Lovebug Probiotics Tiny Tummies – Healthy Children’s Gut Microbiome?


Lovebug Probiotics Tiny Tummies is a supplement that delivers healthy bacteria to the bodies of young children to help balance out the right climate for improved digestive health. This product is specifically meant for children that are under age 3 and over 6 months old.

What is Lovebug Probiotics: Tiny Tummies?

Probiotics are easily one of the most popular types of supplements in the health industry, since they are so crucial to digestive health. With this type of support, you promote a healthier GI tract, while even improving your body’s ability to defend itself against illness and toxins.

Adults take these kinds of remedies to counteract the impact of the environment and their diet in their lifestyle. However, if you need this type of assistance, what makes you think that your children won’t benefit as well? That’s the idea behind Tiny Tummies.

Tiny Tummies is a new development from Lovebug, but their approach is revolutionary. During the first three years of a child’s life, they gain much of the foundational support that their body needs from various foods. However, jarred baby foods and other products tend to have some types of preservatives, which clog up your child’s intestines.

If you want to improve your child’s overall health, you need to start with the right ingredients that can support their needs, which can be found in Tiny Tummies.

How Does Tiny Tummies Work?

Probiotics for any age are necessary to creating a healthy environment in the GI tract. Having the proper nutrients in your body is essential, but a smaller body has many more risks, since the ratio of bad bacteria can be significantly higher.

When your child consumes this probiotic, the healthy bacteria within the remedy are digested and pushed through their body until they reach the GI tract. Once there, they work to eliminate all the bad bacteria that are coating your child’s intestines.

These bad bacteria can impact how well their digestive system works, along with how effective their immune system is. Everyone knows how unfortunate it is when their child is sick, and any effort you can make to prevent that is one that you take advantage of.

The good bacteria that remains in their GI tract works to maintain the right flora, which is challenged whenever they consume something with any kind of preservatives or similar ingredients.

Using Tiny Tummies

The best part about Tiny Tummies is how easy it is to conceal the powder. To give your child the best benefits, you can sneak the probiotic into their meals completely undetected. In fact, you may be able to mix it into your child’s favorite drink in a sippy cup.

To make the measuring process simple, while eliminating any guesswork, every single dose that you can give your child is contained within its own packet. This type of division helps you to know easily what bacteria is involved in your child’s foods.

These substances are completely natural, and come with no true side effects.

Pricing for Tiny Tummies

If you want to start using Tiny Tummies in your household, your cost for a box of 30 packets will depend on the way that you want to purchase it. The simplest way to get ahold of the formula is by searching the website to determine the nearest location to purchase it in the store. Right now, the following websites are eligible to send you out the remedy:

  • Wegmans
  • Fairway
  • Amazon
  • Target
  • Jet
  • Lucky Vitamin

If you don’t want to leave the comfort of your how, you can choose “Choose Your Plan.” This Plan sends you a new 30-day supply of Tiny Tummies every single month for $26.95 each shipment. Along with the access to the supplement, choosing this formula also means that you will gain many other products and articles that will enhance your child’s health. Those components include:

  • A course that teaches you about the importance of maintaining gut health
  • Free shipping with every package
  • Monthly newsletters in your inbox
  • Access to various promotions

With either program, you can purchase your supplement for your child and be on your way. The decision comes down to whether you want to wait, or you want to pick it up at a local store. Regardless of the method of delivery, you can feel secure in knowing your child will soon start gaining the probiotic support they deserve from Lovebug Probiotics.

Contacting the Creators of Tiny Tummies: Lovebug Probiotics

Due to the intense reaction that a probiotic can give, you probably want to make sure you know everything about this remedy before you are willing to put it in your child’s body through it. You will need to reach the customer service team for Lovebug Probiotics, who can be reached via phone or email.

Call +1-917-575-8908 to reach a representative. If you can’t, then you still have the option of sending an email to [email protected] instead.

You can also fill out the online form to enter your inquiry for the company.


Tiny Tummies is a helpful remedy for children that fall within the age limits of this remedy. Their digestive system and GI tract are so sensitive and fragile now, and you can’t afford to give anything but the best to their body.

When you take your probiotic drink or capsule in the morning, make sure to leave out a package for your little one from Tiny Tummies.

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