Memory Pills Side Effects – Dangerous Nootropic Ingredient Stacks?


You have likely heard of memory pills, and you probably even have an idea on how the pills work to improve the brain functions. Most of the people who experience brain conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease, have a lot of challenges in the way they use their memory to remember and apply those memories on daily facts.

You might find a lot of disturbances, including the inability to focus, remember, and memorize things. This condition can make one feel as if they are a child that hasn’t had the proper time to experience learning. This condition and others necessitate memory boosting, and many people do this by taking supplements that help to improve the memory.

In the modern world, there has been a lot of research to see the ways in which memory supplements can be applied to boost a person’s memory. Most of the supplements are derived from natural plants, while others are considered to be over-the-counter and do not come by natural means.

If you know the ingredient you are looking for to boost your memory, then your work becomes easier to find a good supplement. Studies show that when natural memory pills are used, they are safer as compared to the artificial pills, which might have adverse side effects.

Research in the United States showed that Americans spend about $91 million yearly collectively on buying a single memory supplement. This brings a question as to whether these memory supplements work or if Americans are simply wasting their money.

What Are Memory Pills?

This is a question that doctors, psychiatrists, and other health professions have been trying to answer for years. Since there is minimal research that has been conducted on memory pills, you will find it still needs more overview to bring out the answers to our questions. Memory pills have been in use by many people for a while, and the effects are clear with the pills that have been authorized for use by doctors and medical professionals.

The pills have components derived from natural herbs or that are made in the laboratory, with the aim of boosting the functions of the brain cells. They work as stimulants, and therefore hasten the process by which the memory works. Memory pills are finding a wide use from many people including students, aging people, and people busy professions. The objective is to supplement their brain with the energy needed to initiate focus and in turn, allow more brain functions.

These pills also may have adverse side effects when consumed in large amounts or when take wrongly. This article will focus on side effects, and major benefits will also be highlighted. With memory pills, medical advice is necessary to ensure you aren’t causing more harm than benefit to your brain. Other modern names that apply to memory pills include nootropics, cognitive enhancers, or brain boosters.

With continued use of these supplements, international sales have reported selling brain boosters at a high margin, and the demand continues to grow over the years. This has prompted more research so as to produce enough supplements and new supplements to fit the high demand.

However, there is a warning that comes with counterfeit memory pills that are produced for profit making and at this level, you should take your doctor’s advice on the care that should be taken as far as your supplier is concerned. You should only buy supplements from trusted retailers.

Benefits Of Memory Pills

Just like other supplements on the market, memory pills have been found to add value to the way the brain functions. Most of these pills have been authorized for use, and when used correctly, minimal side effects are experienced.

With our modern society being full of technological advancement, you will notice that memory pills can be taken as a part of one's daily diet to help supplement your brain so you can keep up. When taking the memory pills, one can swallow them, take through liquids, and also take through food. The benefits are evident. Some of the benefits found include:

  • Improved concentration – this is enhanced by boosting the activity of the brain cells to remain active, which keeps you alert and focused on the specific task one is taking on.
  • Prevents inflammation – most of the pills work to prevent the brain from shrinking a condition that might affect memory power to control its functions.
  • Memory pills aid in prevention and control of conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, which have been found to affect learning and the way the memory functions.
  • Reduces the effects of fatigue. Memory boosters work to supplement and energize the brain, which reduces the instances in which the brain gets tired.
  • The pills lower oxidative stress and keep the body active and psyched up for further engagements. The memory pills can also help in fighting anxiety and depression. It works by suppressing stress hormones from overwhelming the body function, and this also helps in boosting memory.
  • It works to reduce pain, fatigue, and bad mood or mood swings. This makes it a good supplement to help the brain work on memory inhibitors.
  • It’s also a powerful antioxidant that works to enable the body to reduce the inflammatory effects of the brain. Memory supplements keep the muscles active and running, and this ensures the brain muscles are able to sustain the activities directed to the brain including boosting the memory.
  • The brain pills also protect the brain nerves and cells from damage.
  • When brain cells wear out, the supplements aid in the regeneration of new cells for maximum activity performance.
  • They also stimulate the flow of blood to the brain. Since the brain needs blood to work well, there is also the need to supply adequate blood to the nerves for performance purposes.
  • It promotes the release of acetylcholine to the parts of the brain, hence improving its ability to function.
  • Breaks down proteins in the brain, preventing the formation of plaque.
  • Pills also improve the ability of the brain to record, consolidate, and encode information coming to its cells.

    More research is underway and many of these benefits are increasing, which is getting the attention of many researchers and health care professionals. This research has made and continues to make many new brain pill supplements to be made available by suppliers and manufacturers.

What Are Some Of The Side Effects That Come With Memory Pills?

All drugs, when taken in overdose or under dose, are likely to have extreme health side effects. Some of the side effects witnessed with the memory pills include the following:


This is a chronic feeling of vomiting, brought about by the body rejecting the memory enhancer used. Some of these pills have an awful smell, which some people might find it harder to consume.


When the body rejects the pill, one might experience continuous vomiting as a result of taking the pill.


This is a condition brought about by the body system refusing to use the medication. Therefore, it leads to diarrhea.

Loss Of Appetite

Some pills bring about loss of appetite, which means it is hard for a person to eat. This eventually results in weight loss, as the body doesn’t have the ability to work due to lack of food.


Feelings of dizziness may come as a result of the brain finding it hard to break down the pill, making the body feel tired bringing about dizziness.


You might experience feelings of tiredness and wanting to sleep.


If you take brain pills in excess, they are likely to drain your body's energy, making the body weak. This will affect your general body functioning.

Trouble Sleeping

Brain pill supplements may act as a psychoactive, which keep the brain active. This might lead to the lack of sleep, as the brain is powered to perform and depriving you sleep.


Your body might start shaking, making it unable to perform its usual functions effectively.

Muscle Cramping

As the body makes adjustments to make the drug effective, one might experience cramping, which makes the body unable to function efficiently.

It’s advised to take precaution before you ingest any pill for medical supplementation purposes. You need to make a consultation with your doctor, as these pills have different dosage and uses, and then only take them as directed to avoid adverse effects. Ensure that you only buy the pills from an authorized retailer, as they are safer.

If you feel that the above symptoms are persisting, then you need to seek medical attention from your doctor.

Are Memory Supplements Safe?

The safety of the memory supplements come with following instructions. First, if you buy from an authorized retailer, then you have taken the first steps in safety measures correctly. You also need to take the directions from your doctor seriously. When you take the medication as directed, then it’s safe for your use.

What Are The Top Memory Enhancing Products?

There are both natural and artificial memory pills available. The most commonly used are the natural pills, as they have lesser effects on a person’s body health. The following products are currently on the market, and they have featured many benefits for the brain.

We have DMAE, Choline, Ginkgo Biloba, Bacopa, Ashwagandha, Huperzia, Gotu Kola, Green Tea, Ginseng, Alcar, and fish oil supplements. The above, plus some other supplements on the market not mentioned, have been used for a while and the benefits have been reported from the users.

Memory Pills Side Effects Final Words

Are you planning to use memory supplement or pills? Well, you don’t need to panic about the side effects that come with them. It’s advised that once you follow the right instructions, you will get the required results.

The use of memory pills has been evident in students, career people, and aging communities, and their popularity is growing. Remember to consult your doctor before you begin to use of any new supplement or medication.

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