessary… we are going to provide the truth about everything we can find (aside from synthetic steroids of course (we hope) because we do not advocate or aid in support there).

muscle informationMost of us here know a muscle in its rawest infancy form is a bundle of fibrous tissues that has the ability to contract and expand at will; which in a 360 degree viewpoint helps maintain the overall fluidity and movement of 650+ muscles positioned throughout the parts of our (growing or dying) bodies. That's why the essence of lifting and bodybuilding for muscle growth is beneficial for the longevity of our bodies.

That's why daily productive movement is so critical and vital to your overall health and wellness (ripped or not) because at the end of the day all we have is the elasticity, suppleness and stretchable fiber like musculus materials to move and be in life.

There are many advantages of being lean and tone, but we all know what a little extra muscle can feel and look like on the bone right? – sexy.

The reason we started reviewing supplements for muscle gains such as Ripped Muscle Xtreme is because we know that most of the time (work or not, rain or shine), taking and using muscle promoting supplements will get you in the gym on a daily basis (which is the number one factor and element for gaining real long-lasting muscle)… that is to say, consistency my friend.

bodybuilding supplementWe can all agree supplements are shortcuts. Not necessarily a necessity or the easy way out, but it pays to be smart and simple when implementing. Do not think just because you try Ripped Muscle X that is all you have to do (funny with the bodybuilding joke)

We are going to discuss in-depth the deception or optimization of using Ripped Muscle X and Elite Test 360 as part of your workout regime and dietary program. Then the ball and muscle will be in your court.

ingredientsIt wouldn't be in tune or vibe with us if we did not at least share the supplement shadows by saying that nothing is ever going to replace, rebuild and replenish your body as good as or more than a whole food diet. We like to say “fresh is as fresh does” .. so no matter what your supplement game looks like, make sure your eating healthy foods that do not create constipation or coagulation within the body.

Supplements are just that – to help build and support onto the foundation of already being committed to going to the gym daily or working out / exercising no matter what. The body is much like a mechanic machine or instrument that if it does not get daily use it can become rusty, stiff or sore, even tight, not much energy for the daily fight and grind.

That’s why we rely on supplements for that extra natural boost and enhancing effect (ideally without the risky side effects which we cover and go over below).

Now, I could continue with the moral pep talk but ill chalk that up to a pitcher's bawk…illegal motion because I already know your serious and committed, that’s why you want to know about Ripped Muscle X and are not searching stories over at gawker..

The goal is simple. To get you better, quicker, stronger results..the question is how does Ripped Muscle X work if it does at all and can it do it from natural ingredients in a timely fashion.

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Ripped Muscle Xtreme User Review

Working out has always been a major priority of mine, and that is not something that I envision will be changing anytime soon.

I'm constantly on the lookout for new workouts and products that will let me sculpt my body and become healthier, but sometimes I feel as if they are few and far between these days.

Ripped Muscle Xtreme User Review

Ripped Muscle X

Fortunately, however, I stumbled across a product that turned out to be one of the best tools that I have ever used: Ripped Muscle X. My friends and I have stuck with this product for months now, and our only regret is that we didn’t manage to find it sooner.

The main reason why I decided to try Ripped Muscle Xtreme in the first place is because of how easy it is to use. This product comes in capsule form, which means you simply have to take the recommend dosage each and everyday and continue your regular daily workouts.

I’ve never seen a workout agent that is this easy to incorporate into my daily habits, and I was amazed by how little effort was needed in order to make it work at its full capacity.

Does Ripped Muscle X Work?

ripped muscle guyThe most anticipated answer of this entire Ripped Muscle X review is “does it work?!?”.

Here is what our internal user had to say with his experience using both RMX and ET360.

“I almost immediately started to see this product work. I began gaining muscle mass at an incredible rate, and I didn't even have to alter my workouts in order to accomplish this.”

He would continue by elaborating, saying “Not only did my body look more toned, but I also became substantially stronger and had more stamina. Both my aerobic and anaerobic endurance levels were higher than they had ever been before, and my muscles stopped tiring out so easily.”

Ripped Muscle X Side Effects

One of the most amazing parts about all of this was that these benefits were accomplished without my body ever being harmed. I have previously used products that have unfortunately put me at a higher risk of being injured, and some of them have even weakened my immune system.

But, almost immediately after I started using Ripped Muscle X, I felt amazing, and this feeling has yet to go away. I have not once been injured while using Ripped Muscle Xtreme, and the only pain that I have ever felt is the typical soreness that my body goes through even when I am not using supplements.

And, as if all of this wasn’t enough, I also became more alert and had more energy in general. I noticed that I wasn’t as tired in the mornings as I used to be, and that I was able to pay attention to things for a longer period of time. My work habits improved, and I started having a substantially better performance at my job.

