Essential Oils Toenail Fungus – Natural Fungal Infection Removal Tips?


Toenail fungus is a common fungal infection that usually affects the toenail and its tissue. The end result of this type of infection is complete discoloration, pain on the toes, and abnormal nail growth, among other symptoms. There are many types of fungi that can attack the tore areas, but onychomycosis remains to be the most common. The infection is rampant in public places such as schools, pools, and social areas such as gyms. The spread of the infection becomes fast in areas that are damp or slightly warm.

Many risk factors are known to contribute to the spread of this infection. For instance, if your toes are not exposed to adequate air and freshness, the circulation of air becomes poor and this is a cause of fungal infection. Apart from poor immunity, other risk factors include diabetes, untreated wounds, and prolonged use of closed toe shoes. Yet on the face of it, the use of nail polish and artificial nails has also been proved to be a risk factor.

Tackling toenail fungus with essential oils is one of the best ways of treating this infection. It’s an effective strategy that does not have unwanted side effects.Here are some of the proven oils that can guarantee results:

Essential Oils And Its Benefits

Coconut Oil

As much as it may not be an essential oil, coconut oil is known to contain fatty acids as well as minerals that can act of the fungus. The minerals work by stimulating and boosting the immune system. In the end, this effect provides anti-bacterial support that helps to eliminate the infection. For effective and proper use, coconut oil can be used as carrier oil for other essential oils. Alternatively, it can be used by applying on the affected areas at least 3 times in a day. If symptoms subside or completely disappear, discontinue its use.

Thyme Oil

Thyme oil contains thyme as its main active ingredient. It is an antioxidant that boasts of strong anti-fungal properties that can effectively deal with toenail fungus infection. The oil acts by stimulating the re-growth of new cells and thus slowing down the growth of fungus in the toe area. In order to get the best results, thyme oil can be mixed with jojoba oil or almond oil. The mixture should be massaged on the toe nails in the morning and evening.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil not only has antibacterial properties, but can also be used to treat fungal infections. The active ingredients in this oil make it strong enough to treat fungal strains that affect toe nails. For effective results, the oil should be applied 3 times to the affected areas on a daily basis. Individuals with sensitive skin should mix it with coconut oil before the application.

Cinnamon Oil

Cinnamon has been in existence for a long time and is widely known as a perfect remedy for different types of fungal infections. The powerful ingredients in the oil can boost your immune system and give you resistance against further infections. When using it, the oil should be diluted using different carrier oil such as coconut oil. The resulting mixture should be applied to the toes and also applied beneath the nails.

Clove Oil

Clove oil consists of eugenol, which is a strong anti-fungal compound. Just like the other essential oils, Clove oil also acts by boosting the immune system and speeding up the healing of the fungi. Upon diluting it with another carrier oil, clove oil should be massaged gently on the nail beds and toes. More attention should be on the areas where the fungal infection has spread.

Manuka Oil

A discussion of the best essential oils for fungal infection cannot be complete without the mention of Manuka oil. The oil has become popular in recent times because of its amazing anti-fungal effects. Apart from treating the infection, it also helps to eradicate the marks left behind by the infection. For effective use, the oil should be massaged on the toes and nails once per day. Alternatively, you can also add 6 drops to a foot bath and ensure that your feet are soaked inside for a period of 30 minutes.

Lemon Oil

Lemon oil boasts of antiseptic properties that can cure the fungal infection in your toes. You can soak the nail bed in lemon oil in order to reach the root cause of the infection. The oil should be applied regularly to the toenails until the symptoms begin to clear. Those with sensitive skin should mix the oil with coconut oil before applying.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea Tree oil is commonly found in Australia but has now spread to other parts of the world. It has anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties. This is the reason why it can be used to treat toenail fungus on your feet. It is important to dilute it with coconut oil or any other carrier oil before applying it on the toenails.

Final Words

It is important for victims of toenail fungus to seek treatment as early as possible. If this is not done, the infection can spread to other body parts and become difficult to treat. If not treated early, the fungus can lead to streaking, soreness, cracking, and scaling. Other cases can also lead to yellowing of the nails or crumbling layers of the toenail. Pick the right treatment method and treat the infection at an early stage. Even though anti-fungal creams are known to work, the use of essential oils is a good option because there are fewer side effects experienced.

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