Coffee Cargo – Monthly Premium K-Cup Coffee Delivery Service?


It is probably of no surprise to you that coffee is a multi-billion-dollar industry, and although the jury is out if it is in fact the second most consumed beverage in the world, after water, it doesn’t change that most households consume it daily.

And, coffee has benefits outside of great taste! Did you know there are more than a dozen reasons that drinking coffee might be good for you? That is, quality coffee. It can work to protect the liver of cirrhosis, lower your risk of Type 2 diabetes, protect against Parkinson’s Disease, increase your fiber intake and, coffee drinkers have a lowered risk of heart disease. Not bad for tasty hot drink, is it?

Brew at Home? Buying Out?

Given the economy, and retail establishments being forced to increase their pricing, brewing coffee from home has become more and more common, and is likely more common the more convenient it becomes – because, who doesn’t love convenience?

K-Cups, a word the population recognizes now almost immediately, and now, with Coffee Cargo, can be delivered right to your home. Believe it or not, these K-Cups account for up to 40% of ground coffee sale in the United States alone. Sometimes, all you want is one cup and brewing an entire pot can feel like a chore, let alone wasteful.

Coffee Cargo saw a need in the market where they knew, consumers want the ability to taste premium coffee and unfortunately are often unable to locate it in stores. They, decided to bridge that gap. They not only take the leg work out of discovering these premium blends for you, but they will ensure they are ready in K-Cups that you, can take advantage of from the comfort of your home.

They describe this initiative as ‘bringing you, a better cup of coffee through the best tasting K-Cups’.

How Do They Choose the Coffee Blends?

First and foremost, their selection process is no small feat. Let’s consider a few of the highlights you can expect.

  • Organic
  • Single-Origin
  • Fair Trade
  • Rainforest Alliance Certified
  • Naturally Flavored

Their coffees are described as possessing rich flavor profiles and more importantly, natural ingredients. What is also interesting about Coffee Cargo is that although they may represent the middleman from origin to you – they work directly with the roasters so you can essentially look at your K-Cups as being ‘hot off the presses’!

How Does Coffee Cargo Work?

Coffee Cargo really has thought this process through, and could not be easier for the consumer. Once on their website, you subscribe to them. Once your subscription is complete, you can expect a new delivery each month. Each subscription will provide you with fifteen (15) K-Cups in three (3) different blends. This will allow the consumer to sample a variety of different roasts and find what is best for their taste buds.

Given that Coffee Cargo is constantly researching new rich flavors and roasts, you can rest assured that each K-Cup variety is of premium quality.

Once your delivery arrives, simply open it, and enjoy the taste (and aroma!).

What Can You Expect?

Shipping of the K-Cups occurs every two (2) weeks and you expect to receive you order 4-6 days after it has been sourced through USPS. Presently, they only ship to the United States and PO Boxes are included.

The convenience is also seen in its billing cycle – Because there are varying subscription times frames, you will only be billed upon your sign up and will be notified once your subscription ready for renewal.

Their account system is very user friendly and you can make changes to your account whenever suits your schedule best.

Send Coffee Cargo as a Gift!

Since we have already established that most people love coffee – imagine how much more they would love a premium, all natural organic blend? The good news is Coffee Cargo can also be gifted through their subscription process. Looking for that perfect gift, just got easier. Ideal for that hard to buy for friend, teacher or loved one.

Truth is, you could even gift yourself!

Self-proclaimed industry insiders, you can come to expect quality coffee when ordering (or gifting) through Coffee Cargo. Although there is a plethora of places you can order coffee from, how confident are you in their quality? Organic, especially free-trade coffee should not be a luxury item, and unfortunately its availability, or lack of, presents it as such.

It might be safe to say the passion really does shine through in the thought and consideration put into every single cup at Coffee Cargo – an option for coffee lovers everywhere.

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