Goop Self Tan – The Organic Pharmacy Subtle Self Tanning Blend?


Until very recently, when we thought of tanning there were 3 choices to be made in the search for that “healthy glow”. Whether it was literally baking in the sun, baking in a tanning bed, or applying streaky, orange self-tanner; all the options weren’t very favorable.

Now there is a safer, less damaging choice.

Gwyneth Paltrow, in conjunction with Juice Beauty has developed a skin care line that is all natural, vegan, and organic. This non-toxic, luxurious line of products includes an all-natural self-tanner.

What’s the big deal? Other than being non-toxic, there are no streaks, or orange streaks at that. This all natural and organic blend relies on sugar beets to help gradually darken the outer layer of the skin. This means no parabens or synthetic ingredients, an all-natural way to achieve that glorious glow without damaging your skin in the process.

With skin cancer being at an all-time high, more people are steering clear of sunbathing and tanning beds, which are just as damaging as the sun itself. Overexposure to UV rays in addition to promoting skin cancers, can cause severe damage to your eyes, and is proven to weaken the immune system over time.

Until recently, self-tanners were only available in product lines that carried parabens and sulfates, along with harmful dyes and fragrances. Not only were they harmful, but the orange color and the streaking were highly undesirable. Getting that glow was either harmful or unsightly to say the least.

The self-tanning industry has been growing so aggressively, that the need for all natural self-tanners as a healthy option for those forced manufacturers, along with companies like Juice Beauty, to develop a self-tanner that was not going to be harmful to the consumer, or create the streakiness found with traditional self-tanners.

The Organic Pharmacy is committed to supplying only the best organic, vegan, and all natural ingredients, and their self-tanner is no different. The subtle, even glow that these self-tanner produces will give you that natural glow you want all year. This hydrating, faintly citrusy cream is 100% clean and non-toxic.

The DHA derived from sugar beet will not leave any streaking behind, resulting in an even, natural glow.

Directions for Using Goop Self Tan

It’s important to remember to exfoliate your skin prior to applying a self-tanner. The removal of dead skin before any application is the key to an even, streak free glow. Do not skip this step.

Apply the tanner to very dry skin, damp or wet skin can dilute the self-tanner and can lead to an uneven application. Give yourself enough time to patiently go through these steps. 30 minutes should be enough, but having to rush can affect your results, similar to applying makeup.

Now that you’re ready for your faux glow, you should also keep in mind that this glow will not protect you from the sun. It is important to remember to apply sunscreen when you will be exposing your skin to harmful UV rays. After all, you aren’t avoiding harmful chemicals in yourself tanner, to expose your skin to the harmful effects of the sun.

There is now no need for a “summer all year” climate to gain, or maintain a streak free, tan line free, allover summer glow. You won’t need to schedule tanning time, or be disappointed by grey weather when you’ve got an upcoming party where you want to look your best. The power of being able to tan from home, without causing damage to your skin.

Have you ever been caught up in the pre-vacation rush to the tanning salon? No one wants to get to the beach in a bikini, with pale skin or tan lines. Even if you aren’t hitting the beach, those cute sundresses, short shorts, and sleeveless shirts just don’t look the same on uneven or pale skin.

The healthy-looking glow you’ll gain from the Goop Self Tan will be exactly what you need to complete your look with confidence. Not to mention that gorgeous golden glow is very slimming.

A light coat of self-tanner can hide blemishes and scars, creating a clear and glowing base that will require less makeup. Applying bronzer over a tanned glow will give you that sun kissed look that will have friends and family asking you if you just got back from a sunny vacation.

Self-tanners camouflage a variety of skin imperfections, plus the moisturizing ingredients will keep your skin hydrated. Avoid the horrible damage caused by harmful UV rays, the toxic chemicals found in traditional self-tanners, and those horrid orange streaks with The Organic Pharmacy Self Tan.

How to Order Goop Self Tan

If you are ready for your year-round, organic, healthy glow, Goop Self Tan is available for purchase online for $69.00.

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