Easy Glutes Review

Easy Glutes: Dr Andrew Ordon’s Pulsing Butt Toning Device?

Easy Glutes is a device that consumers can use to electrically improve the shape and strength of gluteal muscles. Consumers typically have to order...

LegXercise – Seated Leg Exerciser Blood Circulation Machine Benefits?

Spending hours on end sitting down at work, in the car, and around the house can certainly take a toll upon one’s health. The...
Squat Magic Review

Squat Magic: Butt Tightening & Toning Machine Easy To Use?

Squat Magic is a device that helps consumers to maintain the right form and resistance as they perform squats to tighten their muscles. The...

NuStep – Recumbent Cross Trainer For Full Body Cardio Workout?

As the human body starts to age, people should get more exercise to remain physically active. But, the problem is that it becomes increasingly difficult...
danette mays new you 30 day

Danette May’s New You 30-Day Weight Loss Challenge

The New You 30-Day Challenge is a diet and workout regimen that allows you to continue consuming many of the foods you love, while...

Peloton Subscription Services – How Does The Program Work?

Peloton is an exercise bike that comes with built-in spin classes. In order to use Peloton, you’ll need to lock into a subscription plan...
Ultimate Abs Stimulator

Ultimate Abs Stimulator – Electric Muscle Stimulation Fitness Belt?

The Ultimate Abs Stimulator is an accessory that activates the contractions of the abdominal muscles to help improve their strength and definition. The treatment is...

Sit n Cycle Exercise Bike – Low Impact Workout

Sit n Cycle Exercise Bike Review If you’ve watched any late night or early morning infomercials, then there’s a good chance you’ve already...
Core Max

Core Max – 8 Minutes A Day Full Body Shaping Workout...

Everyone wants to have a fit, healthy body. However, with life being so busy for most people, they often don’t have the time or...
Gymform Abs A Round Pro

Gymform Abs A Round Pro – Safe Core Fitness EMS Trainer...

The core of the human body includes a complex collection of essential muscles that are incorporated into every movement. The core is made up...