Chilogy Cleanse – Activated Charcoal Face Wash Skincare Series?


In recent times, the use of charcoal has been highlighted in many skincare essentials. Whether one is experiencing excessive pores, dry skin or increased blemishes, Chilogy Skincare Series may provide the required aid to enhance overall skin health.

Based on its properties, the Chilogy Cleanse may efficiently fight off bacteria, dirt, chemicals and other smaller particles surfacing the outermost layer of the skin. The purpose of this review is to look closely into the Charcoal Face Wash in terms of its intentions, its ingredients list, its uses and its current going price.

What is the Chilogy Cleanse?

As the name implies, the Chilogy Cleanse Charcoal Face Wash is a cleanser that removes dirt on the skin’s surface using activated charcoal as its key ingredient. It can be used by the mass population and may contribute towards revitalized skin. Its ultimate purpose claims to include: relieving rough skin, detoxifying deep pores, and improving the overall skin’s appearance.

What Ingredients Does the Chilogy Cleanse Include?

Besides the use of activated charcoal, other key ingredients may include: coconut oil, olive oil, orange peel, sunflower oil, green and white tea and vitamin C. To better understand how the activated charcoal can benefit from being exposed to these organic ingredients, let’s take a look at its associated benefits:

Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil may be useful in deep cleansing. Deep cleansing is commonly referred to as skin exfoliation. This can stimulate skin cells production, while protecting the skin from environmental pollutants, pores and other toxins that may be lingering in the air.

Olive Oil

Olive Oil can reflect as an effective cleanser depending on one’s skin. It can reap deep within the skin to cleanse on a cellular level. In addition, its moisturizing properties may leave one’s skin feeling soft after its wash.

Orange Peel

Orange Peel is said to enhance the exfoliation process of dead skin cells. Furthermore, it may reduce the appearance of dark circles, blemishes and discoloration.

Sunflower Oil

Sunflower contains anti-inflammatory properties that claim to benefit the skin. More specifically its omega 6 and vitamin E content can potentially increase cells renewal.

Green and White Tea

Both green and white tea are rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that can potentially treat aging signs. Some of which may include: fine lines, wrinkles and age spots.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a type of antioxidant that can induce collagen production in the skin. In addition, it may promote optimal absorption needed to regulate skin cells and prevent sun damage.

How Should Consumers Make Use of the Chilogy Cleanse Charcoal Face Wash?

In order to benefit from the use of the Charcoal Face Wash, consumers are advised to wet the face prior to applying its formula. After having gently massaged for 2 to 4 minutes, consumers must wash their face with lukewarm water. Its recommended usage is twice daily; morning and night.

What Is Its Current Going Price?

For a quantity of 177ml, the current going price is set at approximately $22. The price is fairly set given that it may last a minimum of one month when used as directed. Furthermore, it includes a wide range of organic ingredients that can naturally treat, heal and further fortify the skin.

Chilogy Cleanse Final Verdict

The use of the Charcoal Face Wash is not only designed to protect the skin’s surface on a topical level, but can reap deep within one’s skin on a cellular level to prevent any further damage from occurring.

Based on its properties, consumers no longer need to worry about enlarged pores, blemishes and other skin concerns. For more information, go to:

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