M Network is a new multilevel marketing company that has been making headlines over the past few weeks. Find out everything you need to know about this company today in our M Network review.
What Is M Network?
M Network is a multilevel marketing company that launched in January 2017 after months of buildup online..
The company’s core product is their “Stik A Day” system, which involves taking a pricey nutritional supplement every day to become more successful.
As with other MLMs, M Network also heavily promotes your earnings potential with the company. The Opportunity page on the official website says,
“Your possibilities with M. Network and the Stik-A-Day system are LIMITLESS!”
With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at what you’re selling with M Network.
M Network’s Stik-A-Day System
M Network has created a number of nutritional supplements called “Stiks”. Those “Stiks” claim to be backed by science to offer proven health benefits. By taking the Stiks every day, you’re joining the Stik-A-Day system.
Some Stiks boost your energy, while others suppress your appetite. All Stiks come with the following three core benefits:
- Great taste
- Easy to disperse into water using something called “Rapid Dispersion Technology” or RDT (a term that M Network appears to have just made up)
- “Give everyone who tries them an almost instant reaction”
What exactly is an “almost instant reaction”? I don’t know. But all of the Stik formulas advertise the same benefits listed above.
At launch, M Network has debuted five different Stik formulas, although they claim that many more are coming soon. The five Stiks available at launch include:
- Go Stik (Energy booster)
- Smart Stik (Nootropic brain health supplement)
- Slim Stik (Appetite Suppressant)
- Core AO Stik (Daily Nutrition)
- Soul Stik (Mood Enhancer)
- Rocket Stik (For Youth)
Each of the supplements is labeled as sugar-free. They typically contain about 5 calories per serving. M Network claims they’re ideal for diabetics who can’t boost their energy with energy drinks or other formulas.
Each Stik is priced at $40 for a 30 pack.
To M Network’s credit, they’re open and honest about the ingredients in their Stik formulas. The Soul mood enhancer Stik, for example, contains a mix of 10mg of caffeine with ginseng root extract, yerba mate leaf extract, and ginkgo biloba leaf extract.
The Go Energy Stik, on the other hand, contains 110mg of caffeine (slightly more than the average cup of coffee) mixed with potassium, B vitamins, and sodium. It’s very similar to a Red Bull and other energy drinks – but without the sugar.
Based on the doses we see online, the Stiks appear to be relatively low-dosed compared to other formulas on the market. The Slim Stik appetite control product, for example, contains just 100mg of formula, including 50mg of natural caffeine and 50mg of theobromine and glucuronolactone.
That doesn’t seem like it’s enough to suppress your appetite. In fact, those ingredients are typically found more in energy drinks than in appetite suppressants.
It’s also unclear why M Network claims its formulas are “scientifically proven”, as they don’t link to any clinical trials or tests that have taken place on the specific Stik formulas. However, the ingredients inside most of the formulas are well-studied and well-recognized (it’s mostly caffeine, vitamins, and botanical extracts).
The M Network Opportunity
Like all multilevel marketing companies, M Network makes you buy products in order to join. The company offers four starter kits, including all of the following:
- The Apprentice Pack: $149
- The Master Pack: $299
- The Confidence Pack: $349
- The Elite Pack: $499
The more you pay, the more business materials and M Network products you receive.
A minimum of two 30 pack boxes are required for your personal subscription when you first sign up. However, it doesn’t appear you need to keep buying products to stay active.
There’s actually some controversy over this, as M Network claims that “your BlueBox subscription will help assure you are commission qualified each month”, although the company goes on to explain that “A subscription is not required to earn commissions at M Network, but IS a requirement during enrollment.”
Let’s ignore that confusing policy for a second. M Network’s compensation plan is called the PowerMatrix. It promises to combine the spillover benefits of a Binary plan with the reward structure and stability of a unilevel plan. PowerMatrix gives you commission for both retail and member orders.
M Network Pricing
M Network’s Stik products are priced at $39.95 (30 CV) for a 30 pack. All Stik products are priced at the same rate.
M Network sells two other products, including BURN Caps for weight loss, priced at $39.95 for a monthly supply, and a reload of your initial starter kit (pricing differs between kits).
About M Network
M Network is based in Orem, Utah at the following address:
81 Mountain Way Dr.
You can contact the company by email at [email protected]. The company’s support team is available from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm.
This basic contact information is all that’s listed on the “About M Network” page. We don’t even get a zip code!
M Network Products Review Summary
M Network is a multilevel marketing company based in Utah. The company has come up with its “Stik” system of health supplements, which involves buying packs of medium-quality supplements in 30 packs for $40.
You take the Stiks every day, then recruit other people to take the Stiks with you – and make more money with you.
You can find cheaper supplements online through Amazon and other major retailers. With M Network’s Stiks, most of your purchase price isn’t going towards the formula: it’s going towards the many layers of commission being sent up through the MLM.
If you don’t mind that drawback, however, then M Network’s products or starter kits are available to order online today through www.m.network or your local M Network distributor.
A very disturbing thing about M Network is their choice of the consultant and medical advisor Dr Frederic Templeman. I came across Templeman when he was the so called expert on mangosteen for Xango( another MLM company) Templeman was the father in law of the Xango founder Joe Morton and pretended to be a world traveling independent mangosteen research doctor speaking around the world at universities and publishing articles on mangosteen. The only lectures Templeman gave was at Xango functions. In fact Templeman listed his occupation as executive of Xango in his political contribution to Mitt Romney. Xango was warned in 2006 for making false claims about mangosteen from the pamphlets Templeman created. Templeman is a deceitful dangerous quack that will say anything for a buck. Spread the word !
Hello, I just ran across your article Im one of the founding members of the M.Network and wanted to make a few comments.
When anyone is signing up there is never a need to be on a blue box subscription. If they are on blue box they do have a saving as there is only a $5 shipping cost for any amount they order . If on blue box or not any member only has to have 60 PV to qualify for commissions and that is with their personal PV or the PV can come from a customer.
This opportunity is for online,affiliate, face to face Network Marketers or any retail business as all boxes and individual stiks are retail ready.
Thanks for letting me share.
Lisa Young