KETO//OS Bio Max – Pruvit’s Ketone Operating System Drink Mix?


There are many purported “energy drinks” available on the market today. Typified by extremely high sugar content, caffeine levels and artificial sweeteners, energy drinks, as a general rule, are bad for long term health and case a variety of unwanted side effects such as skin flushing, dizziness, tachycardia, vomiting, itching and more.

A range of new energy drink products, however, have recently turned the unhealthy associations of energy drinks around, offering consumers healthy, organic and natural energy drinks that actually promote overall health and wellness.

KETO//OS Bio Max is a revolutionary new energy drink created by Prüvit. Promising health conscious consumers the world’s first natural product that has been clinically proven to elevate blood ketones in the body, Bio Max promotes optimized cellular regeneration, energy and longevity through a proprietary ketone energy technology.

Completely gluten and dairy free, kosher certified and vegan, KETO//OS delivers all of the macro nutritional element the body needs to operate at more efficient levels, in addition to health enhancing ketones that have a wide variety of positive health effects.

What is KETO//OS Bio Max?

A completely natural, health enhancing alternative to unhealthy energy drinks, KETO//OS Bio Max is formulated to offer a wide range of health improvements sand optimizations. Reducing brain fog and increasing awareness, the gentle stimulants in Bio Max provide a light nootropic effect, allowing users to focus on mentally intensive tasks for longer with greater results. In addition to a boost in mental clarity, Bio Max delivers an overall increase in energy levels, offering slow burning low glycemic energy created from within the body that doesn’t leave users feeling wired, jittery or burned out.

The active ketone technology in Bio Max promotes higher metabolic function that assists in fat burning, causing the body to transform adipose fat deposits around the abdominal region into highly powerful energy boosting fuel.

The overall macro nutrient boost provided by Bio Max promotes better and more consistent sleeping patterns, leaving users feeling more refreshed and well rested, as well as assisting in neurochemical balances and neuromodulator production, resulting in regulated mood behaviour. Finally, the advanced formulation of KETO//OS Bio Max delivers an increase in strength and lean muscle mass, reducing inflammation.

The KETO//OS Bio Max Formula

Each box of KETO//OS Bio Max contains 30 servings of 18.4g, each with only 41 calories. When compared to the average recommended daily intake of 2000 calories, the Bio Max formula has a negligible impact on overall caloric intake but offers dramatic energy boosting and health promoting properties. Aside from a vitamin complex containing calcium and magnesium, Bio Max contains a highly potent ingredient called Beta Hydroxybutyrate.

Beta Hydroxybutyrate has a dramatic effect on the production of Ketones in the human body. Ketones have been clinically proven to help melt away unwanted fat deposits, increase cognitive function and more. Ketones are used by the body within mitochondria to generate energy.

When the body is within the first stages of fasting, the body will begin to use ketones instead of glucose or blood sugar, for energy. Beta Hydroxybutyrate, or BHB, functions as a ketone when ingested by the body and provide a long lasting, sugar free and highly effective energy hit.

KETO//OS Bio Max Pricing & Availability

KETO//OS Bio Max is available from the Prüvit website and is has various pricing structures dependent on whether a caffeine free or caffeine charged option is purchased, with regular smart shipping options available.

If you’re looking for a highly effective, fast acting, slow burning and completely natural energy drink that actually improves long term health, KETO//OS Bio Max is the best product available.

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