Enzacta – alfa Nutritional PXP, HFI, B12 Energy & UNDEW Skincare?


About Enzacta

Enzacta was founded in the year 2003 by Russ Hall. Enzacta specializes in the production of personal care and nutritional products. Russ Hall has more than three decades of experience in the corporate world. His valuable experience and leadership skills have helped Enzacta to grow and expand in more than 23 countries globally.

When Enzacta was launched in 2003, it began with a generous compensation plan. The company produces several nutritional products, such as PSP Forte, Alfa PXP Royal, Alfa Humic & Fulvic Acid, and Alfa Energy Concentrated Water Crystal, among others. The company also produces skin care products such as Undew skin care and Undew peptide toner.

Enzacta Products

Alfa PXP Royale

Alfa PXP Royale is a dietary supplement that is manufactured by Enzacta. The product is produced from a strain of rice that is rich in several nutrients. According to Enzacta’s website, the supplement is obtained from a strain of rice that is known as “Royale rice.” The rice was only consumed by the powerful Chinese emperors and the warriors who used to battle for them. According to Enzacta, royal rice has been unveiled and made available to the public in this dietary supplement.

Alfa PXP Royal has two percent daily value of calories in a five gram serving size. The total carbohydrates contained in the dietary supplement equal one percent of the daily value, and the protein content is two percent of the daily value.

Alfa PXP Forte

Alfa PXP Forte is a proprietary blend of polysaccharide peptides that is obtained from different strains of rice flour, and it is rich in several nutrients that are required by the body. The dietary supplement is produced from a unique strain of rice harvested from the Siam Valley of Thailand. A sophisticated proprietary technology is used to harvest the rice at its maximum age. The dietary supplement has several health benefits, such as increased energy levels in the body. It also promotes the growth of cells in the body.

The supplement is rich in essential nutrients, such as polysaccharides and polypeptides which are needed by the body for growth. The content of calories in the nutritional supplement is two percent of the daily value.

Alfa Humic & Fulvic Acid

This supplement is produced by the decomposition of dead plant matter by microbial organisms. After several years, the decomposed matter becomes a rich source of minerals and nutrients needed by the plant for growth. The plant readily absorbs the nutrients from the decomposed matter through its roots. The common practice of using fertilizer and pesticides deprives the soil of the essential humic substances. According to health experts, much of the vegetables that are consumed do not have the vital nutrients and minerals.

The Alfa Humic & Fulvic Acid dietary supplement is rich in the essential nutrients and minerals that are needed by the body’s cells for growth. The supplement is safe for human consumption, and it is quality oriented. The supplement has several health benefits, such as increased energy levels and improved metabolic processes in the body. The amount of Humic & Fulvic extract in the supplement is 200 grams per serving.

Alfa Yakunaah

According to Enzacta's official website, Alfa Yakunaah refers to “love of life” as a driving force behind the product’s development. The product contains a blend of adaptogens and antioxidants that are required by the body for its normal growth. The adaptogens found in the supplement help the body to adjust itself to various environmental changes. The variations in the environment can occur due to several factors, such as pollution, aging, and stress. The processing of the adaptogens is carried out at different temperatures, which lead to its high quality.

The sources of the adaptogens include three super fruits. These fruits are acai berries harvested from the South American Jungles, pomegranates from California, and prickly pears harvested from the vast deserts of Sonora. The fruits have been shown to contain high levels of antioxidants that help the body to fight harmful free radicals.

Alfa Energy Concentrated

Individuals face a huge challenge in trying to obtain and balance a healthy lifestyle. The inability to attain a balance in fitness can lead to drastic effects to one’s life. Studies indicate that the body is increasingly becoming acidic due to several factors such as pollution, stress, unhealthy lifestyles, and acidic foods. Hyperacidity can weaken the immune system of the body, making an individual be vulnerable to disease conditions. A person with a weakened immune system may present with symptoms such as fatigue and shortness of breath. The body will try to compensate the hyperacidity using minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and potassium, resulting in the deficiency of these electrolytes.

According to experts, a good remedy to hyperacidity involves adequate hydration of the body. Sufficient amount of water in the body helps it to eliminate the acidic waste that has accumulated inside. Water is a critical component of the body. Alfa Energy is a nutritional supplement that contributes to the hydration of the body. The nutritional supplement acts as a catalyst to hydrate the body and enhance the performance of the immune system.

Alfa B-12

The Alfa B-12 supplement is comprised of the water-soluble vitamin B-12. Vitamin B-12 has several functions in the body. It is used in the synthesis of red blood cells, and the central nervous system requires vitamin B-12 for growth. An individual is at a risk of developing vitamin B-12 deficiency when they practice unhealthy eating habits.

Alfa B-12 helps boost the levels of vitamin B-12 in the body. The dietary supplement should be taken daily as a remedy for vitamin B-12 deficiency. The supplement comes in the form of a dissolvable tablet, and the tablet is sweetened with monk fruit. The tablet dissolves in the mouth, and it gets absorbed through the mucosal membranes. This will ensure that it gets absorbed quickly into the bloodstream.

Undew Peptide Toner

Undew Peptide Toner is a skin care product that helps rehydrate the skin after cleansing it. The skin care product absorbs quickly, giving the skin a fresh and hydrated look. The skin cleanser also helps remove dirt from the skin, protecting it from possible infections. The skin care product is also anti-aging, leaving the skin with a younger and fresher look.

Enzacta Summary

Enzacta is committed to producing high quality and world-class nutritional supplements. The company utilizes state of the art technology and e-commerce to provide life-changing products to its clients.

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