F45 Training – Fitness Movement Powerhouse System Ownership?


People who have always dreamed of owning a gym or are looking for a new investment opportunity will want to consider F45 gyms.

As a franchise based business F45 makes it easy for people with even no fitness background to open an innovative fitness space in their local neighborhood. Please read below to learn more about F45 Training and how to get started.

How to Own a F45 Training

One of the most innovative new fitness models available, F45 Training offers a highly functional team training program that combines both interval cardio and strength training giving customers some of the most effective workouts currently available.

The system offers customers a way to burn fat and boost muscle in a dynamic and fun atmosphere. The atmosphere is everything keeping people motivated to push themselves to the limit.

F45 Training gyms offer customers a variety of fun and effective workouts that will help them reach and exceed their personal fitness goals.

As an owner of a franchise consumers can help people in their local community boost their health and live healthier lives.

Whether people are working to burn fat to lose weight or are training for a strength competition, F45 can help mix up training routine and keep people motivated and energized every step of the way.

Owning a F45 Training franchise is a great investment opportunity due to the low upfront costs and opportunity for high profit margin within a short time period from opening.

Ownership Requirements

Specifics are not outline clearly on the website but there is an easy to fill out contact form allowing people to express their interest for a follow up phone call.

F45 Training has already identified prime locations to start a franchise and is happy to work with interested individuals to see if an area near their home is on the short list.

Each studio requires a minimum space of 170 square meters and zoned as commercial real estate. Owners and investors do not need previous fitness experience or business ownership.

F45 Training Ownership Benefits

Whether an investor or franchisee interested consumers will appreciate the low upfront cost required to get a F45 location going, which offers a low ongoing fee structure as well as support through infrastructure, systems, and even procedures to ensure each new F45 location is a success.

F45 will give each new owner a full training on F45 systems as well as ongoing training to help people stay up to date on new exercise systems and regimes.

On a day to day basis F45 Training offers an online support desk which can help people solve problems as they arise.

Even if locations have small membership numbers, investors and owners are helped to maximize their returns and help grow members.

Technology is at the core of everything at F45. Owners will gain access to over 1200 filmed exercises that change daily to keep things interested for clients.

Each facility will be equipped with LVD televisions which run daily exercises with a hip music soundtrack keeping people motivated. Even the client management system is top of the line and easy to use.

F45 Training aims to make both investing and running a facility easy with taking a lot of the guesswork out of the process.

In addition to ongoing support owners and investors will also have the opportunity to join regional and national F45 conferences where people can network face to face and share ideas and business strategies.

Pricing For F45 Training

People who are interested and intrigued with the idea of starting up a F45 Franchise can make an inquiry through the website at www.f45training.com. People can get involved either as a franchisee or an investor.

Should You Own F45 Training?

If you have ever dreamed of owning a small local gym but were not sure where to start not is the time. By starting a franchise through F45 new business owners will get all of the support and guidance needed to make it a success.

Further information is available online through www.f45traning.com.

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