GOQii – Fitness Tracker & Personal Coaching App


GOQii Review – Does It Work?

There are several hundreds of reasons why people don’t work out. There are even more excuses for why people started to work out, but then stopped. While some of these excuses include real issues, like not having enough time, there is one excuse that seems to come up a lot that can no longer be used.

The excuse to not work out because people don’t have support is now a thing of the past. It’s common for people to want support when exercising in some shape. Whether it is friends or family, having someone to help keep pushing can make all the difference in the world. However, one of the best type of support to have when trying to reach fitness goals is a fitness coach.

Coaches take things to a whole new level. They know when to be encouraging and when to push. More importantly, they are professionals, so they know exactly what type of exercises will help people reach their goals. Unfortunately, before now, affording a personal fitness coach was next to impossible for the average person. Until GOQii came around.

What is GOQii?

GOQii is a system that combines fitness trackers and apps with actual coaches. GOQii is a one-on-one fitness coaching, all done through a mobile app. Coaches work with their students to create a fitness program with specific exercises so users can reach their fitness goals in a timely manner.

What makes GOQii so amazing is that it offers all the benefits of having a fitness coach, but without the horrific cost or inconvenience. Because everything is done through the app, users can get their information or see their goals whenever they want. But, the best part of a coach is still there. The coaches on GOQii will still push and encourage their users so they can reach their health and fitness goals.

How GOQii Works

Starting out with GOQii is a very quick, five step process. Once these steps are completed, users can get right to work, making strives immediately to reach their goals.

The first step for setting up GOQii is to order a subscription. This will provide the user with a free activity tracker as well as the companion app. This is usually completed extremely quickly. Once the subscription has been ordered, users can move on to the second step, which is downloading the app. The app is available for both iOS and Android operating systems. The app is extremely easy to use and offers a quick walk through so users can understand how it works.

The third step is setting goals. Of course, this will be different for every person. However, in this section the personal information provided will help coaches get an idea of how to reach the goals the users have set. They’ll need information about height, weight, and lifestyle, as well as what goals the users are aiming to reach and in what amount of time.

Once users have set their goals, they can move on to step four. This might be one of the most important steps in the entire GOQii process. Here, users will pick a coach. While users can change goals and coaches at any time, it’s important to pick a coach that seems to have the best connection, so the entire process can go smoother. Because coaches are responsible for guiding users towards a healthier, better lifestyle, this step is crucial.

Finally, the fifth step is to start using GOQii. Users should review and align the data they log with their coach. This will help them stay on track and keep them focused. Plus, being on the same page with their coach will give the coaches a clear idea of any adjustments that need to be made to help reach goals better.

The GOQii Coaches

Personal coaches offer on the fastest, easiest, and most effective way for people to reach their fitness goals and improve their health. This has always been the foundation of GOQii. By merging the concept of fitness tracking with the scientific evidence behind the effectiveness of personal coaching, GOQii was able to make one of the most sustainable and highest quality systems available in the fitness world today.

While the entire concept of GOQii is immediately recognized as being an amazing idea, it wouldn’t have the success it does currently if it weren’t for its amazing coaches. These coaches are the driving force behind GOQii, which is one of the reasons they take such great care in deciding who coaches for them.

There are several screening levels for personal coaches when it comes to signing up to work for GOQii. First, GOQii will only work with coaches who are certified health and/or fitness professionals. They must prove that they have a long history of success when it comes to the personal fitness industry. Before they’re even moved on to the next level, these candidates must be screened by GOQii Advisory Board of Experts. Only after this point will they get to work with GOQii.

What makes the coaches of GOQii so amazing is that they specialize in a wide variety of topics. GOQii offers coaches who specialize in sports nutrition, exercise, or fat loss. However, GOQii also has specialists in more specific niches, like women’s health, stress management, and conscientiousness.

By offering some of the best coaches in the industry on a convenient, efficient platform, GOQii has been able to change the fitness world.

Purchasing GOQii

Currently, GOQii is not available to the greater public. It has a waitlist available for those who want to sign up now and get updates on the progress and other information about GOQii.

While GOQii is not available for the public at large, it is in the beta testing stage. Those who sign up for the waitlist might be offered a beta testing period, which would give them a first look at GOQii, up close and personal.

Those on the waitlist will also receive exclusive offers that will only be available pre-launch. And, because GOQii cares deeply about privacy, they do not require future purchase or some sort of commitment to join the waitlist. It’s just an amazing, simple way to keep up to date on the amazing advances GOQii is making in changing the fitness world.

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