Plum Organics – Healthy Nutritious Food Formula For Babies & Kids?


Be it babies, toddlers or kids, taking care of children in general is without doubt the most nerve wrecking, but heart warming experience parents go through. The love for kids starts as early as finding out that you will become a father and/or mother. This is actually the beginning of taking care of your child, as the child’s taste buds start to form while taking formation in the womb. What you feed yourself matters the most, as you are more likely defining the health of your child once he/she enters the world.

Did you know that in America alone, 1 in 33 babies are born with some type of a birth defect? ( While some of the reasons as to how a child is born with a defect is either out of our control, unknown, or through genetics, a part of the reason as to why such defects are present is due to our habits. For instance, alcohol consumption is one of many habits that have showed either a slow growth or defects in babies.

The toughest time frame for any woman is the 9 months endured to ensure all is well. Once she gives birth, her partner and herself have to put so much thought as to how they want to raise their child, what to teach, what to feed, when to start saving up, etc. Of the many aspects of a child’s future that needs great attention, Plum Organics has helped in order to lift a part of all parents’ weight off their backs. And how are they doing so? You’ll find out soon enough…

About Plum Organics

Plum Organics is an organic company that provides food essentials for babies, tots, and kids. Their approach to food, especially for the young, is to focus solely on simpler foods. Foods that consist of organic, non-GMO, and the simplest of ingredients are a safer and healthier approach for children. Whether organic foods are healthier is a totally different debate, but the simplest of methods of preparing foods is in fact healthy and safe compared to processed foods found on shelves.

It’s unfortunate that the advances in technology have brought us such harm. When you go to a grocery store and grab a pack of carrots, did you take a closer look at it before buying it? It must have been a nice pack of plump carrots right?

The plumpness is a fertilizer of a sort that is used to fasten the production of carrots that way suppliers can deliver it to the markets for consumers to buy. This is what Plum Organics works to avoid when providing your infants and kids food products.

Simply Healthy & A Treat To Kids’ Taste Buds

Plum Organics focuses on providing healthy products for babies, tots and kids. The following is a list of varying products offered to ensure kids are getting nutritious sources of each food group while adding a taste factor:


  1. Baby Formula: it is one of the first important stages for feeding your baby right. This formula consists of cow’s milk, plant-based oils, minerals and vitamins’ supplements. If you are able to breastfeed, it is the ultimate choice to go for, however, not all mothers are able to do so and for that reason such baby formulas exist. This comes in 3 flavors: sweet potato, sweet peas with mint and butternut squash with cinnamon.
  2. Just Veggies: Preferably for babies 4 months and plus. This is a Stage 1 food line consisting of a blend of veggies with a hint of flavor.
  3. Just Fruit: is similar to the Just Veggies, but consists of a blend of fruits. It comes in three flavors: prunes, mangos and peaches.
  4. There Eat Your Color products consist of a combination of all vegetables and fruits of the same color and they have: red, orange, yellow and white
  5. Stage 2 products consist of Grow Well, Second Blends, Super Puffs, and Little Yums, all of which are a source of purees, blends, vitamins and minerals, and teething wafers respectively. This is normally fed to 6 months and older.
  6. Stage 3 products consist of meals with grains and vegetables, as well as some protein.


For tots they carry a wide range of products that have more texture compared to what babies might consume, such as: snack bars, blends, veggies, crackers, square cookies and sticks, as well as fruit snacks and heart lifting meals. Finally, kids are introduced to some of our favorite picks but with a healthy twist on it such as: pizza minis, chicken and turkey bites, juices, oatmeal and other cookies, and apple sauce pouches that come in different flavors.


The prices range from $1.79 to over $20 but it is determined on many factors. The different stages of food, the quantity purchased (individual versus package), and the comparison between smaller items like applesauce pouches and heartfelt meals are all priced differently. This is definitely a pricier baby foods brand, as many other baby foods alternatives do exist at cheaper costs, however there is good in Plum Organics as well.

Firstly, these products are in the most natural, healthy and safe state for any children to consume. If you’ve seen products on shelves with expiry dates of 2 years, 4 years from now or even no expiry date available from today, then you know additives have been added to preserve each product. Plum Organics is exactly doing and the opposite and avoids crossing that line because it can affect our children.

Secondly, whether it is pricey or not, you need to make sure the right foods enter children’s’ systems from the start, that way they do not become addictive to processed and unhealthy foods. And lastly, Plum Organics works to feed the poorly nourished babies of ages 0 to 3 through their program, the Full Effect. They help by contributing organic meals and snacks. As of right now, they have managed to give back to the community by providing 11,801,465 meals to those in need!

Plum Organics Summary

Overall, Plum Organics is ensuring that new parents and parents of tots and kids ensure that they are feeding the right foods in the simplest manner. In this case, the price is not merely how much you are taking out of your wallet, but rather how much you’ve contributed to society by going for a brand that works to feed those in need. More and more children are in need of healthy food, and more brands are starting to take action. When will you take action? For more information check out:


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