Clean Reach – Ergonomic Handled Scrub Brush For Ultimate Clean?


Clean Reach is a device that helps you get into any crevice that you need to eliminate dirt and grime from, but with much greater ease than you presently do.

As a way to encourage you to make a purchase, you will be given a second Clean Reach accessory for free with your purchase.

What is Clean Reach?

Cleaning your home is a task that seems never-ending. Even if you clean the entire house from top to bottom, you will inevitably start finding new messes that need to be cleaned, which can be frustrating when you spent hours on your hands and knees or even on ladders to reach the most difficult spaces.

However, you don’t need to keep going through so much discomfort or the sake of a clean home. Instead, you can use Clean Reach.

Clean Reach offers a creative solution to a big problem that most people face while cleaning. You always end up with spaces that are difficult to clean without attempting to maneuver around different blockages or awkward spots.

Even if you’re young, getting down on all fours is not exactly how you want to spend each day that you need to clean. Instead, the Clean Reach has a unique shape and extendable pole that lets you clean every nook and cranny without moving your waist.

There are plenty of cleaning accessories available in the industry right now, like mops and brooms.

However, the problem that comes up is that some areas need a closer scrubbing than others, and most products are on the gentle side, lacking an abrasive surface. By using Clean Reach instead, you have all the support you need.

What You Get

With every Clean Reach set, you will be given eight pieces that all contribute to helping you tidy up your home. Those supplies include:

  • Two extendable handles
  • Six cleaning pads

The cleaning pads can be used repeatedly, as long as you rinse them thoroughly after each use. The extendable handles make it easier to reach any area in your home.

Using Clean Reach

You may be surprised to learn that you already have the skills and knowledge that you need to use this device. Since the handle is extendable, you can modify it to fit the distance between you and the surface.

You use the handle in the same way that you would use a mop handle to reach the sponge at the end.

You can use any cleaner on the sponge that you would normally use in your regimen for your home. With the shape of the sponge, it’s easier to clean through the corners of your home, which is the biggest problem with using a mop or any other handled brush.

However, this structure lets you provide the pressure and movement needed from a distance, which makes it easier to clean each area thoroughly.

This brush should be rinsed and washed regularly. However, there is no indication of the proper way to keep the sponges disinfected on a regular basis.

Pricing for Clean Reach

To purchase Clean Reach for your home, your total cost is $10, plus the cost of shipping and handling ($7.95). Right now, there is a promotion on the website that gives you a second Clean Reach for free, except for covering the cost of shipping.

If you are displeased with the performance of the Clean Reach device, you have up to 30 days to initiate a refund. You won’t have to give any reason for the return, but you will have to cover the cost to ship the products out.

Contacting the Creators of Clean Reach

The website for Clean Reach only provides you with a certain amount of information about the product. Whether you want to know about the device or your recent order, you can speak with the customer service team via phone or email.

To reach the phone-based customer service team, you will need to call 866-684-5574. However, the team is only available on weekdays from 8:00am to 8:00pm EST. If you need to contact the company outside of these hours, or your inquiry is not urgent, then you can send an email to [email protected].

Clean Reach Review Summary

Clean Reach is an innovative tool that you can use to clean just about any area of your home, and it comes with multiple sponges to avoid contaminating different surfaces.

While the website doesn’t appear to offer a way to order the sponges separately for refills, they offer you a second set at no extra cost, other than the shipping fee.

Cleaning your home is already a frustrating and relentless task, which is only made worse when you must put yourself through discomfort to complete it. By using the Clean Reach instead, you won’t have to take as many breaks to rest your back and your joints.


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