ConBody – Prison Style Bootcamp Workout Burn Fat & Build Muscle?


ConBody is a workout company that combines impressive exercise routines with men that have served prison sentences, in an effort to rehabilitate these individuals. Each regimen helps with a different need for consumes, ensuring that anyone can meet their fitness goals effectively.

What Is ConBody?

Getting a good workout in is difficult, especially when someone has high expectations for themselves. Most workout regimens only focus on creating a toned appearance, leaving the actual strength and endurance on the sidelines.

Bodybuilders are used to having a lot of resources to create their dream physique, but everyone does not have these luxuries. With ConBody, consumers can get an entirely different workout that fits inside the smallest apartment.

ConBody was developed by and is currently run by a former convict, Coss Marte. His driving force was to create an exercise routine with minimal space, which he developed within his 9’x6’ cell with techniques that mimic the routines that the military uses. While using this routine, consumers will also learn other secrets to success, helping consumers to get a workout wherever they are.

Most of the effort behind this membership is about helping formerly incarcerated individuals to get on the road to rehabilitation and success. Too many men and women become discouraged after serving their time, since it is so hard to secure a steady job.

However, fitness is something that most inmates can do while serving time, which means that they are used to having to modify their routine. By participating in ConBody, consumers can get a better physique while “bridging the gap.”

The Instructors

Right now, there are six instructors with ConBody that help to improve the user’s experience with their fitness routine. Each one has impressive strengths that they use to help consumers get into the right shape, despite their reason for incarceration.

Coss Marte served time in 2009, and entered into his correctional facility at an incredibly unhealthy weight, putting him at risk for fatal consequences. He used the limited resources available to help him lose 70 pounds while incarcerated, and encourage 20 other inmates to join his routine. He was actually the one who started ConBody, making it into a business that helps over 10,000 clients to become healthier.

Sultan Malik is one of the toughest trainers, helping to make consumers lean with a rigorous workout that truly tests the limits of the body. After seven years in solitary confinement, this instructor understands how to get a good workout in a small space. He is the perfect trainer for someone that thrives on tough love.

Ray Acosta is a NASM certified trainer that lost 200lbs with his own regimen. He has been featured on The Biggest Loser.

Shane Ennover focuses on Supine Bicycle workouts, after serving seven years in prison. His ab workout is effective in creating the shredded look that many men want.

Chris Kennedy served two years in the army, but was arrested when drinking led to his arrests for fighting. After rehab and joining the ConBody team, consumer can use his routine to help sculpt and tone their physique.

Derek Drescher has been in and out of the prison system over 30 times, but his rehabilitation and training with ConBody has been the driving force behind his success. He helps consumers to reach their marathon goals and is the senior running coach for ConBody.

Consumers can choose classes with any of these trainers to get the workout and support that they need.

Membership And Class Prices for ConBody

There are plenty of opportunities to buy and book the classes directly from the website. Consumers will need to pay the fees upfront for attendance. Choose from:

  • First Time Class: $20.00
  • 1 Class: $32.00
  • 5 Classes: $150.00 ($30/class)
  • 10 Classes: $290.00 ($29/class)
  • 20 Classes: $540.00 ($27/class)

Consumers can also choose monthly memberships, reducing the total cost that users can take on. The monthly subscriptions include:

  • 5 Classes per month: $100.00/month ($20/class)
  • 10 Classes per month: $165.00/month ($17/class)
  • Unlimited (availability varies): 175.00/month

If someone wants to get a monthly membership, they need to understand that the charge will occur every month automatically, and they can only use one class out of that membership within a 24-hour period.

If the participant suddenly cancels, they will be charged a fee for not showing up. While in a monthly membership, there is no option to pause a membership, but consumers can reach out to the customer service team to cancel.

Contacting ConBody

Even though the website provides a lot of information about what consumers can get from ConBody, there are other questions that need to be addressed. There is a form on the website at

For a more direct method of communication, consumers can also call or email the team.

ConBody Review Summary

ConBody is meant for any consumer that wants to improve their body with a vigorous routine that is been tried and true for the trainers themselves.

If consumers want to interact with the regimens online, consumers can also pay $5.00 a month for access, helping to get a daily workout in wherever they go.

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