Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost – Improve Sex Drive & Libido?


Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost is powerful daily supplement that helps people increase the free testosterone levels within the body. With increased testosterone levels, users will see a boost in their sex drive, libido, and workout capacity.

This supplement helps get blood pumping which means the nutrients in this supplement get to the muscles at a cellular level allowing people to work out harder and longer to give better results. Whether people are bodybuilders or powerlifters this supplement will help harden muscles and improve vascularity.

Please read below to learn more about Sextosterone Boost and how to purchase a bottle.

What Is Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost?

Formulated to help give users the extra support they need in lifting their free testosterone levels to help improve workout performance and sexual function.

Sextosterone Boost combines a mix of all-natural ingredients that help increase blood flow, reduce estrogen levels, and boost sex drive and libido. Consumers who are looking for a product that not only increases testosterone levels but also helps boost sexual performance and body physique will want to consider trying Sextosterone Boost.

How Does Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost Work?

By combining a mixture of ingredients specifically chosen for their ability to boost blood flow and enhance testosterone levels this supplement will give bodybuilders, power lifters, and body competitors the support they need to be their best physically.

Additionally, Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost helps people maintain and improve their physique by hardening muscles and improving vascularity. Users simply take four capsules of Sextosterone Boost daily. This dose can be taken all at once or split up into two capsule doses taken twice daily.

If consumers choose to split their dosing the manufacturer recommends that two capsules should be taken first thing in the morning and then two capsules again mid-afternoon. On days when users are working out they should take the second dose roughly thirty minutes before the workout starts.

Who Makes Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost?

The powerful supplement is manufactured by a company called Psycho Pharma. This company offers consumers a small line of products that will help support weight loss, energy levels, and boost testosterone levels.

Psycho Pharma also offers two pre-workout and post-workout supplements that will help men and women of any age get the most out of their gym, mat, or track time.

Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost Ingredients

As a stimulant free testosterone booster, Sextosterone Boost works by combining a mix of all-natural ingredients that enhance blood flow and help support higher levels of free testosterone leading to improved workout and bedroom performance.

  • L-Citrulline: Helps boost the body’s nitric oxide levels which lead to free testosterone development. L-Citrulline supports lean muscle mass growth while boosting athletic performance. Additionally, L-Citrulline increases blood flow and improves heart health.
  • Tribulus: Sourced from a plant that grows in the Mediterranean, Tribulus is commonly used in testosterone boosting supplements because it works.
  • L-Carnitine Tartrate: Promotes fat burning, reduces amino acid breakdown, and promotes protein synthesis. This ingredient also helps support post-workout recovery.
  • Mucuna Pruriens: As a precursor to Dopamine, this ingredient supports improved motivation, mood, and focus.
  • Tongkat Ali: Many consumers will recognize this ingredient because it is commonly used in male sexual enhancement products. It also help increase overall testosterone levels within the body.
  • Arimistane: Helps to increase muscle hardness and reduce body fat and water retention.
  • Horny Goat Weed: An herb that has been used for centuries in China to treat low libido, erectile dysfunction, fatigue, and pain.

Interested consumers can read the full ingredient profile on the Psycho Pharma website at

Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost Pricing

Available for purchase online through the Psycho Pharma website, Strong Supplement Shop, and A1 Supplements.

Psycho Pharma

Each 120 capsule bottle costs $49.95. There is no shipping information available on this website.

Strong Supplement Shop

This website offers this supplement at a significantly lower price at $29.95. This website has very limited information about this company.

A1 Supplements

Sextosterone Boost is also available through A1 Supplements for $29.95.

Should You Use Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost?

Men who are looking for a supplement that helps block their body’s estrogen levels and increase their testosterone levels will want to consider trying Sextosterone Boost. Physique models will appreciate how this supplement works to increase their body’s muscle hardness as well as vascularity. There is a wide range of testosterone boosters currently available on the market and many deliver results. This product is another one to consider.

Psycho Pharma Sextosterone Boost seems to be offering a few products aimed at workout buffs that are looking for a hardcore option. Interested consumers can learn more by visiting the product on the Psycho Pharma website at

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