Power Pops – Assorted Flavors Appetite Suppresant LolliPops?


In order to lose weight, many people turn to weight loss supplement, appetite suppressant, and fat burners to help them achieve their goals more efficiently and faster. These products are often capsules or powders that need to be taken with some water.

The form in which these products are provided can make people feel like they are under medication which can be a disturbing feeling. For that reason, taking supplements no matter how efficient they are can become an inconvenience. In addition, a lot of supplements found on today’s market contain similar ingredients that have been demonstrated to only mildly work.

Power Pops is a new appetite suppressant and energy enhancer provided by Essanté Organics. This product contains an original and natural ingredient from South Africa called Hoodia which is not found in any other similar product. However, what makes Power Pops especially unique, is that comes in the form of a lollipop.

Thus, in order to promote faster weight loss people get to suck on a lollipop with powerful properties helping consumers burn fat efficiently without having to deal with messy powders are pill-like supplements. Essanté Organics provides their customers with a fun, flavorful, natural and efficient way to support their weight loss goals.

The Benefits of Power Pops

One of Power Pops main advantages is its original and fun form. The fact that Power Pops is a fat burner in the form of a lollipop does also serve a greater purpose as the product’s key ingredient is hoodia, originally sucked in order to extract its beneficial characteristics.

Hoodia Gordonii is a plant that not only tastes good, but that has been used for years and years by indigenous populations in South Africa and Asia in order to suppress appetite and thirst during long hunting periods in wild and harsh environments.

P57 is the active ingredient found in Hoodia and responsible for the suppression of appetite as it increases the levels of adenosine triphosphate or ATP in the body. ATP uses receptors to suppress appetite as it sends a signal of fullness and satisfaction to the brain.

As the brain is thinking the body is full it will help users of Power Pops to significantly reduce their daily intake in calories and ultimately lose weight. Hoodia works in the same way as glucose but the plant is a better option to promote weight loss as it doesn’t contain calories.

In addition to hoodia, Power Pops contains other powerful ingredients such as citrimax which is a popular component in fat burners formulations as it not only suppresses appetite but also helps to burn fat. Power Pops formula also includes L-tyrosine an amino acid that increases thermogenesis and therefore promotes rapid fat loss.

In the Power Pops formula ingredients such as guarana, vitamin B6 and B12 and natural flavors can also be found. In order to bind the powerful agents with each other, the weight loss lollipops have a small amount of sugar and corn syrup in them.

Overall, Power Pops contains 28 calories, 4 carbs, 2 net grams of sugar and more importantly absolutely no grams of fat.

What makes Power Pops an ingenious and effective manner to reduce appetite is not only due to the highly efficient, powerful and natural ingredients included in the product but also to its form that imposes itself as an alternative to eating, often caloric, snacks out of habit rather than hunger.

Power Pops should be eaten thirty minutes before each meal with an eight ounce of water. Combined with a well-balanced diet and regular exercise, Power Pops will effectively support weight loss and enhance energy levels which help people in general, especially if they have an active lifestyle and frequent the gym regularly.

Power Pops Availability and Pricing

For more information on Power Pops, you can visit the Power Pops website dedicated to the potent and original product. A bag of 30 lollipops will cost $29.90 USD and can be ordered from the Essanté Organics website.

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