Green Lipped Mussel – Miracle Extract for Arthritis & Joint Pain?


Joint pain, arthritis, and other conditions that affect movement is an issue to millions around the world.

These conditions reduce mobility and cause intense pain and discomfort in completing even the most simple tasks.

Athletes have had their careers cut short, while the average person is likewise affected in their every day life.

This ailment that impacts nearly everyone whose life eventually reaches old age has no current cure, however, there are a number of treatments and supplements designed to mitigate symptoms and prevent untimely wear of the joints.

Wagner has introduced its Green Lipped Mussel formula in order to reach those affected by joint pain, and help them in their journey to a more mobile, pain free life.

What is Green Lipped Mussel?

Green Lipped Mussel is one of the many health products of the Australian supplement and vitamin company, Wagner, a subsidiary of Vitaco Health Limited.

The company operates in New Zealand where it manufactures its Wagner range of products, including the popular Wagner Green Lipped Mussel.

With quality and efficiency as their priority, their products are manufactured from ingredients that are scientifically certified as being safe and beneficial for human consumption. The Wagner guarantee is one of quality, consistency, and safety for the consumer.

Benefits of Wagner Green Lipped Mussel

Green Lipped Mussel, a natural extract of those sea creatures, is an exciting new avenue to address a number of ailments and conditions.

This product is designed to give the consumer relief from pain, stiffness, and inflammation that are common in cases of osteoarthritis, while encouraging healthy cartilage, and the functions of connective tissue.

Wagner's formula will allow the user freedom from the pain and stiffness that has been preventing them from the mobility they need in their lives.

The ingredients in Wagner Green Lipped Mussel are naturally sourced, and extensively researched to ensure the customer is getting the best treatment for their issues, and Wagner's extraction process ensures that the ingredients retain their potency long after being harvested.

Green Lipped Mussel does not contain any artificial flavors or preservatives, but is not suitable for children, or those with shellfish allergies as it is primarily sourced from shellfish.

Green Lipped Mussel extract is sourced primarily from licensed marine farms in New Zealand, which are highly regulated and controlled for safety, consistency, quality, and protected from overfishing, promoting a sustainable harvesting practice.

This shellfish has received a reputation among consumers for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Due to the tight controls New Zealand places on such products, its quality is guaranteed to be as close to resembling the mussel's natural nutritional profile as if it was freshly caught and consumed.

Green Lipped Mussel Ingredients

Wagner Green Lipped Mussel formula is made up entirely of New Zealand Green Lipped Mussel, which is full of vitamins and nutrients that are essential to the human body's optimal function.

Unique to this extract is its concentration of Glycosaminoglycans, which are used as the body's building blocks for cartilage renewal and repair.

In addition, this extract is full of vital nutrient that help in the daily maintenance of the body;

  • Lipids: Lipids serve as a source of fuel and are essential in the construction of cell membranes, while offering protection of the body by supporting a strong immune system.
  • Omega 3: These fatty acids are powerful antioxidants, which help to break down free radicals that cause potentially devastating conditions such as cancer.

Omega 3s improve the function of the heart, while lowering cholesterol to healthy levels, and are more commonly being recognized as highly beneficial to brain function.

  • Protein: Protein is one of the most important nutrients the human body requires on a daily basis.

Essential for the growth and maintenance of any muscle, it builds and repairs tissue, contributes to healthy hair, skin, and nails.

The body uses protein to produce vital enzymes, and key for its application in this supplement, blood, cartilage and bones are all dependent on high protein content.

  • Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates are the body's primary source of fuel, allowing the body energy, essential for macromolecules, storing fat and protein for the body's continuous use, and distributing glucose throughout the body.


The manufacturer’s website lists the specified dosage of their breakthrough supplement. The 850mg formula product is meant specifically for adults, and children or pregnant women are warned against use of this product.

Adults should take one capsule twice a day from the bottle which contains 90 capsules. However, these should not be taken on an empty stomach. As the manufacturer states, it should be taken after eaten or as directed by a doctor.

Purchase and Pricing

The Wagner Green Lipped Mussel can be purchased on the manufacturer’s website. Also, it is available in most online stores including Amazon and affiliate websites.

It is available across Australia in health food stores, gyms, pharmacies, and from nutritionists in every state.

The most common price listed for Green Lipped Mussel is $29.99, with various offers of free shipping from respective online distributors, however, prices will vary if found in store.

Green Lipped Mussel Review Summary

Wagner is a well know producer of natural health supplements designed to give the consumer pain relief, treat symptoms, and promote optimal health.

Striving to address all the important areas of individual health, Wagner endeavors to find innovative solutions to ailments and conditions have have plagued humanity since the dawn of time.

There are a number of treatments, cures, and supplements that have been promoted for application for pain, arthritis, and inflammation of the joints, with this condition still being one of the most common complaints across all demographics.

Time and disease wear down the connective tissue in the body, making for movement difficult and painful.

Many traditional treatments have been largely ineffective, or come with a whole host of potential side effects and dangers.

Wagner has stepped forward in this climate of underachieving synthetic treatments to offer a wholly natural alternative.

Using the Green Lipped Mussel, Wagner aims to allow users an effective solution to joint pain, so you can get back to the healthy, active life you have been missing.

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