Powerlifting is one of the fastest growing competitive sports in the world. Previously limited to niche professional weightlifters seeking to demonstrate feats of explosive power and strength, the recent surge in popularity of fitness and gym culture has lead to a spoke in interest in this Olympic sport.
Consisting of an event in which each competitor is given three attempts at a maximal weight on one of three different types of lifts, powerlifting world records are being consistently broken year after year as modern science and philosophical disciple push the limits of the body beyond what has been previously concevied as the boundaries of human strength.
History Of Powerlifting
Powerlifters select one of three primary lifts to focus on in an attempt to become the strongest at their chosen discipline. Each of the three lifts, either squat, bench, or deadlift are entire-body movements that incorporate the power of every single muscle in the powerlifter’s body to lift the heaviest weight possible.
With historical roots in ancient Greek and Roman times, powerlifting is one of the oldest sports known to man and one of the most difficult and onerous to train for.
Powerlifters must have absolute conscious control over every muscle fiber in their body and treat their body like a precision machine designed for a singular purpose. Competitions, known as powerlifting meets, take place all over the world from Europe to Australia and draw some of the most highly trained athletes in the world.
Powerlifting isn’t accessible to the average gym junkie or fitness enthusiast. Preparing for a powerlifting meet with the intention of competing requires months and months of dedicated training and strict focus not only in the gym, but in lifestyle choices and habits such as dietary intake, nutritional supplements, and more.
When selecting a training program designed to get you from gym fit to powerlifting meet ready, there are many different sources of information to choose from, with conflicting ideas of what are the best practices for readying the body to deliver on-demand explosive strength at the limits of what your body is capable of.
You could follow the most nutritionally balanced diet in the world, follow the perfect gym and workout regime, and take all of the best scientifically proven supplements in the world, but nothing will prepare you as effectively as having an experienced workout mentor that will push you to the limits of your mind to break your inherent mental bonds.
Personal trainers specializing in powerlifting training can be some of the most highly paid and most expensive advisors and experts in the world. Choosing the right expert personal trainer for you can be just as confusing as selecting a workout regime, and far more costly- some celebrity trainers charge anywhere up to tens of thousands of dollars per hour.
The time commitment involved in meeting with a dedicated personal trainer is impossible time cost for many busy professionals as well, with work and family commitments precluding them from participating in lengthy PT sessions. Personal trainers, however, are trained at identifying and correcting the key mistakes commonly made by every prospective powerlifter and helping them proceed beyond fitness plateaus to be the strongest version of themselves possible.
The best alternative to an expensive personal trainer program is a workout and fitness training program designed by a powerlifter to help you become a powerlifter.
About First Powerlifting Meet
One of the most popular and successful trainers that focus on preparing powerlifters in the weightlifting scene at the moment is Joey Percia, a United States based powerlifter who has developed a foolproof, simple method for getting prospective lifters ready for powerlifting meets.
With years of weightlifting and training experienced, Percia has condensed the entirety of his fitnes knowledge into a comprehensive and easy to follow method for getting ready to go hard and lift big called First Powerlifting Meet.
Who is Joey Percia?
The CEO and owner of JoeyPercia.com, Joey Percia is a fitness and strength expert that specializes in helping people achieve their health goals. A specialist in assisting with burning unwanted body fat, building lean muscle, increasing strength and leading happier lives, Percia is dedicated to pushing people to become the best that they can be. A New Jersey State Power Lifting record holder, Percia has decades of experienced in the science of powerlifting that he has provided in this streamlined guide to beginning powerlifting.
How the Joey Percia Method Can Prepare You for Your First Powerlifting Meet
Consisting of a six part training method that proceeds over seven weeks, First Powerlifting Meet is designed to take you from gym rat to powerlifting powerhouse in as little time as possible. The first section of this groundbreaking method, entitled ‘Strength Is A Marathon Not A Sprint’ motivates fitness enthusiasts to sign up for a meet as soon as possible to set a concret calendar goal to work towards in addition to information on selecting the right weight class and division for you, and a breakdown of the big three lifts.
The program continues over six other segments that elaborate on various topics such as the best practices for warming up before a workout and before a powerlifting competition, a comprehensive and highly structured three tiered training program, and how to prepare and what to take to the meet should you be traveling international or interstate.
Also included is detailed information on the best foods to eat and what to avoid to ensure you are capable of performing at your physical peak, followed
First Powerlifting Meet Pricing & Availability
Joey Percia’s First Powerlifting Meet guide and program is available in digital ebook format and available at any time for the fraction of the cost of a personal trainer. Covered by a 60 day money back guarantee that lasts for the entire duration of the program, this revolutionary method can be yours to follow for just $47.
If you’re looking for a risk free and guaranteed method of introduction to the competitive world of Powerlifting, the Joey Percia First Powerlifting Meet program is perfect for you.