Orig3n – Bliss, Fuel, Bloom, Superhero, Aura & Fitcode DNA Tests?


Advancement in technology in the medical industry and scientific breakthrough has completely revolutionized the way people think about health and DNA.

Unlike the past where DNA tests used to take a long period of time before results were issued, nowadays, it is possible to have your DNA results just days after the samples have been taken. A DNA test usually compares a sample of your genetic material against the known genetic sequences based on established medical and scientific research.

Orig3n has established a state of the art lab that analyzes the data comprehensively to come up with an accurate personalized profile. As soon as your sample reaches their state of the art lab, their team of experts will start to analyze the data and build your personalized profile. The company is not only well experienced but it also has all the necessary equipment needed to ensure that it delivers accurate results within a short period of time.

Orig3n has a very strict policy that ensures that the genetic information is protected. The company believes that you and you alone should have access and control of your genetic information. That is why the company does not involve other specialists or middlemen to intervene on your behalf. Once the tests have been analyzed, Orig3n will deliver the test results directly to you as soon as possible.

Unlike other companies that only give DNA test results, Orig3n has gone a step further to give insightful tips to help you make informed decisions that will benefit you. The results that you will be given will be based on research and analysis that has been conducted by their team of researchers.

You are advised that once you have been given the results, you need to take an extra step and compare it with family and friends to interpret it better.

Benefits Of Using Orig3n

They Help You Know More About Your Body

Everybody wants to know why their body sometimes reacts the way it does. For instance, if you always feel uncomfortable after something like a milkshake, then chances are that you have genes that are intolerant to lactose.

Through their state of the art lab, Orig3n will conduct an extensive analysis to give you clues about your mind and body. This is very important because it will help you know more about yourself, a factor that will help you make better decision that will improve your quality of life.

They Help You Know Exactly Who You Are

Orig3n will conduct extensive analysis of your DNA to help you know exactly who are you are. The genetic code markers for a particular condition are very minimal. This means that for instance, if your gene predisposes you to a lower than average muscle strength, that does not mean that you cannot train to build stronger muscles strength.

Your genes do not dictate your ability to do or attain something. The company will provide you with critical information that will help you know yourself better so that you can make adjustments that will help you achieve your goals faster.

They Help You Make Informed Choices

If you know more about your genes and how they behave, you will be in a better position to make smart choices that will help improve your health. For instance, if your genetic results show that your genes metabolize caffeine slower than normal, you will be able to make informed decisions to limit its intake in order to keep your anxiety and blood pressure level in check.

They Can Predict Your Future Accurately

Many people usually think that a DNA test is a diagnosis exercise but that is not true. On the contrary, DNA tests actually help to analyze your risks. It will help you get crucial information about certain things in your body.

For instance, if you have genes for certain condition or disease, it actually means that there are higher chances that you will suffer from that particular disease at some point in your life. Knowing such crucial information is very important because it help you adjust your lifestyle to avoid certain things that could trigger that condition.

They Will Give You A Hint Of What Lies Ahead

Do you know that by conducting DNA test, you can actually know what lies ahead? For instance, DNA tests can help you know if your skin is aging faster than the normal average skin. This hint is very important because it will help you take extra precautions to take good care of your skin to help offset that genetic influence.

You Will Get Suggestions About What To Do Next

It is very important to note that a DNA test is actually not a diagnosis. You therefore need to be very careful, especially when it comes to interpreting the results. You should not throw away your sunscreens simply because your DNA test has shown that you don’t have genes for high sun sensitivity.

Orig3n will not only give you accurate results, it will also give you advice on what you need to do once they give you the results. You will not be left hanging, and instead you will be guided by their team of experts to ensure that you make better decision that will impact positively on your life.

Your Samples Will Never Leave Their Lab

As we mentioned earlier, you privacy is their main priority. Once you send your sample to them for DNA testing, the company will perform a comprehensive analysis of the sample that you have just presented in their own on site lab that is located in Boston.

This means that the company will not send your sample to a third party for further analysis. Their lab is well equipped and they have the best experts to do the tests in their own laboratory. This means that your sample will never leave the lab.

Privacy Is Their Top Priority

Orig3n has put excellent security measures in place to ensure that the results that they have sent to you don’t get into the hands of unauthorized persons. They will encrypt your results before they send them back to you to ensure that the information is safe and secure.

They Give Hope To Those Without It

Technological advancement in the medical industry has given hope to people who suffer from diseases that have for a long time been thought to be irreversible. Through the use of regenerative medicine, Orig3n has made it possible to treat conditions that have been very difficult to treat for decades.

How The Process Works

Orig3n has made it very easy for you to use their system to get your DNA test results. The process is not as difficult as is usually the case with other companies. Below is how the process works.

Choose An Orig3n DNA Test

The first thing that you need to do is to place an order from their online shop so that the company can send a collection kit direct to your door steps. You can also buy their collection kit at any of their events.

Collect Your DNA Sample

The next step is to collect your DNA, which is actually a very simple process. All that you need to do is to swab your check for about 30 seconds, then place the sample on the collection kit and send it to the lab for analysis.

Ensure That You Register

Once you visit the company’s website, it is very important to ensure that you register so that the company can have your details. The company will send you the results based on the information that you have given during registration.

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