Curaleaf – Premium Medical Marijuana Cannabinoid Therapies?


Cannabis has the potential to drastically improve people’s lives when it comes to helping treat disease and manage pain.

However there is a great deal of policy and myths within the United States making it difficult for caregivers and individuals alike to access cannabis products to help minimize pain and reduce severity of medical conditions like arthritis, seizures, and even cancer.

The National Cannabis Industry Association is committed to helping shape policy and improve access to cannabis products within every state in the United States. Please read below to learn more about this organization and their new program soon to be unveiled called Curaleaf.

What Is Curaleaf?

Curaleaf is a new program starting soon by the National Cannabis Industry Association. The information is somewhat limited as the programs serves and availability is dependent on each state's individual laws regarding cannabis and cannabis related products.

What Curaleaf is committed to is helping both patients and caregivers have the most comprehensive choices when it comes to helping reduce pain and improve quality of life. Curaleaf will help ensure people have access to the most highly effective cannabinoid products to help minimize pain and side effects of chemotherapy or for helping treat severe seizures.

Interested consumers can search availability by state on the Curaleaf website at There is not any specific information on when this product will actually roll out but interested caregivers or users can submit an interest form through the website to get questions answered.

National Cannabis Industry Association Details

By joining this association people can help not only promote cannabis within the United States by backing policy change but they can also gain colleagues and mentors to help them propel their cannabis related businesses.

The National Cannabis Industry Association runs the only cannabis industry political action committee dedicated to helping instill policy change and regulate taxing codes within the industry.

Pricing Information

There are no clear details on the Curaleaf program as of yet to even know what services and products will be offered and their associated prices. As far as joining the National Cannabis Industry Association businesses can choose between a variety of membership tiers each offering a different range of benefits.

The lowest tier of membership is called Regular Membership and this level costs $100.00 for a monthly membership of $1,000.00 for an annual membership. This level gives businesses not only national political representation for the business but also two admissions to a quarterly Cannabis Caucus.

Sponsoring Membership is available at a $250.00 per month level or $2,500.00 per year. This level gives members national political representation as well as access to three quarterly Cannabis caucuses per year. This level also includes the businesses logo within the online member director and member portal.

Sustaining Membership is the highest tier of membership and costs $500.00 monthly or $5,000.00 annually. Members at this level have the eligibility to serve on the national board and can attend all quarterly caucuses for free.

Curaleaf Review Summary

Cannabis is such a valuable natural resource when it comes to helping prevent and treat disease. There is such a negative stigma regarding cannabis that it is very heavily regulated throughout the United States.

However regulation is starting to change with many states legalizing cannabis use and sales. Membership in the National Cannabis Industry Association will help businesses in the field gain access to not only political influence but also access to the most current updates nationwide. Further details are available through the link at

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