How to Lift and Firm Saggy Skin

As you get older, or lose weight, your skin naturally starts to sag. Most people go through it at some point in their lives – but that doesn’t exactly make your situation easier, does it? Today, I’m going to share some of the best natural treatments, pharmaceuticals, and supplements you can take to cure saggy skin and tighten up skin on your face, neck, belly, or other parts of the body.

Why Does Saggy Skin Happen?

Saggy skin occurs when your skin stops producing collagen and elastin fibers. As your skin’s collagen and elastin fibers diminish, your skin loses its elasticity. Collagen and elastin are critical for maintaining the connective strength of your skin. Without these fibers, your skin has nothing holding it up. Saggy skin is often attributed to aging because our collagen and elastin levels go down as we get older. This leads to saggy skin all across the body. Of course, the second most common cause of saggy skin is weight loss: rapidly losing weight can leave your skin with not enough time to shrink back against your body. After all the hard work you’ve gone through to lose that weight, you’re left with saggy skin you’re embarrassed to show off. Whether aging or weight loss, you need a cure for your saggy skin. Here’s how to easily lift and firm your saggy skin.
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Step 1) Use Natural Compounds to Heal your Skin

Nourish your skin with vitamins C, E, and copper peptides. Vitamins C and E are well-known skin healing compounds typically used to reverse the effects of aging and nourish the skin. If you’re trying to tighten skin, vitamins C and E will replenish your skin with essential antioxidants. These antioxidants eliminate free radical toxins from beneath the skin, which then allows your connective tissues to start rebuilding themselves. Copper peptides have also been shown to tighten your skin and reduce sagging. If you can’t find beauty creams with copper peptides, then many other peptide-based creams will also work. Topically apply these compounds to your saggy skin daily to start building a strong foundation you can use to completely cure your saggy skin.

Step 2) Exercise to Build Lean Muscle

Your skin isn’t a muscle. However, there are always muscles beneath your skin, and those muscles can be toned, tightened, and enhanced. Exercise regularly and use weights to build muscle in different parts of your body. Building lean muscle beneath your saggy skin will force your skin to tighten. At the very least, it will give the illusion of tighter skin because your muscles are “popping out” more. Consider the parts of your body with saggy skin, then look up the best spot exercises for muscle groups in that area. Many people complain about saggy skin along their arms, for example, in which case pushups and pull-ups can be effective exercises because they tighten the triceps, biceps, and other major and minor muscles in the arms.

Step 3) Apply Topical Compounds and Natural Remedies

Just like you did in step one, it’s time to look for natural topical cures for saggy skin. These cures vary depending on your body type and skin type. However, there are certain trends among all topical treatments for saggy skin. Facial masks, for example, containing blueberries and cranberries are always popular. The cranberries will help slough away dead skin cells while the blueberries brighten the skin and leave it supple and soft. If you’re dealing with saggy skin on your face and neck, then a good facial mask applied several times per week may be all you need to firm up your skin.

Top 10 Best Home Remedies for Saggy Skin

Here are 10 other home remedies you can use to treat saggy skin on your face, neck, or all across your body:

10) Egg Whites

Egg whites work as a natural astringent. They also contain hydrolipids that can help restore a certain fullness to your loose skin. If you’re using egg whites as a topical remedy, then you typically whisk one or two egg whites until you get a foamy texture. Then, you apply them to the targeted part of your body. Some people will also combine the egg whites with other natural compounds (like the others on this list). You can also add yogurt, for example, to make the mask easier to spread. After applying the egg whites to your skin, let them sit for about 20 to 30 minutes before rinsing them off.

9) Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is packed with an ingredient called malic acid that has been shown to improve the elasticity of your skin. Of course, aloe vera also has well-known soothing and moisturizing properties, which makes it an all-around great thing to apply topically to your skin.

8) Lemon

Lemon is exceptionally rich with vitamin C. Vitamin C can boost collagen production, which then restores elasticity to your skin. Lemon also acts as an astringent, which means it will tighten your skin and reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Lemon juice is such a powerful topical skin care ingredient that you can simply extract fresh lemon juice and rub it over your face, neck, and body. Let it sit for 5-10 minutes, then rinse your face with water. Some lemon advocates recommend doing this 2-3 times per day, then moisturizing for best effects.

