Health Ranger’s Food Forensics – Hidden Toxins In Our Foods?


Food Forensics is a book that describes all of the ways that your food and food products can contain toxic materials that you willing consume on a regular basis. The resource is easily available at Barnes & Noble bookstores, both online and offline.

What is Food Forensics?

When you’re at the grocery store, you have access to nearly any food product that you want to bring home and prepare for your family. If you are a health-conscious person, you probably check the label for calories, fat content, and other important nutritional information. However, you may not realize that the ingredient list has some hidden substances that you don’t understand, which means you do not know everything that you are actually consuming. However, Food Forensics is here to pull the wool off of your eyes.

Food Forensics is an in-depth book, which was written by Mike Adams to expose the true nature of the food industry. So many products contain preservatives and toxins that you know nothing about. Most of these products have very technical sounding names, so you probably don’t give them another look. However, this lack of knowledge is exactly why you need to read more about the ingredients in Food Forensics.

When you read through this book, you will learn many ways that you can decipher the intricate list of included ingredients. You learn about the different chemicals you should avoid in your groceries, fast food, supplements, and even your spices. With a head full of new information, you are prepared for your next grocery trip, and each one after that.

About the Author: Mike Adams

With a background in science, Mike Adams took his knowledge and started figuring out how to eat cleaner. He’s been very vocal in the way that America has allowed their foods to be filled with toxins, and that they haven’t done much to eliminate it. Adams is an award-winning journalist, and has evolved into a food scientist with his own laboratory for research.

Why Do You Need Food Forensics?

The food you put into your body is incredibly important, since it impacts literally every part of your life. Truthfully, there are many reasons why Food Forensics should be a resource that you keep in your home at all times. For starters, the writer of this book has compiled scientific research for metals that you will find in 800 different foods that you commonly eat. The book ventures into the world of nutrition to do what the FDA won’t, which is testing different foods to find out what we really eat.

If you don’t care much about nutrition or what you consume, that’s understandable. In that case, this book is not meant for you. This book is for consumers that don’t want to accept that the foods they have available are all they can get. By choosing to read this book, you are actually taking a step towards being truly informed about what is in your favorite foods.

One of the biggest things you will learn about is the toxic ingredients that are in many foods. You will be shocked by the number of toxins you are presently consuming on a daily basis. Some of the big ingredients that will be discussed include:

  • Polysorbate 80
  • MSG
  • Sodium Nitrite
  • Glyphosate

You may think that these ingredients are just some of the fillers that factories include in your food, but nothing could be further from the truth. Some of these ingredients have the power to cause minor illnesses, while others have been linked to cancer. If you’re shocked that ingredients like these are included in your foods, you will be even more surprised to learn about the metals that are found in the human body, which are used in crops. You’ll even learn how the pollution of the food manufacturing industry is linked to the involvement of mercury, lead, and cadmium in popular protein powders.

When you read this book, you can’t help but feel changed by the information. You can make changes in your lifestyle and purchases to reflect a safer and healthier environment for your family. You have the power to prevent serious diseases and eliminate chemicals that put your family at risk. With a simple purchase, you regain control over your health.

Pricing for Food Forensics

Right now, before you even decide to make a purchase, you have the opportunity to read a small sample of the book at no cost to you through the Food Forensics website. However, once you read the sample, you will definitely want to read the rest.

At this time, you are able to purchase Food Forensics at or Barnes & Noble’s website. Both companies have the product listed for $10.7, and the company has allowed the book to be offered in Barnes & Noble store locations for the last few weeks.

Any additional shipping fees or taxes will need to be discussed with the company that you make your purchase from.

Contacting the Makers and Distributors of Food Forensics

Since this book is fairly in-depth about the ways that food today is altered and manipulated, you probably won’t need to speak with the publishing company or the author. However, if you have questions about your order or a potential order, you should contact the customer service department of the company that you made the purchase through.

Health Ranger's Food Forensics Conclusion

Food Forensics isn’t about following a diet or a strict eating plan to help you lose weight. Instead, this book is about revealing truth about the foods you normally eat, giving you the opportunity to change what you put in your body. This program is about eliminating the food products that cause you to get sick (or worse), which helps you to live a longer and happier life. Food Forensics is the best source of information you will be able to find, and it is available at a low price in most cities.

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