Nutrition Hacks sells a natural supplement called “Fungus Hack” which is designed to get rid of your embarrassing nail, hair, and skin fungus. The supplement also features a one hundred eighty day money back guarantee if you do not get the results that you wish. Nutrition Hacks sells a variety of supplements for ailments ranging from joint pain to fat loss to memory boosters.
About Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack
Fungus Hack also boasts that they are a natural product and therefore have a 0% rate of side effects whereas big pharma has about a 50% rate of side effects. They say that Fungus Hack is made of what your own body uses to defend against fungus but the supplement provides your body with more of this compound so it can fight the fungus harder.
Right now you can buy a single bottle of Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack on sale for $69.95 or three bottles for $177.95. You can go even more economical with six bottles for $294.95. While this product is a little pricey, those struggling with nail, skin, or hair fungus may be desperate at this point for something new to try to combat this stubborn problem.
How Fungus Hacks Works
Fungus Hack is an all natural oral supplement that should be taken twice a day with a meal. The good thing about an oral supplement compared to a topical cream is that there is no dryness or other rashes that can occur and make your fungus look worse.
Also, if you have fungus in a place where you can not really put a cream an oral supplement would work much better in that sense. This is also helpful since you will not have to physically touch your fungus to apply the cream (which can cause risk of infecting other areas) you can just take your supplements and move along with your day.
Another important thing to mention is that although this is a natural product and you technically do not need a prescription, it is important to consult your doctor before you begin use of this product.
Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack works in three stages. First, it targets the area where the fungus has infected, then it takes down the fungus' cell wall, and lastly uses natural antibiotics to target the remaining root of the fungus and any other remnants that a cream may have missed. This, of course, relies on taking the recommended dose daily. The nice thing about an oral supplement is that it is easy to manage and it can sometimes better target the problem from the inside out.
The Benefits of Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack
As mentioned above, there are some obvious cons to buying this product. And like any supplement or medication, you never know if it will work for you. But there are also some serious pros as well. This product is completely natural which means no additional chemicals or other fillers that don't help you. This can probably contribute to why they have such a great success rate compared to other companies.
Natural products are a good investment especially if it is something that is going to be taken for a long time, like Fungus Hack. It is important to watch what you are putting into your body which is why Fungus Hack would be a good investment. If you are someone who has tried everything and has yet to succeed in getting rid of their fungus this product might be right for you. Of course, you should be prepared to spend a decent amount of money to get your results.
If you are tired of living with an embarrassing fungus attached to you or you just want to put your money into something more likely to help you then other fungus medications, then just give Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack a try. With a 0% side effect rating it is not much of a gamble, unlike other supplements or medications. Also, their website has scientific backing for the ingredients in their supplements which show the different ways that various vitamins and minerals are able to combat fungus.
Other Things to Consider About Fungus Hack
Upon my inspection of Nutrition Hacks Fungus Hack, it appears there are a few problems. First of all, each bottle only has sixty capsules in it while the company suggests you try it for one hundred eighty days to see maximum results. This means that if you took the suggested two capsules a day that you would only be able to make one bottle last a month. So you would have to buy six bottles to make it through the one hundred eighty days to see the best results.
This also gets a little weird with the one hundred eighty day return policy. If your one bottle only lasts thirty days then you most likely are not going to see any results and try to get your money back. It sounds like this could easily become a cycle of trying to get returns but ending up getting other bottles for better results.
Not to mention that they “even let you keep your product as a way of saying thank you” like you are even going to have any product left. (And also your refund does not include the $14.99 in shipping).
Another issue is was the lack of information on this product. On the actual website, there are no customer reviews, ingredients list, or much information at all besides how to buy it. With some further searching, you can find a few online reviews of the product similar to this one but still no one who has actually taken the supplement which is a little worrisome to me.
Most companies like to boast about all the amazing things their product can do for you and all the ways that it is different than the competition but all Nutrition Hacks was displaying was the return policy.