7) Cucumber

Cucumber is made mostly of water, but it still remains one of the most powerful natural skin care foods available today. It acts as a skin toner, for example, while also hydrating and rejuvenating the skin. There are a few different ways to topically apply cucumber. First, you can grind half a cucumber and squeeze it through a strainer to extract its juice, then apply it to your face. Alternatively, you can grate cucumber and add it to plain yogurt, then apply it to your face as a mask. Some people also mix grated cucumber with yogurt, egg whites, lemon juice, and the other natural compounds seen here to boost its effectiveness.

6) Oil Massage

Oils like olive oil are rich with antioxidants, including well-known antioxidants like vitamins A and E that have also been linked to anti-aging benefits. Giving yourself an oil massage is a great way to moisturize your skin while also tightening and smoothing loose skin

5) Honey

Honey is a natural moisturizer that also works as an antioxidant and anti-aging compound. Mix 2-3 teaspoons of honey with a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil to make a quick and easy skin mask. Rinse the mask with warm water, then repeat once or twice daily for best results.

4) Rose Water

Rose water, like many of the other compounds listed here, is a natural astringent. It’s also an effective toner for tightening loose skin. Some men and women apply rose water onto their face before going to bed in order to tighten pores and reduce signs of wrinkles and aging.

3) Cinnamon

Cinnamon has been shown to promote higher collagen levels within the skin, which means it’s one of the few topical compounds listed here that actually nourishes your skin from the inside out. If you’re using cinnamon to cure saggy skin, consider making a paste. Combine one teaspoon of cinnamon with enough olive oil to make a paste, then mix in a natural exfoliator like sugar or salt. Scrub your face and neck with the paste for a few minutes, then wash it off with warm water. It’s a powerful, natural scrub that works in two ways: it sloughs away dead skin cells and lets new skin cells come forward while also boosting collagen levels, which means the new skin cells are as tight and firm as possible.

2) Strawberry

Strawberries are an astringent and also have huge levels of vitamin C. They’re potent antioxidants that can raise production of collagen fibers and cleanse toxins from the skin.

1) Facial Exercises

Not all natural remedies for saggy skin have to be food-related! One of the best ways to cure saggy skin on your face or neck is to perform basic facial exercises. Yes, you’re going to look weird while performing these exercises, but if you want to cure saggy skin, then they’re some of the best things you can do. Marie Claire recently did a good writeup on facial exercises that you can easily perform at home. They interviewed a “face yoga expert” (yes, that’s a thing) who recommends performing facial exercises for 20 minutes per day, six days a week.
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Ready to Start Tightening Saggy Skin?

Ultimately, the natural remedies at the bottom of this list will only help you to a certain degree. The two best ways to tighten loose skin will always be exercise and time. With enough time and exercise, your skin will inevitably tighten. Your skin is surprisingly adaptable, and unless you’ve rapidly gained and lost hundreds of pounds, then you will likely find that your skin will “bounce” back into shape when given enough time. With that in mind, combining exercise, natural topical supplements, and patience is a great way to ensure you’re never embarrassed about your saggy skin again.


  1. Thanks a milion!!!!! I can not thank you enough. I will unilize this informtion thouroughly and pass it on.

  2. thank you for all the information I am going to get started right away on this skin and I will report back to you about my progress Betty from Baltimore Maryland thanks again and God bless

  3. Never buy Nuriva. Received the trial size yesterday ( November 19/2016) First issue, the glass bottle was broken in the paper container, even though it had a thin layer of bubble wrap. There was a tiny bit of the solution left, therefore thought I would try it. Used the remainder this morning and it is like putting hair gel on your face. Sticky to the touch after 15 minutes. Now for the never ending process of returning the glass bottle with the demands for NOT CHARGING ME AND GETTING A REFUND, although I know it will be a futel effort. PLEASE THINK BEFORE YOU BUY THESE PRODUCTS. CAN’T LEAVE A FULL REVIEW, HOWEVER NOT WORTH THE EFFORT. NUFF SAID.

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