Javita Lean + Green – Garcinia & Gymnema Sencha Green Tea?


The core principles of weight loss may appear simple, but actually putting them into place can be a far more difficult prospect. When provided with excess calories, the body is eager to store them away as fat deposits, an evolutionary trait that helped our ancestors make it through lean times. In the modern world, however, energy stored as fat is largely useless, and thus most people seek to burn it away with diets and exercise.

Convincing the body to give up on fat can be a tricky task, however, as the metabolism is a stubborn system. In order to burn away body fat, it’s necessary to provide the body with fewer calories than it burns in a day.

Confronted with a caloric deficit, the metabolism will break down fat deposits through a process called lipolysis to make up the difference, but this process occurs frustratingly slow.

Following a caloric deficit diet also causes a number of side effects that can present a serious obstacle to some dieters. Low calorie diets can cause fatigue and low energy levels, and in almost all cases cause an intense appetite response and food cravings that can be incredibly hard to resist. In order to help push through some of the more difficult side effects of dieting, many dieters turn to diet supplements, but choosing the right one is a complicated process.

It’s no secret that pharmaceutical fat burners and artificial chemical products that promise to help dieters lose unwanted weight should be avoided, but there are many natural botanical extracts that have been proven to speed up the rate at which the metabolism is able to break down unwanted fat deposits. As the dosages with these solutions vary, however, it can be hard to find a reliable natural solution.

A new tea blend from Javita, one of the popular health tea providers online, is offering dieters a powerful new way to push through a tough diet with a green tea blend that has been enriched with two potent botanical herbs that have been clinically proven to speed up fat burning.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the Javita Lean + Green formula and find out how it works to help you decide whether it’s the right weight loss the for you.

What is Javita Lean + Green?

Javita Lean + Green is a completely natural, potent, and highly effective alternative to fat burning pills and supplements. Instead of extracting the active ingredients in natural fat burning herbs through chemical processes, the Javita Lean + Green formula instead provides them in a raw natural form that works in harmony with the body to provide dieters with a gentle nudge in the right direction.

How Javita Lean + Green Works

The Javita Lean + Green tea blend delivers a triple action effect that makes pushing through the hardest aspects of a low calorie diet effortless. The first element of the Javita Lean + Green blend is a green tea base.

Green tea contains powerful natural catechin compounds that are able to boost the thermogenic effect of the human body, speeding up the rate at which the metabolism converts existing fat into energy.

Green tea also contains naturally occurring caffeine that helps to boost energy levels while on a low calorie diet. When combined with the extra energy generated from thermogenesis, the green tea in Javita Lean + Green eliminates the low energy levels and fatigue caused by dieting.

The second element of the Javita Lean + Green formula is a rate Southeast Asian fruit called Garcinia Cambogia. This unique flowering fruit plant contains high levels of a specific organic compound called hydroxycitric acid, or HCA. Added to a green tea brew, HCA is able to inhibit the release of a specific enzyme in the body called ATP citrate lyase.

Citrate lyase is critical in the lipogenesis process, or the creation of new fat deposits. By inhibiting the release of this enzyme, Javita Lean + Green is able to put a complete stop to the creation of new fat deposits, ensuring that no new fat is made and allowing dieters to focus on burning away the fat they currently have.

With the inclusion of Garcinia Cambogia, Javita Lean + Green makes it possible to convert carbs directly into energy, instead of energy and fat. As an added bonus, Garcinia Cambogia also provides a gentle appetite suppressant effect, making sticking to low calorie diet plans easy.

Lastly, the Javita Lean + Green formula contains Gymnema Sylvestre, a herb that is native to India and Southern Africa. This herb dulls the taste buds to the sensation of sweet foods, making it easy to avoid unhealthy snacks, while at the same time balancing blood sugar levels and insulin response. The addition of Gymnema Sylvestre to the Javita Lean + Green helps dieters deal with sugar cravings, rendering them non existent.

Javita Lean + Green Review Summary

The Javita Lean + Green tea blend is able to deliver all of the benefits promised by even the most expensive natural diet pills with none of the side effects. If you’re looking for a completely natural fat burning solution that tastes great, Javina Lean + Green Tea is one of the best choices on the market.

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