Dark Ops Fitness – PreOPS & PostOPS Workout Products


Dark Ops Fitness Review – Right For You?

DarkOps is a company that focuses on serious sports nutrition. Unlike other companies who fill their products with low-quality ingredients of questionable effectiveness, DarkOps focuses on the needs of athletes and fitness enthusiasts and crafts high quality products to meet these needs.

In addition to creating quality products made from effective ingredients, DarkOps also pays special care in the amount of each ingredient included in its products. Another problem so many nutrition companies have is that even if their products do contain effective, scientifically supported ingredients, they often don’t contain enough of these ingredients for them to actually make a difference.

Who is Dark Ops Fitness?

DarkOps creates sports nutrition products that have the high amounts of quality ingredients, making them some of the most effective on the market.

Not only does DarkOps provide effective, high quality products, but it carefully crafts these products to serve specific purposes. Instead of just offering one product and saying it can be used for everything, DarkOps breaks its supplements into PreOps and PostOps. These supplements serve the purposes needed to best help athletes before and after each and every workout.

What Makes DarkOps Different?

The number one reason DarkOps is so much more effective and provides such better products is because it completely changed the criteria for making workout supplements. To begin with, DarkOps is extremely picky about who it works with. When it comes to getting the sources, ingredients, materials, and partners the company needs, DarkOps will only work with those who meet a strict set of criteria.

DarkOps will never cut corners in an effort to boost profit margins. And, DarkOps likes to be very upfront about all its ingredients, staying away from things like ‘proprietary blends’ that don’t offer transparency to customers. Also, DarkOps only wants to incorporate ingredients that have actually been found to work. If partners or sources can’t meet these criteria, DarkOps refuses to work with them.

The problem with the high standards and strict criteria that DarkOps adopted is that it is extremely expensive. The costs of the quality ingredients and the proper manufacturing processes adds up. However, DarkOps refused to pass these expenses on to its customers.

Instead of increasing prices, DarkOps found an alternative way to keeping its costs low. Customers are getting the best prices when it comes to DarkOps supplements because, instead of selling through retail outlets, the products are sold directly to the customers. This allows DarkOps to create a product of the highest quality, but one that can also be sold at an affordable price.

The Benefits of DarkOps

While the quality of the ingredients in the DarkOps supplements, as well as the standards to which the company holds itself, offers interesting insight into the company, the true power of DarkOps products in in the many benefits they provide users. These benefits cover a wide range of impacts, offering the bodies of those who take working out and fitness seriously.

The benefits of DarkOps include:

Overview of DarkOps Benefits

To understand how the benefits listed above help the body, a fuller understanding of the ingredients in DarkOps and the benefits tied to these ingredients is needed.

Lower Pain and Inflammation

Several of the ingredients in DarkOps, but specifically white willow bark extact, contain an anti-inflammatory agent that helps reduce the breakdown of muscles and minimize inflammation in the body.

Power and Strength

The creatine and betaine in the DarkOps products help energize the body and provide extra oxygen to blood to help build muscles. Added with beet root extract, which provides the body with power, and DarkOps is able to give a well-rounded boost to athletes.

Energy, Stamina, and Focus

To increase energy and focus levels, DarkOps contains caffeine anhydrous. The supplements also have branched chain amino acids which help contribute energy throughout the body and stimulate the synthesis of protein.


No athlete will be able to push and reach new goals without increased endurance. To aid in this, DarkOps supplements contain l-taurine and beta-alanine. These ingredients help boost performance levels and reduce the amount of fatigue felt after each workout. Plus, these ingredients are help to keep output at peak during workouts.

Recovery and Muscle Building

To help with post-workout recoveries, muscle growth, and repair, DarkOps supplements contain BCCA’s to give the body the fuel it needs.

Increased Pumps

To boost cardiovascular efficiency and muscle performance, DarkOps contains several ingredients, like betaine anhydrous, to boost nitric oxide levels in the body.

