Lidl – Trusted High Quality Grocery Store Food Chain Products?


Over the past several years, there has been a subtle shift in the way people shop for their groceries. Ten or twenty years ago, people would go to the grocery store nearest them, purchasing what they needed without a second thought about the grocery company or manufacturing processes of their food.

However, as more information is being released about how food manufacturers cut corners and use increasingly questionable ingredients, people are becoming more and more picky about what foods they purchase and, therefore, what grocery stores they visit.

For many shoppers, the key to the perfect grocery store is one that provides high-quality foods at an affordable price. This means that the products being sold need to clearly indicate their ingredients and that the store needs to be selling these foods for competitive prices.

While grocery stores in the United States have struggled to grasp this concept completely, grocery stores in Europe have managed to effortlessly combine safe, quality food with affordability. A prime example of this is Aldi, a grocery store that has branched into the United States and offers low prices for organic, non-GMO, quality foods.

Hoping to follow in the footsteps of fellow German supermarket Aldi, Lidl is a grocery store that has been praised for its affordable, high-quality foods. While Lidl has opened stores across Europe and the UK, the company is now looking at the US market. Offering a unique and innovative way of shopping, Lidl hopes to change the way people in the United States shop.

About Lidl

Operating for over 40 years, starting in 1973, Lidl has over 10,000 stores located in 27 countries, the majority of which are located in Europe and the UK.

Started as a discount store, Lidl was known for cutting products that didn’t sell well and using very small retail spaces, opting to keep overhead costs down so that the prices of the food was less. This unique approach hasn’t only been adopted by other grocery chains, but has allowed Lidl to grow steadily over the years.

Lidl takes a very innovative approach when it comes to selling its products. As mentioned above, most Lidl stores are smaller than bigger chain stores and are also run by less staff.

Lidl has opted to stick with this approach to keep costs down for customers and to also better pay its staff. The majority of Lidl stores display their goods in the packaging in which the foods arrive at the store.

This means many of the stores don’t have displays, cutting down on the amount of time the staff has to take to restock shelves. Instead, Lidl just replaces empty cartons with full ones as needed.

The reason Lidl has grown in popularity, especially for those who are excited for its open in the United States, is because the grocery chain puts extensive focus on the quality of its food.

While Lidl does offer branded products, it only offers those that use safe ingredients, focusing on those that are organic and non-GMO. Lidl also contracts local suppliers near its stores, supporting its community and offering its customers the best quality, freshest foods. In addition to the food products offered by Lidl, the stores also offer non-food essentials, which changes on a weekly basis.

Lidl In The United States

While Lidl is still growing in Europe and the UK, a huge amount of its focus right now is on opening stores in the United States. Because Lidl is determined to keep its quality and unique approach to shopping with its new line of stores, the company is looking for likeminded partners in several different areas.

For those who are interested in seeing Lidl in their community, a couple ideas on how to become involved are described below.

Real Estate Opportunities

The first step in any large company moving is finding areas to open new locations. At the moment, Lidl is seeking properties in the United States, particularly in the areas between Pennsylvania and Georgia.

Just as Lidl is very open about its products and selling process, it is also transparent about site acquisitions. The foundation of all Lidl stores is multifaceted. Lidl wants its new locations in the United States to be convenient, with a layout that is focused on the customer, and that will allow for a superior architectural design.

With these three things in mind, there are more detailed requirements for those interested in selling or locating a site for a Lidl grocery store.

Lidl requires that the sites offer the opportunity to purchase lots in a site that is zoned for grocery retail. It’s preferable that these sites by at least three miles from a dense population, with at least 20,000 vehicles passing per day.

Lidl would also prefer this area be in an established retail location with high visibility. Because Lidl stores are at least 36,000 square feet, at least four acres are needed, with a minimum of 180 car parking spaces.

Interested parties can contact Lidl with information on site requirements on the company website.

Lidl Suppliers

In addition to needing retail locations, Lidl is also looking for suppliers to work with to provide the quality food for which the company has become so well-known.

Lidl remains uncompromising in its expectations for its suppliers, making sure its customers will always get the best of the best. For those who know of interested suppliers or would like to know more about being a supplier, additional information can be found below.

Because each supplier will need to reach out to Lidl to find out if they are the right fit, there are only a few things that can be said about Lidl suppliers in general. For one, Lidl requires all its suppliers to follow a strict code of conduct.

Before suppliers are even considered, they must sign this code of conduct. Some of the points on this code include giving workers freedom to organize and assemble, preventing discrimination, and sticking with extremely high levels of health and safety.

For more information on becoming involved with Lidl, interested parties can visit the United States company website (

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