Epic Focus – Proprietary Cognition Complex Nootropic Supplement?


Epic Focus is a nootropic that is designed to help with cognitive functions. It consists of a formulated recipe of materials that is found around the world and have been used for food supplies for years.

What Is Epic Focus?

The company claims they have a strong belief in safety first. They are recognized as safe by the United States Government. They have a very strong desire to meet and exceed requirements set by the U.S. Government and maintain high standards in regards to pharmaceutical practices and good manufacturing practices. Their manufacturing is always held to the highest standards.

The purpose of Epic Focus is to help you improve your cognitive functions without impairing you in any way. It is a 100% safe and sound supplement, designed for anyone over the age of 21. It’s been specifically formulated from herbs, designed to help improve mental focus and clarity. It is produced to meet and exceed all standards set by the United States Pharmacopeia.

How Does Epic Focus Work?

The supplement contains compounds that have been specifically designed to improve cognitive functions with over 100 clinical and scientific studies backing it. Epic focus is said to be the most cost effective, safest, optimal, neural performance supplement on the market. Its effects are ideal for essential cerebro activity and it’s made of the highest quality ingredients. They mention that it should not be taken within 3 hours of another product that contains caffeine.  It may however be taken on the same day you take coffee, tea or another similar product.

To reinforce the effectiveness of the product, they claim to have an entire team of researchers and PhD biochemists at hand. Each of them work hard to formulate the product and keep quality assurance at an all-time high. All of their doctors are members of American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists. They are also members of the worldwide foundation, Institute of Food Technologists. Apparently, that association is world renowned and well respected.

The formula supposedly scientifically engineered to help with the quick release of the compound. It helps to increase the brains, speed of neural transmission and information processing functions. It will naturally increase memory storage, perceptual focus and recall. And it has a prolonged effect that last for 2-6 hours after each dose is taken. Active compounds in the supplement are specially prepared in the exclusive Cognition Complex. And they are supported by clinical research that has been cited by more than 100 clinical studies performed by scientists. They make it clear that epic focus is not meant to be used in place of any existing medications.

They also report that athletes can benefit from taking Epic Focus without the worry of failing a drug test. The compound is ideal for high level competitive sports and they have not a single failed drug tests, according to their studies.

The effects of Epic Focus are fast, apparently you can count on feeling the effects of Epic Focus in 30 minutes or less. It is designed to help with achieving maximum cognitive functions. IT works be facilitating cell communication within the brain and body while promoting the delivery of oxygen to the system. The effects of Epic Focus last for anywhere from 2-6 hours depending on the level of energy expended and the tolerance of the user. When you stop taking the compound, they claim there will be improved cognitive functions that is semi-permanent for up to a month following the stoppage of using the substance. They also say that within a few weeks to a month after stopping, users will return to their prior, lower level of neural activity. Performance will likely drop and the brains activity will return too normal within a month.

To take Epic Focus you only need 1-2 capsules a day with two days off a week to prevent the development of a tolerance to the compound. It a tolerance develops; it may take 3-4 capsules to reach the desired effect. Your response will decrease over time apparently.

What Are the Ingredients in Epic Focus?

Epic Focus contains the following ingredients:

Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Niacin, Vitamin B6, Folate, Vitamin B12, Pantothenic Acid, Proprietary Blend, Cognition Complex.

The Cognition Complex Consists of: Taurine. Guarana Extract 20%, Caffeine, Yohimbe Bark Extract 2%, Alpha GPC 50% Glucuronolactone, N-Acetyl-Tyrosine, L Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, Yerba Mate, Vinpocetine, Huperzine, CoQ10, Bacopa.

What is the Cost of Epic Focus?

Epic Focus cost $29.99 for 60 capsules which is supposed to be a one-month supply.

What Are Customers Saying About Epic Focus?

27 customers on Amazon averaged a 4 out of 5 star rating for Epic Focus. That leads me to believe that it’s a decent product. The price is very affordable, especially when compared to other similar products. Customers said was a clear, focused energy with little to no crash or come down. There are a lot of other similar products, with lower reviews for a lot more money.



  • Tolerance may develop at a rapid rate
  • There are other formulated products with higher ratings

Epic Focus Review Summary

For the money, this may be one of the best supplements of its type on the market Epic Focus is a great product that will help you improve your working abilities and likely your athletic capabilities as well. So final verdict, yes. Give Epic Focus a try, there is even a full refund guarantee so it’s no risk.

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