PreOps and PostOps

As mentioned above, DarkOps breaks its supplements into two categories: PreOps and PostOps. As suggested by the names, these supplements were each designed to be used at different points in the workout process, beforehand and afterwards. A breakdown of the differences between these two options is described below.


The PreOps products offered by DarkOps work to give users the boost and support they need before heading in to an intense workout. To grow muscle and stay healthy, the body needs to be working in one accord, each blood cell and muscle fiber pulling together to get the best results for the body. DarkOps PreOps supplements help support these functions.

PreOps provides the body with:

  • Energy
  • Drive
  • Increased Power
  • Boosted Strength Levels
  • Maximized Stamina
  • Reduced Pain
  • Less Fatigue

The DarkOps PreOps supplements are able to provide these benefits through the amazing and effective ingredients included in each and every dose. These ingredients have been scientifically formulated and are based on clinically proven facts.

Caffeine Anhydrous: A purified caffeine source, this ingredient is able to boost energy levels and focus before heading in to a crucial workout session.

L-Taurine: Already a favorite in the fitness world, this amino acid supports cardiovascular health and helps delay fatigue so users can push themselves more during a workout.

Beet Root Extract: A natural source of power to help users maintain their endurance levels throughout a workout.

Betaine Anhydrous: Another amino acid, this ingredient helps create creatine in the body, increasing muscle strength and muscle size. It also boosts nitric oxide levels in the body.

Beta-Alanine: An amino acid that is vital to the production of carnosine, this ingredient increases performance capabilities and decreases fatigue.

White Willow Bark Extract: A natural anti-inflammatory, this ingredient helps the body recover faster.

Creatine Monohydrate: Another favorite in the fitness world, creatine monohydrate boosts muscle growth, strength, and power.

Branched Chain Amino Acid Matrix (BCAA): This group of amino acids work with the muscles to give them extra energy, which helps prevent the breakdown of muscles and stimulates muscle protein synthesis.


While having support for before a workout is vital, having an equally effective support for after an intense workout is also important. This is why DarkOps created its PostOps supplement. This advanced anabolic and anti-catabolic formula helps the body recover in a variety of ways so users can get back to the gym sooner.

The benefits of PostOps includes:

  • Decrease in Muscle Breakdown
  • Increase in Muscle Recovery
  • Boost in Protein Synthesis
  • Promotion of Muscle Growth

And, because the DarkOps PostOps supplement is powered by BCAA, it helps the body achieve these benefits in record time. Based on scientific research and expert field use, the amounts and concentrations of these amino acids have been very carefully calculated to give users the best results possible. Unlike other supplement companies, DarkOps is very upfront about the amounts and ingredients included in its supplements.

The ingredients and concentration amounts of DarkOps PostOps include:

  • L-Threonine: 600mg
  • L-Isoleucine: 480mg
  • L-Histidine: 480mg
  • L-Phenylalanine: 839mg
  • L-Leucine: 2.1G
  • L-Lysine: 719MG
  • L-Valine: 600MG

DarkOps Products

  • PreOPS 30-Serving Canister – $49.95
  • PreOPS 60-Servings (2 Canisters) – $89.95
  • PreOPS 90-Serving Pack (3 Canisters) – $129.95
  • PostOPS 30-Serving Canister – $49.95
  • PostOPS 60-Servings (2 Canisters) – $89.95
  • PostOPS 90-Serving Pack (3 Canisters) – $129.95
  • 30-Serving Combo Package – $89.95
  • 30-Servings Combo Pack (1 Canister of Each) – $89.95
  • 60-Serving Supply – $159.95
  • 60-Servings Combo Pack (2 Canisters of Each) – $159.95
  • 90-Serving Supply – $199.95
  • 90-Servings Combo Pack (3 Canisters of Each) – $199.95
  • Field Operations Combo (Ten 1.5 Serving Pouches of Each) – $49.95
  • Sample Pack – $4.95
  • DarkOPS Dry Fit Shirt – $24.95
  • DarkOPS Gym Bag – $34.95
  • DarkOPS Shaker Bottle – $11.95
  • DarkOPS Beanie – $12.95
  • DarkOPS Earbuds – $8.95
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