Ripped Muscle X Recommendation

All in all, I strongly recommend that any man that is interested in strengthening their body, building up their muscles, and toning their physique give Ripped Muscle X a try. It is more than worth the cost, and it is by far one of the most effective supplements that I have ever used, and I have tried about everything that is available for purchase.

When you use Ripped Muscle X, you truly cannot go wrong.

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Next ReviewElite Test 360
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Affiliate Disclosure: For full FTC compliance transparency; please assume we may receive a small commission from the sales of certain products & supplements reviewed. In order to operate optimally, our dedicated team & site is supported by advertising revenue and can be compensated from recommended product links.


  1. Had to cancel my debit card to opt out. Called their so called customer service numbers, 888-461-4728,877-252-9979,888-501-9287, and 866-356-7277. All put me on hold for 30 minutes or longer. I left my number so they could call back. Finally after 2 hours they call and as expected cannot find my name or card number in their system even though I was billed and that is where I initially found the phone numbers. The woman was quite rude and said call you bank sir there is nothing we can do. I tried to be polite and say I am calling within my 14 day rights to cancel. She said nothing more to help and basically hung up. I hope the product at least works, but now i am very skeptical to say the least.

  2. I have to disagree with some of the comments about this stuff it worked for me last year with no problem you have to take both the elite 360 and ripped muscle x to get good results eat right and workout and stay hydradrated I lost like 25 lbs within a month time easily

  3. I think you should make aware that this is not a good starting cycle – there are more mild and less potent cycles to begin with with are better suited for people just starting into this game. As well, don’t attempt this if you don’t have a PCT set up, or for that matter know what a PCT is.

  4. Checked amazon for real reviews on these products from real ppl I didn’t buy and glad I read before i bought. Otherwise i might of ended up sick and wasted my money. also read the terms and conditions or you’ll pay extra money a month for following bottles at outrages prices.

  5. This product is BS and unsafe it is not FDA approved and sent me to the hospital with heart palpitations i did there 14 day trial and received the product late and they would still not refund me even though i had the product for less then 10 days this is just a credit card recurring charge scam.

    There website is full of fake results and testimonials and they even tell you that under each picture it says actors shown results not typical which means BS

    and at the bottom of their site it says
    Results may vary, and the testimonials and images featured on this website do not represent typical results.

    Which means you will not get results I tried this product for 2 weeks and had no results


  6. I’m a physician. As usual with most supplements, very little effect with this product. Resistance training on a regular basis may negligibly be boosted if at all. Downside is the product takes a toll on the kidneys if inadequate hydration is not strictly avoided. Unfortunately people cannot alter or “trick” their genetic make up. What happens is the truly genetically blessed try to preach their methods when in actuality they simply get 10X the results with equal effort to another without the genes. Two people are asked to mow a lawn. Same size lawn, same lawn mower in the same condition. Afterwards, one person is paid $100, the other $10. Who is likely to return to the job? But the person paid $100 will say he “worked harder or better”. I’ve known body builders who will be “off training” and eat like hell. Fast food, beer, etc. Once they get back into it, they see results immediately and thus get the necessary motivation. When you’re genes are inferior as far as physique, you work so hard for minimal results it’s frustrating and difficult to keep at it. When the genetically blessed person does 100 sit ups a day for 2 weeks and already starts to see a six pack forming…they think they’ve worked so much harder than the chubby guy when in actuality…they simply didn’t and will never have to.

  7. I’ve been using this product for 3 weeks now, I follow my every other day regiment at the gym working out every muscle and on off days I do cardio. I have yet to see any results that stem from this product.

  8. hi my name is lora and me and my husband would like to find out more about the product and it side effect because we have used some of the supplement similar to this and have had no results but we would like to try ripped muscle x but because of the other supplements we are not to sure about this one when we were useing the others we would almost always had small spurts of energy and we would have to take two 30 min. before each meal and we finally gave up about 3 to 4 weeks in because we did not see any results and with the life style we have we dont really have to much time to work out for two to three hr a day so is there any side effect that we need to know that might harm us if we do use the product. please email me


    • It’s funny to see people looking for the “magic pill”. It does not exist folks. These supplements are not medically tested and some of them can be very dangerous. You want build muscle, lift weight and eat well and depending on your genetic make up, some will see better results than others and that’s the truth. The rest is BS.

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With full FTC compliance disclosure, please know our goal is to highlight human health and develop strategic partnerships with a variety of seasoned supplement suppliers affiliate compensation notice and new wellness product creators from around the world. Our intention is to organize optimal outlets for you, we may receive small commissions from providing links and sharing ads. The team has your best interest at hand, we care as much about your health as you do and that’s why you’re reading this. Want to learn more?