Gleaming Teeth – Professional Home Teeth Whitening System?


The Gleaming White Teeth Whitener is a product that helps to break down the stain and discoloration in your mouth to create a whiter smile. This product is available in multiple quantities, which you can use to give gifts to loved ones or to keep your stockpile available.

What is the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener?

The first thing that many people notice about you is probably your smile. On your face, there are certain features that can stand out, but a welcoming grin is easily the best way to put someone at ease. However, when you smile, having yellowed and stained teeth can make that new acquaintance turn and go the other way. To make a better impression, you need to take care of your smile with the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener.

The Gleaming White Teeth Whitener helps you to increase the brightness of your enamel, which can become stained by plenty of different habits over time. Smoking is one of the leading causes of these stains, followed by the consumption of coffee, tea, and other delicious foods. Even with regular brushing, you need to have a teeth whitener to break down the stain, unless you want to stop eating those foods all together.

Getting a whitening treatment at the dentist is incredibly expensive, boring, and inconvenient. You have to work around the schedule of hundreds of other patients, which may require you to take time out of work or other commitments. Since this treatment is elective, your dental insurance probably provides little to no coverage, leaving you with the major bill. Plus, you’re stuck in the dentist’s office for the duration.

If you want to see your smile’s true potential, the Gleaming White treatment is for you.

How Does the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener Work?

Unfortunately, limited information is provided about how the Gleaming White device manages to break down all the discoloration. However, the key behind most of the success is the included LED light.

Many companies offer at-home remedies that involve gels and LED lights. The gel provides a film over your teeth to protect them from damage, while attracting the LED light to your teeth. As your enamel soaks in the LED emission, your teeth become brighter with every passing minute.

Using the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener

Much of the information about the use of the Gleaming White treatment is included with your purchase. However, you can easily deduce that the treatment lasts for 15 minutes, during which time your teeth will be exposed to the included LED light.

Most whitening systems require that you brush your teeth before performing the treatment, since it exposed a greater percentage of your enamel, which can improve the impact of the remedy. However, the full list of tasks you need to perform during this treatment will be in the box.

Teeth whitening, in general, should not be performed on any person that is younger than 16 years old. The lighting can negatively impact your sensitivity on the gums, and consumers below this age should not risk the potential damage.

Pricing for the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener

To get your own shipment of the Gleaming White regimen, you will need to select the package that pertains to your needs. The prices vary throughout the quantities, so it’s up to you to decide which one is best for you. You may even like the whitening system so much that you purchase for your loved ones as well.

Choose from:

  • One set: $69.00
  • One set, plus a bonus set at 75% off: $118.00 ($59.00 each)
  • Two sets, plus a bonus set for free: $147.00 ($49.00 each)
  • Four sets: $189.00 ($47.25 each)
  • Five sets: $195.00 ($39.00 each)
  • Ten sets: $350.00 ($35.00 each)

If you find that this set doesn’t perform the benefits that you were promised, or you simply don’t like the regimen, you have up to 30 days to return the products for a full refund. However, you should speak to customer service to arrange the shipping, even though you will be responsible for it.

Contacting the Creators of the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener

Even if you’ve used home remedies in the past, the Gleaming White Teeth Whitener may not follow the same routine. If you need to speak with the customer service department for any reason, they can be reached by phone or email.

To reach the company by phone, you can call 877-830-6089. The department opens at 8:00am PST, but the closing time will depend on the day of the week. On weekdays, the department closes at 4:00pm, but the weekend ending time is much earlier at noon.

If you prefer electronic communication, you can send a message to [email protected].

Gleaming White Teeth Whitener Conclusion

The Gleaming White Teeth Whitener is capable of removing many types of stains, and boasts that their technology is more advanced than any other remedy offered at home. They list many big names in the dental hygiene market, like Colgate and Crest, to detail exactly why this whitening system surpasses their performance.

If you want to show your beautiful smile off, it’s time to try out the Gleaming White device in the comfort of your home.

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