In the past several years, there has been a change in the way people think about their milk. A decade or two ago, the majority of the population drank cow milk in its various forms. However, now more and more people are turning away from cow milk and adopting plant-based milks for all their needs.
No matter what the reason behind this switch, whether it’s due to an intolerance or lifestyle choices, the key to finding the best plant-based milk is finding the one that offers the most nutritional benefits.
Soy, almond, and even rice milks have all become popular in recent years. However, one plant-based milk stands above the rest when it comes to nutritional value and sustainability. Hemp milk may not be as popular as other plant-based milks, but due to how nutrient rich it is, the milk is growing in popularity.
Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is one of the products that has helped introduce the world to the amazing benefits of hemp milk, combined with the creamy goodness of coconut milk.
What is Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk?
Started when scientists at the University of Saskatchewan began looking for better plant based protein options, Tempt is a company that effortlessly merges science and education with nutrition. While the scientists in Saskatchewan were looking for protein options, they stumbled upon the amazing power of the hemp seed.
Hemp is unlike any other vegetable, offering a perfectly balanced blend of amino acids and healthy fats to support the wellbeing of drinkers. Not only does hemp serve as an amazing protein option, but its additional nutritional benefits make it one of the most innovative food sources in the industry.
Over the years, the vision of Tempt has grown. Now, the company offers a variety of hemp milk options, each designed to meet the nutritional needs of those who prefer plant-based milks. With the nutrient rich make up of hemp seeds, these milk options provide users with everything their bodies need to thrive.
In the Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk, customers get the additional benefit of coconut milk, which provides a creaminess that can’t be found in other hemp milk options. For those looking for a nutritious, delicious plant-based milk, Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is the perfect solution.
Benefits of Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk
The biggest benefit of Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is that it contains the two most important essential fatty acids. Considered super omegas, omega-3 and omega-6 are fatty acids that the body needs to stay healthy and energized.
Unfortunately, the body does not produce these essential fatty acids naturally, which means they need to be consumed daily. The hemp milked used by Tempt doesn’t just contain both omega-3 and omega-6, but it contains these essential fatty acids in the perfect balance.
One part of omega-3 is needed for every three parts of omega-6, something that happens naturally in hemp milk. This perfect balance found in Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk provides the body with what it needs to support skin and cardiovascular health.
In addition to the essential fatty acids found in Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk, the beverage also contains essential amino acids. While fatty acids are important for skin and heart health, amino acids serve as the building blocks for protein in the body, working to build and maintain muscles.
Without the right amino acids, the body would fail, which is why it’s so important that Tempt hemp milks contain ten essential amino acids. These amino acids help the body build lean muscle mass while simultaneously helping the muscles recover from injury.
For those who don’t get the amino acids they need in other aspects of their diet, Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is the perfect way to make sure they’re getting the daily recommended amount.
Not only does Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk provide the body with the amino acids it needs to build protein, the little seed is also an amazing source of protein. Hemp seeds are considered protein dense, meaning they contain high levels of the all-important protein needed to build and repair muscles.
Even better, 65% of the protein found in hemp seeds are edestin protein, a protein type that is extremely important for supporting the immune system. However, just as important as the amount of protein found in Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is the type of protein.
If the body can’t digest the protein it consumes, it is completely useless. Hemp seeds contain some of the most easily digested protein in the plant world, allowing the body to get the amount it needs to truly thrive.
Purchasing Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk
Living Harvest Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk is available for purchase on the Living Harvest Tempt website ( Living Harvest only sells its milk in packs of twelve and Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk comes in 32 ounce containers. The cost for a pack of 12 Tempt Coconut Hemp Milk’s is $47.40.