Patriot Flex – Patriot Health Alliance Joint Pain Relief Roll-On Remedy?


In Pennsylvania, a coal fire led to a breakthrough in joint pains issues.

Sorry, let’s back up for a moment…

Are you wondering how a coal fire could possibly be related to joints and joint pains?

These coal fires are what led to the discovery of the newest natural solution that curbs joint aches for up to 12 hours and really works, even on your most stubborn pains. The fire occurred in a small mining town called Centralia in Pennsylvania. The town is now a ghost town.

For several years, the cause of the fire was unknown and even the roads were torn open. However, the cause was finally established some years later. It was discovered that the coals had been burning in the ground for years prior to the incident. The coal fire was simply an accident waiting to happen for numerous years prior to the incident.

What does the ghost town have in common with the body? Beneath the outer exterior of your body are cells, joint cells specifically, just smoldering. These cells are constantly waiting to flare up. These flare ups could start at any moment, putting you in perpetual agony. It could destroy your body from the inside just like the fire destroyed Centralia.

Your body may have already started showing signs of smoldering. You may have started feeling hot gravel in your bad knee. Your back might have a lot of pain each time you make a turn. Note that these are just the early signs. They are warning signs of a potentially lethal situation and should be taken seriously, because if the situation persists your body will erupt and eventually start falling apart, just like Centralia.

How To Get Relief From Your Joint Aches?

The answer is to be found in Patriot Health Alliance. The founder of the company, Jeff Raegan, has done a full dedication of his life to doing serious research into the ancient healing ways. He then conducted research into fusing these ancient methods with the new modern science and technology.

Very recently, he finally came up with a breakthrough in the ongoing battle against joint pains. The research indicates that eliminating this pain begins with action done from within.

The advantages of treating the joints from a cellular level are:

  • You can finally attain relief from the pain that has been a stubborn factor in your joints, even in circumstances where other types of supplements refuse to work.
  • The treatment also results in relaxation of the muscles around your neck and shoulders in a short period of time. This eliminates the need for creams and pills used for the same.
  • The treatment can also reduce inflammation which restores healthy motion. This frees you up to get back to your active life.

Why Your Joints Hurt?

If your joints have stubborn pain, the chances are that you have tried all the means possible to eliminate the pain. You might have cut out all types of inflammatory foods such as gluten laden foods.

Chances are you have tried such supplements as turmeric and fish oil, but to no avail. You might have tried all the creams available in the market and received less than satisfactory results as well. A student in Harvard has come up with a solution to all your woes. None of the contemporary methods are likely to work on your joints because they do not deal with the root cause of your joint problems.

In correlation to the Centralia fire, every fire begins with a spark. This is the same with joint problems. They have to have a root cause and unless you know this you can hardly find the solution to your problem. In your body, the spark that begins your joint aches is called Nuclear Factor Kappa-B or NF-kB for short.

Before the realization of this by the Harvard student, most experts considered this chemical harmless and they had good reasons behind this. The chemical helps to regulate the immune system. It wards off infections and increases the healing rate of your cells.

However, excess consumption of foods such as hamburgers and French fries that release free radicals in your body shoot up the levels of NF-kB in your body. And this is not a good thing because when the levels of this usually good chemical get out of control, this is the spark that causes all of your inflammation fires.

This is because the high levels of the chemicals trigger other inflammatory triggers like COX-2 and cytokines. These chemicals, when sparked, spread from one cell to another igniting the inflammation fires in your body.

This results in flare ups in your knees and neck and other such joints. This inflammation can take over your entire life to the extent of limiting your movements gradually. Suddenly, easy to perform tasks such as opening a bottle lid become a nightmare.

The Discovery

The same study found that reducing the levels of NF-kB can reverse the flares of inflammation at the source. When you reduce the levels of this chemical, the levels of inflammatory triggers in the body reduce and your mobility is restored to normal. The treatments in modern times are now being tailored to reduce the levels of NF-kB in the body and therefore eliminate the pain at the root.

However, a majority of these treatments are far from being fully developed and are too expensive. But there is a natural joint remedy that has been used in the dentist world for ages now. This is clove oil. It has been used for a long time to remedy pain in the teeth and can now be used to curb joint pains.

The oil from cloves targets the NF-kB at a cellular level through a chemical known as eugenol. It cures the joints at a cellular level and disrupts the pain paths, giving you complete relief.

It is this groundbreaking discovery that is the company, Patriot Health, put in their new product, Patriot Flex. This is the one remedy that is almost completely guaranteed to eliminate joint pains.

Why Is Patriot Flex Needed?

Joint pains can be quite debilitating. You might find tasks that were previously easy to be quite difficult. Pain in the joints can even make conducting your work more difficult as well. For patients of joint aches, a permanent solution could be quite desirable. Most patients have sought for treatments from all avenues to no avail.

It is for this reason that Patriot Health came up with Patriot Flex that nips the problem in the bud. This ensures that you are free to continue with your life as it was prior to the eruption of the joint pains.

The convergence of age old wisdom and new technology has brought the best solution for people suffering from knee pains. The company is therefore essential as it provides the much needed relief that patients of knee pains have sought after for years.


  • The products provide almost guaranteed relief from joint pains.
  • The company offers a free 30 day trial. In this period, you can try out the product for compatibility and effectiveness.


The product is quite new in the market. It is generally untried and untested for side effects. However, no adverse side effects have been reported yet.

As with all products, ensure you consult your doctor before purchasing it. It is equally important to follow all the given directions in order to achieve maximum results as well as be able to avoid side effects.

Patriot Flex Review Summary

Knee problems have affected the population for way too long. Some of these problems result in reduced mobility and chronic pain. Patriot Flex is the product that eliminates the problem by nipping it in the bud.

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