CBD Chronic Pain Relief Benefits – Can Cannabidiol End Suffering?


Natural Health 35 is a company that creates supplements to help end chronic pain. If you suffer from chronic illnesses like MS this may be the right company for you to follow. CBD is an excellent way for you to start focusing on your health to bring it back to optimal levels.

First looking at it, there is theory that some people have pain due to a lack of cannabinoids. The deficiency can cause excessive pain. Cannabinoid is a substance the is found within the psychoactive drug marijuana.

Ingesting the plant will replenish the body with the cannabinoids it needs to but also carries with it a very strong high that many people do not function well with. There is a lot of scientific evidence to back the power of marijuana, the remedy is definitely not a joke.

The endocannabinoid definitely exists in the body, but any type of malfunctioning problem associated with the substance is usually referenced with hard to treat illnesses like fibromyalgia. The problem can also create problems like migraines and IBS. And using a CBD supplement has been shown to cause very real pain relief.

So, What Does an Endocannabinoid System Do?

Endocannabinoids are naturally produced fatty acids in the body that area composed of different components. The main components of something like this is Arachidonoyl-Glycerol which is also known as 2 AG and anandamide.

Anandamide is a substance that causes a deep sense of relaxation as well as a generalized sense of well-being. It’s similar to the effects causes by cannabis. In the ancient language Sanskrit it basically means bliss.

The purpose of the endocannabinoid is to help regulate different neurotransmitter functions. Anandamide binds with cannabinoid receptors to help with natural body functions like sleep. Other functions that occur are those of appetite, motor control, and to assist in with other vital body functions.

Even the immune system is regulated by the use of cannabinoids. Perception is even effected because using endocannabinoids stop the production of glutamate. Which is a powerful neurotransmitter that prolongs neuropathy and further helps to reduce pain.

Clinical Endocannabinoids Deficiency Which Is Also Known as CECD Is Also Associated With Chronic Illness

The deficiencies and signals that lead to an endocannabinoid system has been linked to serious illness. Studies have basically shown that people with IBS, Fibromyalgia and Migraines had very low amounts of anandamide in the brain, skeletal system and digestive tract.

Some even think that low quantities of the substance could be the root of a very diverse list of diseases. Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson’s Disease and Depression have been linked. So have other diseases like asthma, cystic fibrosis and PTSD.

CECD is considered to be congenial, with heredity and genes playing such a huge role, many are believing that fetal development is effected as well. The insufficiency can definitely occur after birth too and be the result of an infection or injury. Luckily, CECD can be addressed.

What’s the Difference Between Cannabidiol and Cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids contain the compound THC which is the psychoactive ingredient in Marijuana. Tetrahydrocannabinol is one of the most powerful psychoactive compounds in the world. THC fits perfectly into a cannabinoid receptor located in the central nervous system and brain. The receptor is known as CB-1 and cannabidiol doesn’t fit into this receptor.

It does accomplish other feats however. It is considered to be one of the most helpful substances to the body and brain. It helps with two things, it is a helpful endocannabinoid that helps to suppress the enzyme hydroxylase which is harmful and breaks down the beneficial anandamide. Basically, FAAH and BD will help return your body’s levels of anandamide to a healthy level.

CBD is not a psychoactive compound like that of the chemicals occurring in marijuana. It has absolutely no effects related to that of THC. This includes lethargy and dysphoria. Many people can’t function properly when ingesting or smoking THC containing substances like marijuana.

CBD has on the other hand been shown and proven to have very significant medical properties. It also works as a very strong antioxidant and research keeps proving this.

CBD Also Helps With Pain Associated With Fibromyalgia

Research has shown time and time again that endocannabinoid levels are directly related to the disease fibromyalgia. And it causes an unreal sensitivity to pain. Animal studies have proven the antagonist that creates the disease also fights against endocannabinoids, but can’t actually extinguish it.

Basically, there theory that has been stated after studying about 30 patients has shown CBD helps with the reduction of pain in nearly every patient. Cannabinoids have also been shown to decrease stiffness and enhance people’s ability to relax after taking the substance.

CBD Also Aids in the Relief of Migraines as Well

Migraine headaches work because of certain chemicals produced by the brain. Cannabinoids help to inhibit the production of the chemicals that cause the migraines. Studies have shown that taking CBD has helps diminish the effects of migraines in most patients.

CBD Helps with IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome has been shown to be associated with fibromyalgia and migraines. Different issues in the digestive tract have also been proven to be helped when people take endocannabinoids.

There is a lot of fact, research and reason behind why CBD can help with IBS. The use of it has actually been happening since the 19th century by healers to help people alleviate symptoms associated with illness that starts in the gut.

Research Proves the Powerful Effects Of CBD Chronic Pain Relief Benefits

Research occurring within the last few years has shown the positive healing properties of CBD. It has continually proven to help improve the symptoms of all the previously listed ailments in this article.

CBD is still being researched, it helps to reduce the effects of many different ailments. Many medical deficiencies are resolved when patients take CBD.

Whether it’s Fibromyalgia, or other chronic diseases that are painful and hard to live with. CBD is therapeutic and can help treat them. If you think CBD is right for you, then talk to a knowledgeable health care provider to help treat your specific problems.

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